How many times have you found yourself at a loss for words when speaking Italian, or a little shy when starting a conversation in Italian with people you have just met? Or, after the person you were talking to is gone, you think to yourself… “I could have said this… I could have answered that…”
This is normal, but it is especially true for conversations in another language, where not all words, sentences, or structures might come to mind immediately.
This is why it makes sense to prepare a little “helper”, a “conversation kit,” to help get the communication going and to help improve your conversation in Italian.
In this guide, you will find conversation starters, appropriate reactions to specific questions, filler words and phrases, and everything else to improve your Italian conversation skills!
Get your cheat sheet ready and start a conversation!
Table of Contents- Make Your Own Conversation Cheat Sheet
- Italian Reactions Words and Expressions
- Learn Italian Filler Words
- Questions and Answers
- Italian Conversation Starters
- How to Improve your Conversation Skills
- Conclusion
1. Make Your Own Conversation Cheat Sheet
1- What’s a cheat sheet?
To improve your conversation in Italian, a conversation cheat sheet is the best way to quickly improve your skills by making a set of Italian words and phrases, lines, or expressions that you can learn and easily access when you need to start a conversation. It is a way to feel more secure and to be sure to always have topics and arguments that are interesting to you.
In this guide, we will give you some hints and suggestions (and many more you can find online), but ultimately, you are the one that will have to put together this list based on your profile, personality, and interests. And, of course, the type of Italian people you will have to interact with.
2- Why would I need one?
A conversation cheat sheet is very useful if you are a bit shy, a little insecure, and if you want to be sure you don’t get stuck without things to say and topics to tackle.
In fact, you can always start a conversation in Italian by introducing yourself and talking about the things you do and like. But this will only take you so far. You better be prepared to ask and answer questions about different topics in order to build relationships and friendships.
3- How do I make one?
A good way to start making your own conversation sheet is to make a brief description of who you are and what you like. Maybe mentioning what you did in your recent past and what you like and hope for the future.
Here is an example of a possible personal introduction to include in your conversation starter. Make sure you mention any particular or unusual event or hobby in your life. Those make great conversation starters!
Ciao, mi chiamo Jessica, sono americana e ho 28 anni. Da due anni, studio letteratura italiana all’Università di Bologna. Prima di venire in Italia, ho viaggiato molto e ho vissuto in diversi paesi. Sono fidanzata con un ragazzo brasiliano e mi piace molto leggere, cucinare e coltivare un orto in casa. |
“Hi, my name is Jessica, I am American and I’m 28. I have been studying Italian literature at the University of Bologna for two years. Before coming to Italy, I traveled a lot and lived in different countries. I am engaged to a Brazilian guy and I really enjoy reading, cooking and growing a vegetable garden at home.” |
Start by writing a small introduction
- ➜ If you’re a beginner, the best place to start is definitely our blog article on How to Introduce Yourself in Italian. It’s freely available on ItalianPod101.
Then, you can elaborate on individual parts and imagine how you would answer specific questions by gathering phrases and words specifically tailored to your needs.
4- Getting off to a good start
Don’t worry if you think it’s too hard for a beginner! There are plenty of resources you can use, depending on your level:
- Online translators are great tools to get fast translations into the target language. Make sure you translate simple sentences, and the translations will be mostly correct. Google translate is the most popular option, but you can also find other good tools.
- Other online tools such as Reverso context can help you with idioms and expressions, and they give a very good idea of how certain words or expressions are used in context.
- ItalianPod101 has tons of free content, blog articles, and vocabulary lists you can use. The lists are especially useful if you’re looking for a specific topic, as they’ll provide sentences and vocabulary that suit your specific needs.
- A personal teacher is the perfect strategy for learning fast and hard. Your teacher can guide you through the process of writing your conversation cheat sheet and fix any tiny mistakes. Be sure to check our private coaching service from our Premium PLUS offer.
2. Italian Reactions Words and Expressions
Have you ever talked to someone who remained completely silent until it got really awkward and you couldn’t tell if they were still paying attention? This is what reaction words and expressions are meant to prevent.
In this chapter, let’s see how to react to a statement by expressing excitement, curiosity, annoyance, or disbelief. It will help make your conversations smoother and more lively, as well avoiding awkward silences that would make the other person uncomfortable.
That’s Great! – Bene! / Bravo!
Q: Nel tempo libero gioco a basket. (“In my free time I play basketball.”) A: Bravo/a! Lo sport è importante. (“That’s great, sport is important!”) A: Bene! Possiamo giocare insieme qualche volta? (“Cool! Can we play together some time?”) |
Really? – Davvero?
Q: Non sono mai stato/a in Spagna. (“I’ve never been to Spain.”) A: Davvero? È bellissima, dovresti andarci. (“Really? It’s beautiful, you should go.”) |
I’m sorry… – Mi dispiace…
Q: Purtroppo non ho passato l’esame. (“Unfortunately I didn’t pass the test.”) A: Mi dispiace, quando potrai riprovare? (“I’m sorry. When will you able to try the test again?”) |
Unbelievable! – Incredibile!
Q: Non mi piace la pizza. (“I don’t like pizza.”) A: Incredibile! (“Unbelievable!”) [Formal or Casual] A: Seriamente? (“Seriously?”) [Formal or Casual] A: Non ci credo! (“No way!”) [Formal or Casual] A: Scherzi? (“Are you kidding?”) [Casual] A: Scherza? (“Are you kidding?”) [Formal] |
That’s too bad! – Peccato!
Q: Non posso venire al cinema. Devo studiare. (“I can’t come to the movie. I have to study.”) A: Peccato! Questo film è molto bello. (“Oh, that’s too bad! The movie is very good.”) [Formal or Casual] A: Che peccato! (“Oh, what a pity!) [Formal or Casual] |
Keep me updated! – Fammi sapere!
Q: Forse riesco a raggiungervi più tardi. (“I think I’ll be able to catch up with you later.”) A: OK, fammi sapere! (“Alright, let me know!”) [Casual] A: OK, tienimi al corrente! (“Alright, keep me posted!”) [Casual] A: Va bene, mi tenga aggiornato! (“Alright, keep me posted!”) [Formal] |
- ➜ This is just a quick list of common reaction words and phrases, but you can find a few more in our blog article on Intermediate Italian Phrases on ItalianPod101.
3. Learn Italian Filler Words
Now that you have the foundations of your conversation sheet let’s change the tempo and talk about something slightly weirder. Academic studies can prepare you for many things, but when you start a real conversation, you’ll hear a lot of strange sounds and words that don’t ring any bells.
Italian Filler words are these short useless sounds and words that locals use to fill the gaps. They exist in every language I know, and you don’t necessarily have to use them unless you want to sound genuinely local. However, learning about them so you can filter them out is very important.
Eh… la mela o la torta? (“Uh, apple or cake?”)
Here are some of the most common Italian filler words:
Italian: Eh… | English equivalent: “Uh…” |
Vorrei un cornetto e, eh… un cappuccino. (“I would like a cornetto and, uh… a cappuccino.”) Eh… non so proprio cosa scegliere. (“Uh… I don’t know what to choose.”) |
Italian: Beh – Be’ – Bene | English equivalent: “Well” |
Q: Vuoi ancora del vino? (“Will you have more wine?”) A: Be’, perché no? (“Well, why not?”) A: Vino? Be’ … non credo proprio. Devo guidare. (“Wine? Well… I don’t think so. I have to drive.”) |
Italian: Cioè | English equivalent: “Actually” |
Vengo domani, cioè, forse vengo. (“I’ll come tomorrow, actually, I’ll probably come.”) Ti telefonerò, cioè, ti manderò un messaggio. (“I’ll call you, actually, I’ll text you.”) |
Italian: Allora | English equivalent: “Well” or “So” |
Allora, cosa ne pensi? (“Well, what do you think?”) Allora, ci andiamo? (“So, shall we go?”) |
Do you want to know exactly how Italians use this filler word? Watch this hilarious scene from a popular series:
Italian: Vedi – Guarda (informal) Veda – Guardi (formal) | English equivalent: “You know” or “You see” |
Vedi, non è una scelta facile. (“It’s not an easy choice, you know.”) Guardi, vorrei solo parlarle cinque minuti. (“I just want to talk to you, you see.”) [Formal] |
Italian: Mah – Boh | English equivalent: “Who knows…” or “Well” |
Mah, non so proprio cosa fare. (“Well, I really don’t know what do do.”) Chi verrà alla festa? Boh! (“Who is coming to the party? Who knows!”) |
4. Questions and Answers
Conversation is often made of a sequence of questions and answers. Like a ping pong match: you ask something, get an answer and another question, you answer and ask something else, and so on. Asking questions is the fundamental brick to getting to know someone, establishing a common ground, finding out something new or interesting, and simply getting the flow of the conversation going.
And formulating a question in Italian is particularly easy compared to other languages, as there is no particular pattern: no word order inversion, no adding of extra words. You simply change your intonation and make it sound like a question. Easy, right?
And then, of course, you can always add some typical Italian gestures if you really want to sound and look like an Italian!
And now, let’s get back to your conversation cheat sheet and to fill it with questions (and answers) relevant to your personal story and interests.
Questions… questions… questions…
“Where are you from?”
Q: Di dove sei? [Casual] Q: Di dov’è lei? [Formal] A: Sono italiana, ma sono nata in Cile. (“I’m Italian, but I was born in Chile.”) A: Vengo dal Brasile. (“I come from Brazil.”) |
“Do you speak English?”
Q: Parli inglese? [Casual] Q: Lei parla inglese? [Formal] A: Non parlo inglese. (“I don’t speak English.”) A: Sono fluente/madre lingua in inglese. (“I am fluent/native in English.”) |
“What do you study?”
Q: Cosa studi? [Casual] Q: Che cosa studia? [Formal] A: Studio linguistica e letteratura. (“I study linguistics and literature.”) A: Sto facendo un dottorato in relazioni internazionali. (“I’m doing a PhD in international relations.”) |
“What kind of music do you like?”
Q: Che tipo di musica ti piace? [Casual] Q: Che tipo di musica le piace? [Formal] A: Mi piace il jazz e la musica classica. (“I love jazz and classical music.”) A: Ascolto soprattutto musica napoletana. (“I mostly listen to Neapolitan music.”) |
“What’s your job?”
Q: Che lavoro fai? [Casual] Q: Di cosa si occupa? [Formal] (literally: “What do you occupy yourself in?”) A: Sono idraulico. (“I’m a plumber.”) A: Lavoro nel marketing digitale. (“I work in digital marketing.”) |
“Why do you study Italian?”
Q: Perché studi l’italiano? [Casual] Q: Per quale motivo studia l’italiano? [Formal] A: Perché adoro il suono dell’italiano. (“Because I love the sound of Italian.”) A: Per motivi di lavoro. (“For work-related reasons.”) |
5. Italian Conversation Starters
Starting a conversation could be a difficult part of communicating. And doing it in another language makes it just a bit more challenging. And also, you may have noticed that while talking to some people is very easy, with someone else, you almost have to get the words out of their mouth.
But don’t worry! Just have some sentences ready in your sheet, and follow our examples, and you will be prepared for every situation.
Here are a few examples that you can use with different people and in various situations:
- Ti piace la cucina messicana?
“Do you like Mexican cuisine?” - Cosa fai nel fine settimana?
“What do you do on the weekend?” - Come hai conosciuto il tuo ragazzo / la tua ragazza?
“How did you meet your boyfriend / girlfriend?” - Puoi consigliarmi un bel film o serie da vedere?
(“Can you recommend a good movie or series to see?”) - Come ti trovi in questa città?
(“How do you like this city?”)
- ➜ There are countless conversation starters for every situation: strangers, people you already know, colleagues, schoolmates, romantic dates. For many more examples, you could stop by our full guide on Conversation Starters, on ItalianPod101.
Cosa fai nel fine settimana? (“What do you do on the weekend?”)
6- How to Improve your Conversation Skills
1- Use every opportunity to practice
Yes, practice makes perfect. Or at least, it helps to gain confidence, rehearse different scenarios, and to learn what strategies keep the conversation flow going. So, don’t be shy and use every opportunity you have to talk to people. Strangers at the bus station, friends of your friends, and even online chats are good places to start a conversation.
And don’t worry if you make a few mistakes or if you can’t find the right word. Just keep practicing and improving your conversation cheat sheet and keep building on that.
2- Exposure to real content
Did you know that when you are exposed to a lot of spoken Italian, you will learn vocabulary, idioms, and even grammatical structures much faster and in a more pleasant way than just working on grammar books and courses?
And since speaking Italian to real people is not always an option (you might want to stay home, or you are not in Italy, or your friends are not available), a very good alternative is to immerse yourself in real content. You will have lots of options: from Italian music, to podcasts, to movies. There are tons of resources to learn Italian online, and, of course, one of the very best is! 🙂
Reading is also a very good strategy to get familiar with a foreign language and to find interesting topics of conversation. Whether it’s the news, a novel, or the latest sport events, it’ll give you good material to discuss and, without even noticing, you will be learning new Italian words and phrases.
3- Find available partners to chat
If you are serious about improving your conversation in Italian, it is a good idea to find a partner to chat with in a consistent way. It could be another learner of Italian who is more or less at your same level, it could be someone interested in a conversation exchange.
What is that? You find a native Italian who would like to practice conversation to improve his/her English, for example. And when you meet in person, you can have a conversation half of the time in English and the other half in Italian. You can easily find lots of people interested in exchanging conversation. And you can probably find it also online!
Another way to go is by hiring a private teacher to make fast progress in your conversation skills, especially if you want to also improve grammar and pronunciation. You can likely find a private teacher or classroom-based sessions in your area, or subscribe to an online service such as our Premium PLUS coaching on ItalianPod101.
7. Conclusion
In this guide, you have learned how to improve your skills in speaking Italian. It all starts with making your own cheat sheet, then learning about various types of words and expressions specific to conversations: filler words, reaction phrases, questions, and answers. Do you want to share your thoughts about conversation skills? Do you want to know more Italian language learning resources? Let us know in the comments below!
On top of our bonus tips to improve your conversation skills, ItalianPod101 has tons of vocabulary lists with audio recordings and Free resources to boost your studies and keep your Italian learning fresh and entertaining!
Remember that you can also use our premium service, MyTeacher, to get personal 1-on-1 coaching and have your own private teacher to practice with BLEP words and more.
Along with assignments, personalized exercises, and recording audio samples just for you, your teacher will review your work and help improve your pronunciation. And keep having fun with ItalianPod101!
About the Author: Jessica Barbagallo grew up on the sunny island of Sicily, in the south of Italy. She has lived in Florence, Milan, New York, Vancouver, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo. After a career in digital marketing, she went back to what is most fun to her: teaching languages!
Countries and Nationalities in Italian
Possibly one of the first things you will be asked as a foreigner traveling or living in Italy, it will be: “Sei straniero? Da dove vieni?” (“Are you a foreigner? Where do you come from?”). That is why it is important to be able to answer with the appropriate vocabulary. And while it is certainly easy to learn and remember the vocabulary related to your nationality, you should be prepared to sustain a conversation about other countries and nationalities, of which there are quite a lot! But don’t worry, once you learn the names of the countries and the name of the nationalities in Italian, you will automatically also know the name of the language and the general adjective for anything related to that country.
Parlo francese ma non amo la cucina francese. (“I speak French but I don’t like french cooking.”)
Table of Contents- Italian Citizenship
- Countries & Continents
- Conversations About Nationalities
- Country, City, Nationality & Language
- Conclusion
1. Italian Citizenship
Even if we often use it to mean the same thing, nationality and citizenship are not necessarily the same. Nationality mainly indicates the cultural, religious, and traditions that link us to a country or to a state. On the other hand, citizenship represents your socio-political belonging to the country that issues your passport. So, if you have Italian citizenship, you can legally obtain an Italian passport, vote in the Italian elections, apply to public service, etc. In other words, you have full civil and political rights
If you have at least one Italian parent, you are immediately recognized as an Italian citizen whether you were born in Italy or a foreign country. This rule is called the “ius sanguinis“, which in Latin means, rather dramatically, “law of the blood.” This law also applies to adopted children.
But there are other ways to become Italian citizens. In fact, in the last few years in Italy there has been an increasing number of people applying for Italian citizenship.
So, what are the requirements to apply for citizenship in Italy?
- Citizenship by marriage (after two years of marriage)
- Citizenship by residence (after five years of uninterrupted residence)
- Citizenship by descent (by demonstrating that you descent from an Italian ancestor)
Over a million people have acquired Italian citizenship in the last decade, of which nearly 800,000 in the last five years. The most represented citizenships of origin are Albanian (26,000 acquisitions, 20.5% of the total), Moroccan (12.5%), Brazilian (8.4%), and Romanian (8%).
2. Countries & Continents
1- Gender and Agreement
In Italian, most countries are singular feminine (l’Italia, la Francia, la Tunisia, l’Irlanda, la Cina, etc. (“Italy, France, Tunisia, Ireland, China,”), but there are exceptions. Some countries are singular masculine, like il Canada (Canada) or il Giappone (Japan), while others are plural, like gli Stati Uniti (The USA) or i Paesi Bassi (The Netherlands).
As you can see from the examples, when talking about a country you always use the article in front of the country name. In fact, if you learn the countries vocabulary together with the article, it will help you remember the gender and use the right agreement.
La Francia è bellissima. (“France is beautiful.”)
La verde Irlanda è molto piovosa in autunno. (“The green Ireland is very rainy in autumn.”)
Gli Stati Uniti sono entrati in guerra nel 1941. (“The United States entered the war in 1941”)
La Sicilia è bellissima! (“Sicily is very beautiful!”)
2- Names and Adjectives
Once you know the country’s name, you could try and guess how to say the word for the people living there and the language spoken there. In fact, the name of the inhabitants and the language spoken in any specific country are the same.
And don’t forget, if you are talking about the people of a specific country, you should use the initial capital letter (gli Italiani, i Canadesi). At the same time, if it’s simply an adjective, there is no need to capitalize, even if you are talking about people (un ragazzo italiano, un ristorante cinese, etc. “an Italian guy, a Chinese restaurant”).
Here are a few examples:
Country’s name | Noun | Adjective |
L’Italia (“Italy”) | Un italiano, Un’italiana (An Italian) | italiano (Italian) |
L’Inghilterra (“England”) | Un inglese, Un’inglese (An Englishman/woman or a British person) | inglese (English) |
La Cina (“China”) | Un cinese, Una cinese (A Chinese) | cinese (Chinese) |
Did you notice how, to make an adjective out of the name of the country, you sometimes add the suffix -ano/ana (italiano, americana, etc.), other times you add -ese (inglese, cinese, giapponese). These are by far the most common, but you can find other (and sometimes bizarre) ways to for the adjective, such as spagnolo, austriaco, guatemalteco, yemenita.
And in some cases, the adjective has absolutely nothing to do with the root of the country’s name, as in the case of la Germania >> il tedesco… (“Germany >> German”).
There is no rule there, so, unfortunately, you will have to memorize them…
3- Who Comes to Italy, How, and Why?
The majority of the tourists visiting Italy come from neighboring countries. Lately, because of Covid, the number and the proportion of nationalities have changed. In this study prepared by Banca d’Italia, we see the ranking of nationalities visiting Italy in 2019:
17.2% | Germany | La Germania (F) | Tedesco/a |
12.5% | United States | Gli Stati Uniti (M, PL) | Americano/a |
9.9% | France | La Francia (F) | Francese |
8.6% | United Kingdom | Il Regno Unito (M) | Britannico/a |
5.7% | Switzerland | La Svizzera (F) | Svizzero/a |
4.8% | Austria | L’ Austria (F) | Austriaco/a |
4.2% | Canada | Il Canada (M) | Canadese |
3.8% | Spain | La Spagna (F) | Spagnolo/a |
3% | Nederland | I Paesi Bassi (M, PL) Incorrectly called: L’Olanda (M) | Olandese |
2.5% | Australia | L’Australia (F) | Australiano/a |
The study made by the Bank of Italy also mentions what are the main reasons for foreigners to travel to Italy, how they travel and how and other information that may not be so interesting to you… but they are a good way to increase the Italian vocabulary needed to hold a conversation about your trip and visit to Italy. Or maybe to be more comfortable when you go through customs at the airport or at any Italian borders.
Motivo del viaggio? (“Reason to travel?”)
Motivo del viaggio? (“Reasons to travel?”)
- – Vacanza. (“Vacation.”)
– Visita a parenti o amici. (“Visit to friends or relatives.”)
– Motivi personali. (“Personal reasons.”)
Dove alloggi? (“Where do you stay?”)
- – Albergo. (“Hotel.”)
– Ospite da parenti o amici. (“With relatives and friends.”)
– Casa in affitto. (“Rental house.”)
– Bed & breakfast.
Che tipo di destinazione preferisci? (“What type of destination do you prefer?”)
- – Culturale, città d’arte. (“City, art, culture.”)
– Al mare. (“At the beach.”)
– Al lago. (“At the lake.”)
– In montagna. (“In the mountains.”)
Come sei arrivato in Italia? (“How did you arrive to Italy?”)
- –In aereo. (“Flying.”)
– In macchina. (“By car.”)
– In treno. (“By train.”)
– In nave. (By ship.”)
- ➜ Do you need to learn more Vocabulary for Nationalities? Check out ItalianPod101 for the perfect free vocabulary list for you!
4- Continents in Italian
Europe | L’Europa (F) | Europeo/a |
Asia | L’Asia (F) | Asiatico/a |
Africa | L’Africa (F) | Africano/a |
America | L’America (F) | Americano/a |
Oceania | L’Oceania(F) | Oceaniano/a* |
Antarctica | L’Antartide | Do people live there? |
*This noun or adjective is rarely used, and Italians tend to call people from Oceania -improperly- Australiani (“Australians”) even when they are Neozelandesi (“New Zealanders”).
Vengo dall’Antartide. (“I come from Antarctica.”)
Especially when talking about great geographical areas, you might need a bit more geographical references such as points and their use:
North | Il nord |
South | Il sud |
East | L’est |
West | L’ovest |
For example:
Il nord Africa. (“North Africa.”)
Il sud America. (“South America.”)
L’Europa dell’est. (“Eastern Europe.”)
Il Polo nord e il Polo sud. (“North and South Pole.”)
but also
North | Il settentrione / settentrionale |
South | Il meridione / meridionale |
East | L’oriente / orientale |
West | L’occidente / occidentale |
For example:
Milano si trova nell’Italia settentrionale. (“Milan is in northern Italy”)
Il meridione comprende le regioni italiane a sud di Roma. (“Southern Italy includes all regions below Rome.”)
Il muro di Berlino separava la Germania orientale e occidentale. (“The Berlin Wall used to separate East and West Germany.”)
3. Conversations About Nationalities
When you meet someone new in a foreign country, one of the first topics of conversation that comes up is countries and nationalities. People will ask you where you’re from and possibly how and why you are traveling.
As always with Italian, depending if you are talking to friends or people your age, you will use the casual form of address, or the formal mode, if you are talking with older people or if you are in a very formal setting.
Conversations about nationalities are great icebreakers.
1- Questions & Answers
How to Ask Someone Their Nationality
In this part, introduce a few common ways to ask about nationality. You can briefly explain the differences.
English | [Casual >> tu] | [Formal >> Lei] |
Where are you from? | Da dove vieni? or Di dove sei? | Da dove viene? or Di dov’è? |
What country are you from? | Da quale paese vieni? | Da quale paese viene? |
What is your nationality? | Qual è la tua nazionalità? | Qual è la sua nazionalità? |
Are you from France? | Vieni dalla Francia? | Viene dalla Francia? |
Are you French? | Sei francese? | È francese? |
Here are some examples on how to answer questions about nationalities:
- Sei inglese? No, sono Giapponese. (“Are you British? No, I’m Japanese.”)
- Sono americana, ma i miei genitori vengono dalla Cina. (“I am American, but my parents come from China.”)
- Da dove vieni? Vengo dall’Austria, sono austriaca. (“Where do you come from? I come from Austria, I am Austrian.”)
- Sei tedesco? Sì, sono tedesco, di Berlino. (“You are German? Yes, I’m German, from Berlin.”)
And a few more advanced ones:
- Sono nata in Cile ma sono cresciuta in Italia. (“I was born in Chile, but I grew up in Italy.”)
- Sono brasiliano e italiano. Ho la doppia cittadinanza. (“I’m Brazilian and Italian. I have dual citizenship.”)
- Sono cinese ma vivo in Svizzera. (“I’m Chinese, but I live in Switzerland.”)
- Sono cinese ma abito in Svizzera. (“I’m Chinese, but I live in Switzerland.”)
- Sono italiana ma vivo in Francia da tre anni. (“I’m Italian, but I’ve been living in France for three years.”)
- Mi trasferisco in Inghilterra l’anno prossimo. (“I am moving to England next year.”)
- ➜ For more ice-breakers and conversation starters, we have a free vocabulary list on ItalianPod101 with the Top 15 questions you should know.
2- Prepositions
One thing you definitely need to pay attention to when you talk about places, countries, and cities is the choice of the preposition you need to use.
The general rule is that
- when you are, or when you go to a country, a continent, or an island, you use in;
- When you are, or when you go to a city, you use a;
Vado in vacanza a Roma, in Italia. (“I’m going on vacation to Rome, Italy.”)
Abito in Francia, a Parigi. (“I live in France, in Paris.”)
Sono cresciuta in Sicilia, a Palermo. (“I grew up in Sicily, in Palermo.”)
But notice that when you come back, then the preposition changes into:
- Da when you are coming back from a city;
- Da + article when you are coming back from a country, a continent, an island;
Mario è tornato dall’Italia, da Roma. (“Mario has returned from Italy, from Rome.”)
Quando partirai dalla Sardegna? (“When will you leave Sardinia?”)
Molti sono emigrati dall’Europa in America. (“Many have emigrated from Europe to America.”)
- ➜ If you want to get deeper into Italian prepositions, check out this lesson on ItalianPod101.
4. Country, City, Nationality & Language
Now, let’s go back to a list of countries and expand with what we’ve learned: Name of the country, name of the nationality and language, and name of the major city. You will notice that some of the city’s names are translated… does it happen in your native language too?
How many of these languages do you speak?
Let’s start with the same table we saw earlier, adding more countries and nationalities.
Country | Italian | Nationality/Language | Major City |
Germany | La Germania (F) | Tedesco/a | Francoforte (Frankfurt) |
United States | Gli Stati Uniti (M, PL) | Americano/a | New York |
France | La Francia (F) | Francese | Parigi (Paris) |
United Kingdom | Il Regno Unito (M) | Britannico/a | Londra (London) |
Switzerland | La Svizzera (F) | Svizzero/a | Zurigo (Zurich) |
Austria | L’ Austria (F) | Austriaco/a | Vienna |
Canada | Il Canada (M) | Canadese | Toronto |
Spain | La Spagna (F) | Spagnolo/a | Barcellona (Barcelona) |
Nederland | I Paesi Bassi (M, PL) | Olandese | Amsterdam |
Australia | L’Australia (F) | Australiano/a | Sidney |
Brazil | Il Brasile(M) | Brasiliano/a | Rio de Janeiro |
Russia | La Russia (F) | Russo/a | Mosca (Moscow) |
India | L’India (F) | Indiano/a | Nuova Delhi (New Delhi) |
Japan | Il Giappone (M) | Giapponese | Tokyo |
Peru | il Peru (M) | Peruviano/a | Lima |
Portugal | Il Portogallo (M) | Portoghese | Lisbona (Lisbon) |
Tunisia | La Tunisia (F) | Tunisino/a | Tunisi (Tunis) |
China | La Cina (F) | Cinese | Pechino (Beijing) |
Kenia | Il Kenia (F) | Keniano | Nairobi |
Turkey | La Turchia (F) | Turco/a | Istanbul |
Now you have all you need to use the vocabulary about nationalities, countries, languages, and cities, and you are ready to combine them all to introduce yourself and start a conversation.
Here are some examples:
- Sono tedesca. Sono nata a Francoforte, ma adesso vivo a Ginevra, in Svizzera.
(“I’m German. I was born in Frankfurt, but now I live in Geneva, Switzerland.”) - Sono americano, ma sono cresciuto nel Nord Africa.
(“I’m American, but I grew up in Northern Africa.”) - Siamo brasiliani, ma abitiamo a Londra da qualche anno con la nostra famiglia.
(“We are Brazilians but we’ve been living in London for a few years with our family.”) - Sono francese e vivo a Montreal, in Canada. Sapevi che in Quebec si parla francese?
(“I’m French and I live in Montreal, Canada. Did you know that in Quebec they speak French?”) - Mi sono trasferita in Brasile tre mesi fa. Non parlo ancora bene il portoghese.
(“I moved to Brazil three months ago. I still don’t speak Portuguese well.”)
- Sono italiano e brasiliano. Sono cresciuto e Rio de Janeiro e ha la doppia cittadinanza.
(“I am Italian and Brazilian. I grew up in Rio de Janeiro and have dual citizenship.”) - È spagnola, ma parla benissimo il francese e fa un corso di cucina francese.
(“She is Spanish, but speaks French very well and takes a French cooking class..”)
- ➜ Telling where you’re from and what language you speak is a great starting point. To go a bit further, you can check out our vocabulary list with ten lines to introduce yourself in Italian on ItalianPod101.
5. Conclusion
In this guide, you have learned everything about nationalities, from the names of countries and cities to adjectives and languages, capitalization rules, gender agreement, and prepositions. You also learned about the countries that are often visiting Italy, and how they spend their stay.
You should now be ready to break the ice in any situation, introduce yourself at your arrival, and even form some complex sentences with all these new words.
Did I forget any important topic on nationalities or country names you’re interested in? Feel free to share it with your fellow students in the comments below!
A good exercise to practice nationality vocabulary is to create fictional introductions where you combine the name of countries and cities, languages, and adjectives, using the right genders and prepositions. You can start simple and gradually add more complexity when you feel comfortable enough.
ItalianPod101 also has tons of vocabulary lists with audio recordings and free resources to boost your studies and keep your Italian learning fresh and entertaining!
Remember that you can also use our Premium PLUS service, MyTeacher, to get personal 1-on-1 coaching with your own private teacher so that you can practice these new words and much more.
Along with assignments, personalized exercises, and recording audio samples just for you, your teacher will review your work and help improve your pronunciation. Have fun with ItalianPod101!
Learn the Most Useful Advanced Italian Phrases
Have you been studying Italian for a while? If so, it’s time to step up your skills and venture into more advanced scenarios. In this guide, we have listed a great number of advanced phrases, structures, and idioms that will help you show competence and confidence in the most diverse of environments.
It is important to study advanced Italian phrases because it will allow you to fit right in wherever you are. For example, if you plan on attending an Italian university, knowing advanced phrases will help you write an essay or perform well in an oral exam. Or, you might need to submit your resume to apply for your dream job; advanced phrases will definitely help with that while also giving you more confidence when it’s time for your interview. And how about participating in business meetings? Do you have the necessary skills? In any of these situations, our guide to the most useful advanced Italian phrases will help you demonstrate your Italian proficiency.
So, let’s start right away: prendi due piccioni con una fava. Learn useful advanced Italian phrases while having fun with ItalianPod101! And if you want to know what that phrase means, just keep reading until the end, where you’ll find a fascinating chapter about Italian idioms.
Are you ready for some advanced Italian phrases?
Table of Contents- Advanced Italian Phrases for Academic Writing
- Advanced Italian Phrases for Your Cover Letter
- Advanced Italian Phrases for Business and Meetings
- Advanced Italian Idioms, Sayings, and Proverbs for Everyday Usage
- Conclusion
1. Advanced Italian Phrases for Academic Writing
Italian universities offer great opportunities for foreign students to study topics related to Italian culture and to take advanced economy or science courses. Although you can find classes in English, being enrolled in an Italian university—especially for advanced studies—means that you’ll need to know sufficient Italian to sustain complex conversations, hold interviews, and write structured and coherent text for assignments and essays.
Below, you’ll find several advanced Italian phrases you can use to structure your essay, organize your thoughts, prove your point, and present your opinion or thesis.
Per prima cosa / La cosa più importante “First of all” / “First and foremost” |
Per prima cosa, cominciamo a definire i nostri obiettivi. “First of all, we start by defining our goals.” |
In vista di / In considerazione di “In view of” / “In consideration of” |
In vista del prossimo esame, passerò più tempo in biblioteca. “In view of the upcoming exam, I will be spending more time in the library.” |
Secondo quanto detto da X / In riferimento alle opinioni di X “According to what X said” |
Secondo quanto detto da Leonardo a proposito del volo, se lo provi una volta continuerai sempre a guardare il cielo. “According to what Leonardo said about flying, if you try it once, you will be forever looking at the sky.” |
Inoltre / In aggiunta “Furthermore” / “In addition” |
In aggiunta a quanto già detto, possiamo affermare che questa scoperta è un’assoluta novità. “In addition to what has already been said, we can say that this discovery is an absolute novelty.” |
A questo scopo / Con questa intenzione “For this purpose” / “With this intention” |
A questo scopo, è utile sfruttare tutte le conoscenze acquisite fin qui. “For this purpose, it is useful to exploit all the knowledge acquired so far.” |
In altre parole / In breve “In other words” / “In short” |
In altre parole, l’autore ha voluto esprimere il suo dolore in questa poesia. “In other words, the author wanted to express his pain in this poem.” |
Allo stesso modo / Ugualmente “Similarly” / “Likewise” |
Allo stesso modo, dobbiamo riconsiderare anche il nostro approccio. “Likewise, we must also reconsider our approach.” |
Un altro fattore chiave da ricordare / Un aspetto ugualmente significante “Another key factor to remember” / “An equally significant aspect” |
Un altro fattore chiave da ricordare è che non tutti gli elementi fanno parte di un gruppo. “Another key factor to remember is that not all elements are part of a group.” |
Al contrario / D’altro canto / In alternativa “Conversely” / “On the other hand” / “Alternatively” |
D’altro canto, non possiamo affermarlo con certezza. “On the other hand, we cannot say that with certainty.” |
In confronto a / Rispetto a “In comparison with” / “Compared to” |
Rispetto al Medioevo, la nostra vita è estremamente sicura. “Compared to the Middle Ages, modern life is extremely safe.” |
Nonostante questo / Ciò nonostante “Despite this” / “Nevertheless” |
Ciò nonostante, tutti gli indizi supportano la nostra teoria. “Nevertheless, all the clues support our theory.” |
A prova di ciò / Per fare un esempio “As proof of this” / “To give an example” |
Per fare un esempio, il 1881 fu un anno controverso. “For example, 1881 was a controversial year.” |
Questo spiega come / Se ne può dedurre che / Ne consegue che “This explains how” / “It can be deduced that” / “It follows that” |
Se ne può dedurre che la somma dei lati equivale al perimetro. “It can be deduced that the sum of the sides equals the perimeter.” |
Si può notare che / La cosa più significativa “It can be noted that” / “The most significant thing” |
Si può notare che gli studi di genere si sono moltiplicati negli ultimi decenni. “It can be noted that gender studies have multiplied in recent decades.” |
Tutto considerato “All things considered” |
Tutto considerato, questo corso mi è stato veramente utile. “All things considered, this course was really helpful to me.” |
In conclusione / In ultima analisi / Volendo riassumere “In conclusion” / “Ultimately” / “Wanting to summarize” |
In ultima analisi, l’apprendimento di una lingua dipende da tanti fattori. “Ultimately, learning a language depends on many factors.” |
To write a good essay, you first have to organize your thoughts.
- ➜ Remember that the correct use of connecting adverbs will help you to convey your point more convincingly. These and more you can find in our free vocabulary list on!
2. Advanced Italian Phrases for Your Cover Letter
Writing the perfect cover letter is an art…
First of all, it’s essential that your cover letter be personalized for each job you’re applying to. You will need to research every company you’re sending an application to so that you can say something in your letter that applies directly and only to them.
It’s also necessary that you use phrases and concepts that stand out. You want to be memorable, but at the same time, you don’t want the employer to think you’re trying too hard.
Here are some advanced action phrases that will help you get your dream job. You can also use them in your interviews to make sure you leave a great impression.
La contatto per sottoporre la mia candidatura. “I’m contacting you to submit my application.” |
Sono sicuro/a di essere la persona adatta per questa posizione. “I am sure I am the right person for this position.” |
Sono certo/a di possedere tutte le qualifiche indicate nell’annuncio di lavoro. “I am sure that I have all the qualifications indicated in the job advertisement.” |
Possiedo una vasta esperienza nel campo di ___. “I have extensive experience in the field of ___.” |
La vostra offerta di lavoro ha particolarmente suscitato la mia attenzione. “Your job offer has particularly caught my attention.” |
La mia formazione accademica in ___ mi ha permesso di acquisire ottime competenze in ___. “My academic training in ___ allowed me to acquire excellent skills in ___.” |
Sono alla ricerca di nuove sfide. “I am looking for new challenges.” |
Sarei felice di poterLa incontrare per discutere la mia candidatura. “I would be happy to meet you to discuss my application.” |
Ho ottime capacità analitiche e una comprovata esperienza nella risoluzione di problemi. “I have excellent analytical skills and a proven track record in problem-solving.” |
Writing the perfect resume is an art!
And finally, here are a few ways to end your letter:
Cordiali saluti. | “Yours sincerely.” |
La saluto cordialmente. | “Cordial greetings.” |
Le auguro una buona giornata. | “I wish you a good day.” |
Resto in attesa di un cortese riscontro. | “I look forward to a kind reply.” |
Grazie per la vostra cortese attenzione. | “Thanks for your kind attention.” |
- ➜ If you need some more help to really make an impact, why not try our free vocabulary list Words and Phrases for Writing Your Resume on
3. Advanced Italian Phrases for Business and Meetings
It’s normal to be a little nervous before a business meeting. Sometimes, the stakes are high; this makes it important to be clear and to get everybody on board. This is why good preparation for a meeting starts with organizing what you want to say and how.
You can begin by clarifying what you’re trying to achieve and showing the meeting agenda. Doing a good job of preparation will boost your confidence and set you up for a successful meeting. But don’t forget that meetings can be fun and relaxed, so don’t be afraid to use informal or slang expressions.
To help you prepare, here’s a list of advanced Italian phrases to help you perfectly manage meetings and groups in any situation.
L’ordine del giorno “Today’s agenda” |
L’argomento principale dell’ordine del giorno è il rinnovo dell’impresa. “The main topic on today’s agenda is the renewal of the company.” |
La scadenza “The deadline” |
Non possiamo posticipare in nessun modo la scadenza del progetto. “We cannot postpone the project deadline in any way.” |
Avere tutto sotto controllo “To have everything under control” |
La cosa più importante è avere la situazione sotto controllo. “The most important thing is to have the situation under control.” |
Prendere una decisione difficile “To make a difficult decision” |
In autunno, saremo costretti a prendere una decisione difficile. “In the fall, we will be forced to make a difficult decision.” |
Soppesare i pro e i contro “To weigh the pros and cons” |
Nell’affrontare una situazione, bisogna sempre soppesare i pro e i contro. “In dealing with a situation, you must always weigh the pros and cons.” |
Pensare in maniera strategica “To think strategically” |
Bravi! Avete dimostrato di pensare in maniera strategica. “Well done! You have demonstrated that you think strategically.” |
Lo stato dell’arte “The state of the art” |
Il nostro prodotto rappresenta lo stato dell’arte in materia ambientale. “Our product represents the state of the art in environmental matters.” |
Mettere le carte in tavola “To put the cards on the table” |
È opportuno mettere le carte in tavola: l’onestà prima di tutto. “It is appropriate to put the cards on the table: honesty first of all.” |
Giocare secondo le regole “To play by the rules” |
In questa azienda, abbiamo sempre giocato secondo le regole. “At this company, we have always played by the rules.” |
Mettere in piedi/in pista un progetto “To set up a project” |
Il progetto che vogliamo mettere in piedi, rappresenta il futuro della nostra società. “The project we want to set up represents the future of our company.” |
Mantenere i nervi saldi “To keep your nerve” |
Nelle situazioni difficili, è fondamentale mantenere i nervi saldi. “In difficult situations, it is essential to keep your nerve.” |
Dare il beneficio del dubbio “To give the benefit of the doubt” |
Vogliamo dare ai nostri concorrenti il beneficio del dubbio su questo punto. “We want to give our competitors the benefit of the doubt on this point.” |
Business meetings don’t have to be stressful…
- ➜ If you want to get totally prepared for your business meetings, pick up more expressions from our free vocabulary list Phrases for Doing Business Successfully on You won’t regret it!
4. Advanced Italian Idioms, Sayings, and Proverbs for Everyday Usage
To end this guide to advanced Italian phrases, we couldn’t omit the idiomatic expressions. These, along with sayings and proverbs, represent the backbone of communication in any language. But while they’re used by native speakers every day and comprise an essential part of Italian for advanced learners, you’ll have a hard time finding them in textbooks.
In your everyday conversations with Italians, you’ll find that they tend to pop up all the time. Do your homework here, and surprise your Italian friends and colleagues by using just the right idiom or expression.
Salvare capra e cavoli “To save both the goat and the cabbage” Meaning: To keep everybody happy; To have one’s cake and eat it too |
Con questa soluzione rischiosa, siamo riusciti a salvare capra e cavoli. “With this risky solution, we managed to keep everybody happy.” |
Prendere due piccioni con una fava “To kill two birds with one stone” Meaning: To obtain the best outcome with the least amount of effort |
Brava! Così hai preso due piccioni con una fava. “Good job! This way, you killed two birds with one stone.” |
Rompere il ghiaccio “To break the ice” Meaning: To do something that removes the embarrassment during an initial meeting between people who don’t know each other |
Per rompere il ghiaccio, vorrei iniziare questa riunione con un piccolo gioco. “To break the ice, I’d like to start this meeting with a little game.” |
Braccia rubate all’agricoltura “Labor force (lit. ‘arms’) stolen from agriculture” Meaning: A mockery towards someone who is not suitable to fill the role he occupies |
Molti uomini politici sono incompetenti. Tutte braccia rubate all’agricoltura! “Many politicians are incompetent. All laborers stolen from agriculture!” |
Chi va piano, va sano e va lontano. “Who goes slow and steady wins.” Literally: Who goes slow, goes safe and goes far. |
Non bisogna avere fretta, dopotutto chi va piano va sano va lontano! “You don’t need to hurry; after all, those who go slow and steady win!” |
Restare a bocca asciutta “To be left with nothing” Literally: To be left with a dry mouth |
Hai voluto esagerare con la tua offerta, e adesso sei rimasto a bocca asciutta. “You wanted to overdo your offer, and now you are left with nothing.” |
Trattare a pesci in faccia “To treat someone very badly” Literally: To slap somebody on the face with a fish |
Non accetto il loro comportamento. Mi hanno trattato a pesci in faccia. “I don’t accept their behavior. They treated me with utter disrespect.” |
A colpo d’occhio “At a glance” |
A colpo d’occhio la situazione è abbastanza complicata. “At a glance, the situation is quite complicated.” |
Un’arma a doppio taglio “A double-edged sword” Meaning: Something that is both helpful and harmful to someone/something |
La nostra strategia è stata parzialmente vincente: si è dimostrata un’arma a doppio taglio. “Our strategy was partially successful, but it proved to be a double-edged sword.” |
Dare i numeri “To go nuts” / “To say whatever” Literally: Throwing out numbers |
Proprio non ti capisco… Stai cominciando a dare i numeri. “I just don’t understand you… You’re starting to go nuts.” |
Andare a rotoli “To go to pieces” / “To fall apart” Literally: To go into rolls |
Non posso stare a guardare il mondo andare a rotoli. “I can’t sit back and watch the world fall apart.” |
Mettere il bastone fra le ruote “To hinder/impede/boycott/thwart somebody” Literally: To put a spoke in the wheels |
Ogni volta che comincio un nuovo progetto, qualcuno mi mette i bastoni fra le ruote. “Every time I start a new project, someone hinders me.” |
Fare la parte del leone “Play the lion’s share” Meaning: Unfairly hoard everything (or almost everything) |
In questo affare, i primi investitori hanno fatto la parte del leone. “In this deal, early investors got the lion’s share.” |
Per prima cosa, bisogna rompere il ghiaccio. (“First of all, we need to break the ice.”)
- ➜ You can find more expressions on our list titled Essential Idioms That Will Make You Sound Like a Native Speaker. It’s available for free on
5. Conclusion
In this guide, you have learned many advanced Italian phrases that you’ll be able to use for cover letters, business meetings, and other social interactions. Did we forget any important structure or expression you’d like to learn more about? Feel free to let us know in the comments below!
Keep having fun with ItalianPod101 and our great variety of free resources designed to help you practice grammar and learn new words. Make sure you check our free vocabulary lists as well, where you can find useful words (along with their pronunciation) spanning a vast range of topics.
Remember that you can also use our Premium PLUS service, MyTeacher, to get personal 1-on-1 coaching. Your own private teacher will help you practice with advanced phrases and more, give you assignments, provide personalized exercises, and record audio samples just for you.
Not sure where to start? We recommend creating your free lifetime account and checking out the Level 5 pathway for some advanced Italian lessons.
Happy learning!
Useful Italian Phrases for the Intermediate Level
Now is the time to step up in your Italian studies. As you get ready to surpass the beginner level, you’ll need to practice using more tenses (past, future, conditional) and memorize several ready-to-use intermediate Italian phrases. To help you level up with confidence, we have prepared a list of the 50+ most common (and useful) intermediate Italian phrases for a variety of contexts. This guide will bring to your disposal all the must-know phrases for telling stories about the recent past, asking for advice, recommending a restaurant to someone, and more.
If you ever want to go deeper with your learning or have any questions, take a look at all the available Italian lessons, free resources, and interactive material on!
Table of Contents- Talking About Past Events
- Making and Changing Plans
- Explaining and Listing Reasons
- Making Recommendations and Complaints
- Reaction Phrases for Everyday Conversations
- Etiquette Phrases for Social and Business Settings
- Conclusion
1. Talking About Past Events
So, you have already mastered simple sentences in the present. You can introduce yourself, describe yourself, ask for simple things, and give simple instructions.
It’s time now to venture into more complex sentence structures, such as those for talking about stories or memorable experiences from the past. It could be talking about a recent night out or giving information about your family or your childhood. And if you want to learn even more conversational phrases, here you go!
When you talk about the past in Italian, you cannot avoid needing to decide between passato prossimo and imperfetto. If you need a little help with this, make sure you check out this lesson to see a good example and explanation of their use.
Ready? Here are some intermediate Italian phrases for discussing the past.
Che bella serata! (“What a nice night!”)
È stata una bella serata! |
It was a beautiful evening! |
Another way of saying the same thing: Che bella serata! (“What a beautiful evening!”) |
Ci siamo divertiti moltissimo ieri sera. |
We had a lot of fun last night. |
Ho iniziato a lavorare nel 2017. |
I started working in 2017. |
Sono stato a Roma 3 anni fa. |
I was in Rome three years ago. |
Da piccolo/a avevo tanti amici. |
As a child, I had many friends. |
Literally: “As little, I had many friends.” You find the same construction with da ragazzo/a (“as a young boy/young girl”) and da giovane (“as a young man/woman”). |
Mia nonna era pugliese. |
My grandmother was from Puglia. |
L’anno scorso sono stata in vacanza al mare. |
Last year, I went on vacation at the beach. |
Siamo stati sposati per 7 anni. |
We’ve been married for seven years. |
2. Making and Changing Plans
Making and changing plans in the immediate future is something that you’ll often need to do when interacting with friends and colleagues, organizing an event or meeting, or putting together a fun party.
Are things getting complicated? Don’t worry. Just learn these simple intermediate Italian phrases, and they’ll help get you out of any trouble. Notice that even though we’re talking about the immediate future, in Italian, we don’t always need to use the future tense. Using the present tense with the appropriate temporal adverb is usually enough to convey that we’re talking about the future.
Posso portare qualche amico? (“Can I bring a few friends?”)
Sei pronta per uscire? |
Are you ready to go out? |
Sei disponibile per una riunione domani? |
Are you available for a meeting tomorrow? |
Ne parliamo dopo. |
Let’s talk about it later. |
Notice the use of ne, meaning “of it” or “about it.” |
Possiamo rinviare l’appuntamento alla settimana prossima? |
Can we postpone the appointment until next week? |
Posso portare qualche amico? |
Can I bring some friends? |
Notice that the indefinite adjective qualche, even though it means “some,” is always followed by a noun in the singular. |
Facciamo una videochiamata per entrare nei dettagli. |
Let’s have a video call to get into the details. |
3. Explaining and Listing Reasons
Sometimes, you’ll find yourself in situations where you will have to explain what happened or give reasons for your actions. Once you reach an intermediate level of proficiency in Italian, it’s important that you’re able to do this with relative ease. But don’t worry about it! We’re here to help you with some ready-to-use intermediate Italian phrases for giving reasons and explanations.
If you need more intermediate Italian vocabulary, check out our free dictionary on, where you can search for specific words and listen to their perfect pronunciation!
Sei di nuovo in ritardo! (“You’re late again!”)
Sono in ritardo perché non ho sentito la sveglia. |
I’m late because I didn’t hear the alarm. |
Questo è il motivo per cui non mi piace. |
This is why I don’t like it. |
Literally: “This is the reason for which I don’t like it.” Note that cui is the relative pronoun (just like che – “that”) that we use together with prepositions such as di, a, da, in, con, su, per, tra, fra (“of, to, from, on, in, with, for, by, among”). |
Ti do tre buone ragioni per non uscire stasera: primo, sta piovendo tantissimo; secondo, ho preparato una buonissima lasagna; infine… non ne ho voglia! |
I’ll give you three good reasons not to go out tonight: First, it’s raining a lot; then, I prepared a very good lasagna; finally…I don’t feel like it! |
Piove troppo, quindi resto a casa. |
It’s raining too much, so I’m staying at home. |
Devi assolutamente venire alla mia festa, altrimenti mi arrabbio! |
You absolutely must come to my party; otherwise, I will get mad! |
Visto che non hai capito, te lo spiego di nuovo. |
Since you didn’t understand, I’ll explain it again. |
4. Making Recommendations and Complaints
How do we know if something is good or not so good? We usually rely on friends’ recommendations or, now that we’re in the era of social media, opinions and comments left by users on internet platforms.
So, let’s get ready to give five stars or to voice our complaints!
- ➜ And, if you’re lucky enough to go to an Italian restaurant, check out our free restaurant vocabulary list.
Posso reclamare col cuoco? (“Can I complain to the chef?”)
È un piatto fantastico. Dovresti provarlo. |
It’s a wonderful dish. You should try it. |
Te lo consiglio vivamente. |
I strongly recommend it. |
È il miglior ristorante della città. |
It’s the best restaurant in town. |
È la miglior pizza di Napoli. |
It’s Napoli’s best pizza. |
È un hotel bello ed economico. Sicuramente ci tornerò. |
It’s a nice and cheap hotel. I’ll definitely go back. |
Il servizio in quel locale non è un granchè. |
The service in that place is not that great. |
Mi sono lamentato con il servizio clienti. |
I complained to the customer service. |
5. Reaction Phrases for Everyday Conversations
In any conversation, it’s important to have the right reaction to what we’re being told. This helps us better empathize with the other party, and it makes them feel that we care or that we’re impressed.
As a beginner, you might often find yourself struggling to find the appropriate words. And that’s okay. But once you reach an intermediate level, you’ll want to be able to say the right thing at the right time. In fact, learning natural reaction phrases is one of the best ways to improve your Italian at this stage!
Here are some sample conversations to help with that. And don’t forget that body language and intonation also play important roles in establishing empathy in a conversation. Especially in Italy!
A: È stata una bella serata! (“It was a beautiful evening!”)
B: È vero! Anch’io mi sono divertito/a! (“True! I had fun too.”)
A: Ci siamo divertiti moltissimo ieri sera! (“We had a lot of fun last night!”)
B: Davvero moltissimo! (“Really a lot!”)
A: Ho iniziato a lavorare nel 2017. (“I started working in 2017.”)
B: Complimenti! E dove lavoravi? (“Congratulations! And where were you working?”)
A: Sono stato a Roma tre anni fa. (“I was in Rome three years ago.”)
B: Fantastico! Anche a me piacerebbe visitare l’Italia. (“Fantastic! I would also like to visit Italy.”)
A: Da piccolo avevo tanti amici. (“As a child, I had many friends.”)
B: Che bello! Eri un bambino felice? (“How nice! Were you a happy kid?”)
A: Mia nonna era pugliese. (“My grandmother was from Puglia.”)
B: Come si chiamava tua nonna? (“What was your grandma’s name?”)
- ➜ Notice how nonna/o translates both as “grandmother”/“grandfather” and as “grandma”/“grandpa.”
A: L’anno scorso sono stata in vacanza al mare. (“Last year, I went on vacation at the beach.”)
B: Io invece sono stato in montagna. (“On the other hand, I went to the mountains.”)
A: Siamo stati sposati per 7 anni. (“We had been married for seven years.”)
B: Avete divorziato? Mi dispiace. (“Did you get divorced? Sorry to hear that.”)
A: Vorremmo adottare un cane. (“We would like to adopt a dog.”)
B: Buona idea! (“Good idea!”)
Che bello! Ho adottato un cane… (“How wonderful! I adopted a dog…”)
6. Etiquette Phrases for Social and Business Settings
And last but not least, here are some intermediate-level Italian phrases for being polite in a variety of social and business contexts. Learning them will give you a leg up in your personal and professional life while in Italy, because good etiquette is always appreciated.
Do you want to know more? Check out our article on everything you should know about Italian etiquette.
Buon appetito. |
Bon appetit. |
To this, you can reply: Grazie, e altrettanto! (“Thanks, and to you too!”) |
Buongiorno, (come) posso aiutarla? |
Hello, (how) can I help you? |
Benvenuto/a nel nostro negozio. |
Welcome to our store. |
Accomodati. [Informal] |
Please, come in. |
Literally: Get comfortable. Notice how it changes when we use the formal: Si accomodi. |
Fa’ come se fossi a casa tua. |
Make yourself at home. |
Literally: Do as if you were at your house. |
Fammi sapere se hai domande. |
Let me know if you have questions. |
Some variants include:
Mi fai sapere cosa ne pensi? |
Will you let me know your thoughts? |
Literally: Will you make me know what you think about it? |
Resto in attesa di una tua risposta. |
I look forward to your response. |
Literally: I remain waiting for an answer of yours. |
Buon lavoro! |
Have a good workday! |
Literally: Have a good work. This phrase shouldn’t be confused with Bel lavoro! (“Good job!”) |