
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Cinzia: Hello everyone! I'm Cinzia, and welcome to ItalianPOD101.
Marco: With us, you'll learn to speak Italian with fun and effective lessons.
Cinzia: We also provide you with cultural insights
Marco: and tips you won't find in a textbook...
Marco: In this lesson we will continue to analyze the Italian indirect object pronouns This conversation takes place on the streets
Cinzia: And it's between Laura and John They are friends therefore they will be speaking informally
Marco: Let's listen to the conversation.
Laura: Cosa gli hai detto?
John: Ho detto loro come raggiungere la stazione.
Laura: Di dove sono?
John: Sono canadesi.
Laura: Dove vanno?
John: Vanno a Roma.
Laura: Ascoltarti parlare in inglese è divertente!
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Laura: Cosa gli hai detto?
John: Ho detto loro come raggiungere la stazione.
Laura: Di dove sono?
John: Sono canadesi.
Laura: Dove vanno?
John: Vanno a Roma.
Laura: Ascoltarti parlare in inglese è divertente!
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Laura: Cosa gli hai detto?
Marco: What did you tell them?
John: Ho detto loro come raggiungere la stazione.
Marco: I told them how to reach the station.
Laura: Di dove sono?
Marco: Where are they from?
John: Sono canadesi.
Marco: They are Canadians.
Laura: Dove vanno?
Marco: Where are they going to?
John: Vanno a Roma.
Marco: They are going to Rome.
Laura: Ascoltarti parlare in inglese è divertente!
Marco: Listening to you speak in English is fun!
Cinzia: When in Italy for vacations, don’t be scared to ask for directions.
Marco: The best advice would be to ask people working in shops as they are the ones most informed about the surroundings.
Cinzia: You may find a group of people getting close to you, especially in small cities, as they’re all curious about foreigners!
Marco: Yeah, you might end up having a long chat with them!
Marco: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Cinzia: loro [natural native speed]
Marco: they, them
Cinzia: loro [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: loro [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cinzia: raggiungere [natural native speed]
Marco: to reach, to achieve, to contact, to arrive, to join
Cinzia: raggiungere [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: raggiungere [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cinzia: stazione [natural native speed]
Marco: station
Cinzia: stazione [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: stazione [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cinzia: canadese [natural native speed]
Marco: Canadian
Cinzia: canadese [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: canadese [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cinzia: inglese [natural native speed]
Marco: English
Cinzia: inglese [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: inglese [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cinzia: divertente [natural native speed]
Marco: funny, fun, amusing
Cinzia: divertente [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: divertente [natural native speed]
Marco: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Cinzia: The first word we will look at is
Marco: And the sample sentence is?
Cinzia: Chiedi loro cosa vogliono mangiare.
Marco: Ask them what they want to eat.
Cinzia: The next word/expression we will look at is
Marco: And the sample sentence is?
Cinzia: La squadra ha raggiunto la finale di pallavolo.
Marco: The team has reached the volleyball final.
Cinzia: The next word/expression we will look at is
Marco: And the sample sentence is?
Cinzia: La stazione degli autobus è in Piazza Colombo.
Marco: The bus station is in Colombo Square.
Cinzia: The next word/expression we will look at is
Marco: And the sample sentence is?
Cinzia: Lui è canadese.
Marco: He is Canadian.
Cinzia: The next word/expression we will look at is
Marco: And the sample sentence is?
Cinzia: Parli inglese?
Marco: Do you speak English?
Cinzia: Today's last word/expression is
Marco: And the sample sentence is?
Cinzia: È divertente giocare a calcio.
Marco: It’s fun to play soccer.

Lesson focus

Marco: The syntax of Italian Indirect object pronouns works as follows
Cinzia: 1st- except loro, they are positioned before the verb in both simple and compound tenses.
Marco: 2nd- when referred to infinitives, gerunds and imperatives, they are directly attached to them, obeying the following procedure
Cinzia: 1 - drop the ending vowel (e) of the infinitive
2 - add the unstressed object pronouns
Marco: For instance
Cinzia: Telefonando a Elena hai fatto la cosa giusta.
Marco: By calling Elena, you did the right thing.
Cinzia: Telefonandole hai fatto la cosa giusta.
Marco: By calling her, you did the right thing.
Cinzia: 3rd- when used with the modal verbs dovere
Marco: must, to have to
Ciznia: potere
Marco: can, may
Cinzia: volere
Marco: to want
Cinzia: the indirect object pronouns can be either attached to the following infinitive or precede the modal verb.
Marco: This rule applies to both simple and compound tenses. For example
Cinzia: Ho voluto consegnare a Federico l'assegno.
Marco: I wanted to deliver the check to Federico.
Cinzia: Ho voluto consegnargli l'assegno.
Marco: I wanted to deliver the check to him.
Cinzia: Gli ho voluto consegnare l'assegno.
Marco: I wanted to deliver him the check.
Marco: As a final note, please remember that unlike direct object pronouns, in compound tenses the past participle of the main verb never agrees with the gender and number of indirect object pronouns.


Marco: That just about does it for today.
Cinzia: Ready to test what you just learned?
Marco: Make this lesson's vocabulary stick by using lesson specific flashcards in the learning center.
Cinzia: There is a reason everyone uses flashcards...
Marco: They work...
Cinzia: They really do help memorization.
Marco: You can get the flashcards for this lesson at
Cinzia: ItalianPod101.com.
Marco: Okay....
Marco: Ciao a tutti!
Cinzia: Ciao grazie!"

Dialogue - Informal

Review Track

