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Lesson Transcript

Consuelo: Ciao a tutti. Ben tornati.
Marco: Marco here. Upper Intermediate, Season 1, Lesson #12. I Might Have Had Time to Call, But I Had Too Much to Do in Italy.
Consuelo: Hello everyone. I am Consuelo and welcome to italianpod101.com
Marco: With us, you learn to speak Italian with fun and effective lessons.
Consuelo: We also provide you with cultural insights
Marco: And tips you won’t find in a textbook. And in today’s class, we will focus on another particular use of the futuro anteriore.
Consuelo: This conversation takes place on Skype.
Marco: And it’s between Claudia and Davide.
Consuelo: They will be speaking informal Italian.
Marco: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Davide: Pronto, prontoooooooo!
Claudia: Babbo, sono io non urlare ti sento!!
Davide: (ad alta voce) Eh? Come? Scusa, io non ti sento, aspetta mi metto le cuffie!!
Claudia: Dai babbo!! Mi senti adesso?
Davide: Sì tesoro!
Claudia: Finalmente! Senti, non ho molto tempo. Sono a New York.
Davide: Ah, saluta il Presidente!
Claudia: Babbo, la Casa Bianca sta a Washington!
Davide: Ah sì, è vero, hai ragione... Vabbè, che succede?
Claudia: Sto cercando di parlare con Irene, ma dov'è?? Non risponde neanche al cellulare!
Davide: E io che ne so, sarà andata in biblioteca, quando sparisce di solito è a studiare da qualche parte.
Claudia: Allora babbo fammi un favore, contattala e dille che mi deve venire a prendere all'aeroporto stasera alle dieci perchè mi hanno posticipato il volo.
Davide: Bene ho capito!
Claudia: Babbo, mi raccomando è importante!
Davide: Non ti preoccupare non ti lascio di notte sola all'aeroporto!
Claudia: Devo andare, ciao grazie!
Davide: Ciao tesoro!
Marco: Let’s here it slowly now.
Davide: Pronto, prontoooooooo!
Claudia: Babbo, sono io non urlare ti sento!!
Davide: (ad alta voce) Eh? Come? Scusa, io non ti sento, aspetta mi metto le cuffie!!
Claudia: Dai babbo!! Mi senti adesso?
Davide: Sì tesoro!
Claudia: Finalmente! Senti, non ho molto tempo. Sono a New York.
Davide: Ah, saluta il Presidente!
Claudia: Babbo, la Casa Bianca sta a Washington!
Davide: Ah sì, è vero, hai ragione... Vabbè, che succede?
Claudia: Sto cercando di parlare con Irene, ma dov'è?? Non risponde neanche al cellulare!
Davide: E io che ne so, sarà andata in biblioteca, quando sparisce di solito è a studiare da qualche parte.
Claudia: Allora babbo fammi un favore, contattala e dille che mi deve venire a prendere all'aeroporto stasera alle dieci perchè mi hanno posticipato il volo.
Davide: Bene ho capito!
Claudia: Babbo, mi raccomando è importante!
Davide: Non ti preoccupare non ti lascio di notte sola all'aeroporto!
Claudia: Devo andare, ciao grazie!
Davide: Ciao tesoro!
Marco: And now, with the translation.
Davide: Pronto, prontoooooooo!
Davide: Hello, hellooooooooo!
Claudia: Babbo, sono io non urlare ti sento!!
Claudia: Dad, it's me; don't shout, I hear you!
Davide: (ad alta voce) Eh? Come? Scusa, io non ti sento, aspetta mi metto le cuffie!!
Davide: (loud) Eh? What? Sorry, I can't hear you; hold on, I'll put the headphones on!
Claudia: Dai babbo!! Mi senti adesso?
Claudia: Come on, Dad! Can you hear me now?
Davide: Sì tesoro!
Davide: Yes, sweetheart!
Claudia: Finalmente! Senti, non ho molto tempo. Sono a New York.
Claudia: Finally! Listen, I don't have much time. I'm in New York.
Davide: Ah, saluta il Presidente!
Davide: Ah, say hello to the President!
Claudia: Babbo, la Casa Bianca sta a Washington!
Claudia: Dad, the White House is in Washington!
Davide: Ah sì, è vero, hai ragione... Vabbè, che succede?
Davide: Oh yes, that's true, you're right... All right... What's going on?
Claudia: Sto cercando di parlare con Irene, ma dov'è?? Non risponde neanche al cellulare!
Claudia: I'm trying to talk to Irene; where is she? She doesn't even pick up the mobile phone!
Davide: E io che ne so, sarà andata in biblioteca, quando sparisce di solito è a studiare da qualche parte.
Davide: How am I supposed to know? She must have gone to the library; when she vanishes, she's usually studying somewhere.
Claudia: Allora babbo fammi un favore, contattala e dille che mi deve venire a prendere all'aeroporto stasera alle dieci perchè mi hanno posticipato il volo.
Claudia: Okay, Dad. Do me a favor. Contact her and tell her that she has to come and pick me up tonight at ten at the airport because they postponed my flight.
Davide: Bene ho capito!
Davide: Okay, got it!
Claudia: Babbo, mi raccomando è importante!
Claudia: Dad, don't forget. It is important!
Davide: Non ti preoccupare non ti lascio di notte sola all'aeroporto!
Davide: Don't worry, I won't leave you alone at the airport at night!
Claudia: Devo andare, ciao grazie!
Claudia: I have to go. Bye, thanks!
Davide: Ciao tesoro!
Davide: Bye, sweetie!
Marco: Hey Consuelo, do you frequently use Skype in Italy?
Consuelo: Well it depends but I can say yes.
Marco: It is usually used to communicate with people abroad. Isn’t it?
Consuelo: True, but recently people are also using it to make phone calls to someone next door.
Marco: Oh really?
Consuelo: Yep. When I talk to my friends on the mobile, I usually ask, Hey! Is it going to be a long call? Are you at home? If he or she says yes, I suggest logging into Skype.
Marco: I see.
Consuelo: That’s very convenient. And phone calls are rather expensive in Italy.
Marco: Many people use it also at work.
Consuelo: Sure. Many companies communicate through Skype and then you said that someone also had an interview through Skype.
Marco: Ah it is possible but not so frequent I guess.
Consuelo: Sure. Can you imagine? I think I’d be very embarrassed.
Marco: Especially if the camera freezes you with an odd face.
Consuelo: It’s true. That happens sometimes.
Marco: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we should see is
Consuelo: Urlare.
Marco: To shout, yell, scream.
Consuelo: Urlare. Urlare
Marco: And next we have
Consuelo: Cuffie.
Marco: Headphones.
Consuelo: Cuffie. Cuffie.
Marco: And the next word is
Consuelo: La Casa Bianca.
Marco: The White house
Consuelo: La Casa Bianca. La Casa Bianca.
Marco: And next we have
Consuelo: Biblioteca.
Marco: Library.
Consuelo: Biblioteca. Biblioteca
Marco: And next we have
Consuelo: Sparire.
Marco: To vanish, disappear.
Consuelo: Sparire. Sparire
Marco: The next word is
Consuelo: Contattare.
Marco: To contact, get in touch.
Consuelo: Contattare. Contattare
Marco: And next we have
Consuelo: Posticipare.
Marco: To postpone, defer.
Consuelo: Posticipare. Posticipare.
Marco: And today’s last word is
Consuelo: Volo.
Marco: Flight.
Consuelo: Volo. Volo
Marco: Consuelo, what expression are we studying today?
Consuelo: The Italian expression “avere tempo”.
Marco: To have time.
Consuelo: In English, you say to have or not to have the time to do something.
Marco: Right.
Consuelo: In Italian, we use the preposition Di or Per plus a verb or a noun.
Marco: For example
Consuelo: Non ho tempo di andare in palestra. Mi compro l’elettrostimolatore.
Marco: I don’t have time to go to the gym. I will buy the electrostimulator.
Consuelo: Or: Hai tempo per me?
Marco: Do you have time for me?
Consuelo: In the dialogue, Claudia simply says: non ho molto tempo.
Marco: I don’t have much time.
Consuelo: You can also use this expression when saying ho giusto il tempo per un caffè.
Marco: I just have the time for a coffee. Grazie Consuelo, this expression is very useful.

Lesson focus

Consuelo: Prego. Let’s take a look at today’s grammar point.
Marco: In today’s lesson, we will focus on another particular usage of Futuro anteriore.
Consuelo: That’s the future perfect.
Marco: In the last lesson, we saw the principal usage for this tense.
Consuelo: That is to express an action that will be over and done before another future event occurs.
Marco: Today we are looking at another usage of futuro anteriore.
Consuelo: But first, let’s see again how to form it.
Marco: Conjugate the auxiliary verb essere or avere at the simple future and add the past participle of the main verb.
Consuelo: That’s it.
Marco: The futuro anteriore is also called the future of probability.
Consuelo: In this case, it is used to express uncertainty or doubt about something that has already occurred.
Marco: In other words, it is used to speculate or guess about what could have been.
Consuelo: In English, probability is expressed with such words as probably, can or must.
Marco: This is the reason why statements like
Consuelo: Cosa sarà successo?
Marco: Which you express in Italian to the future perfect are translated into: what could have happened? in English.
Consuelo: Let’s see some examples.
Marco: Listen carefully.
Consuelo: Sarai stato stanco ieri, dopo quella corsa.
Marco: You must have been tired yesterday after that run.
Consuelo: Se hai mal di pancia avrai mangiato qualcosa di strano.
Marco: If you have a stomachache, you must have eaten something strange.
Consuelo: Lastly: dove hai preso questo souvenir? Non ricordo, l’avrò comprato in Italia.
Marco: Where did you get this souvenir? I don’t remember. I must have bought it in Italy.
Consuelo: In the dialogue, Claudia and her dad are wondering where Irene can be and Davide says his opinion
Marco: Using the futur anterieur.
Consuelo: Sarà andata in biblioteca, he says.
Marco: She must have gone to the library.
Consuelo: Now let’s take a look at the verb andare meaning to go at the futur anterieur.
Marco: Okay. Let’s start. According to our explanation, if you use it when expressing probability, it is must have gone. We will give you the literal translation for the future perfect.
Consuelo: Io sarò andato/andata
Marco: I will have gone.
Consuelo: Tu sarai andato/andata
Marco: You will have gone.
Consuelo: Lui/lei sarà andato/andata
Marco: He/she/it will have gone.
Consuelo: Noi saremo andati/andate
Marco: We will have gone.
Consuelo: Voi sarete andati/andate
Marco: You will have gone.
Consuelo: Loro saranno andati/andate
Marco: They will have gone.


Marco: That just about does it for today.
Consuelo: Listeners, have you ever dreamt of starring in one of our lessons.
Marco: If your answer is yes, use the voice recording tool on the lessons page.
Consuelo: Record your voice with a click of a button.
Marco: And then play it back just as easily.
Consuelo: Then, compare it to the native speakers in the lesson.
Marco: And adjust your pronunciation.
Consuelo: After a few tries, you will be speaking better Italian than Marco here.
Marco: Hey!
Consuelo: Go to italianpod101.com and rapidly improve your Italian pronunciation.
Marco: Ciao a tutti.
Consuelo: Ciao.

