
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Marco: Hello, and welcome to the ItalianPOD101.com , the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Italian!
Cinzia: I'm Cinzia, and thanks again for being here with us for this Newbie Series S2 lesson.
Marco: In this lesson we will start to analyze the Italian indirect object pronouns, the pronomi personali oggetto indiretto This conversation takes place on the streets of Italy
Cinzia: And it's between Laura and John They are friends therefore they will be speaking informally
Marco: Don't forget you can leave us a comment on this lesson.
Cinzia: So if you have a question,
Marco: or some feedback,
Cinzia: please leave us comment!
Marco: It's very easy to do. Just stop by ItalianPod101.com,
Cinzia: click on comments, enter your comment and name, and that's it.
Marco: We're looking forward to hearing from you! Okay...
Marco: Let's listen to the conversation.
John: Mi insegni a parlare nel tuo dialetto?
Laura: Vuoi davvero imparare il milanese?
John: Sì, deve essere interessante.
Laura: Hai chiesto a Martina? Il suo dialetto è molto colorito.
John: Mi ha detto che non ha tempo.
Laura: Allora ti insegno il milanese.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
John: Mi insegni a parlare nel tuo dialetto?
Laura: Vuoi davvero imparare il milanese?
John: Sì, deve essere interessante.
Laura: Hai chiesto a Martina? Il suo dialetto è molto colorito.
John: Mi ha detto che non ha tempo.
Laura: Allora ti insegno il milanese.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
John: Mi insegni a parlare nel tuo dialetto?
Marco: Can you teach me to speak in your dialect?
Laura: Vuoi davvero imparare il milanese?
Marco: You really want to learn Milanese?
John: Sì, deve essere interessante.
Marco: Yes, it has to be interesting.
Laura: Hai chiesto a Martina? Il suo dialetto è molto colorito.
Marco: Have you asked Martina? Her dialect is very colorful.
John: Mi ha detto che non ha tempo.
Marco: She told me she doesn’t have time.
Laura: Allora ti insegno il milanese.
Marco: Then I’ll teach you Milanese.
Cinzia: You don’t know any dialect do you?
Marco: Not really and I sometimes miss not knowing any. Especially the dialetto napoletano, which is one of the most colorful dialects in Italy.
Cinzia: Yes, you are right, but let's not forget that in all of Italy you can find many different dialects and they are all so colorful.
Marco: Yes. Which dialect do you think is the most difficult to learn?
Cinzia: The dialect from Tuscany?
Marco: Really? I think the dialect from Sardegna.
Cinzia: Oh yeah you're right.
Marco: It's like a different language.
Cinzia: I couldn't understand that.
Marco: We should go there.
Cinzia: Let's all go to Sardinia.
Marco: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Cinzia: insegnare [natural native speed]
Marco: to teach
Cinzia: insegnare [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: insegnare [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cinzia: parlare [natural native speed]
Marco: to talk, speak
Cinzia: parlare [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: parlare [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cinzia: tuo [natural native speed]
Marco: your, yours
Cinzia: tuo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: tuo [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cinzia: imparare [natural native speed]
Marco: to learn
Cinzia: imparare [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: imparare [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cinzia: suo [natural native speed]
Marco: his, her, hers, its
Cinzia: suo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: suo [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cinzia: colorito [natural native speed]
Marco: colored, colorful, rosy
Cinzia: colorito [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: colorito [natural native speed]
Marco: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Cinzia: The first word we will look at is
Marco: And the sample sentence is?
Cinzia: Ti insegno qualche parola nuova.
Marco: Let me teach you some new words.
Cinzia: The next word/expression we will look at is
Marco: And the sample sentence is?
Cinzia: Non mi parli più?
Marco: You’re not speaking to me anymore?
Cinzia: The next word/expression we will look at is
Marco: And the sample sentence is?
Cinzia: Qual’è il tuo nome?
Marco: What is your name?
Cinzia: The next word/expression we will look at is
Marco: And the sample sentence is?
Cinzia: Cosa hai imparato oggi?
Marco: What did you learn today?
Cinzia: The next word/expression we will look at is
Marco: And the sample sentence is?
Cinzia: Suo padre si chiama Piero.
Marco: Her father’s name is Piero.
Cinzia: Today's last word/expression is
Marco: And the sample sentence is?
Cinzia: Hai un trucco molto colorito.
Marco: You have a very colorful makeup.

Lesson focus

Marco: The pronomi personali oggetto indiretto substitute Italian nouns normally introduced by the prepositions per (for, to) and a (to).
Cinzia: In previous lessons we saw that the Pronomi personali tonici
Marco: stressed direct object pronouns
Cinzia: substitute nouns after any Italian preposition.
Marco: Instead the pronomi personali oggetto indiretto entirely substitute both the stressed direct object and its preceding preposition. For instance
Cinzia: Abbiamo insegnato a Mario e Luisa come usare internet.
Marco: We taught Mario and Luisa how to use internet. a Mario e Luisa (indirect object nouns)
Cinzia: Becomes
Abbiamo insegnato a lui e lei come usare internet.
Marco: We taught him and her how to use internet.
Cinzia: And finally
Abbiamo insegnato loro come usare internet.
Marco: We taught them how to use internet.
Marco: These pronouns answers the question ""for whom/what?; to whom/what?"".
Cinzia: Please, note that the prepositions per and a are usually attached to verbs that either do not require a direct object or need an indirect object in addition to it.
Marco: For example
Cinzia: Scrivo una lettera a Sara. → Le scrivo una lettera.
Marco: I write a letter to Sara. → I write her a letter.
Cinzia: Ho regalato un nuovo computer a voi. → Vi ho regalato un nuovo computer.
Marco: I gave a new computer to you. → I gave you a new computer.
Cinzia: Hai mandato il pacco a Luca? → Gli hai mandato il pacco?
Marco: Have you sent the package to Luca? → Have you sent Luca the package.
Cinzia: We shall now see the stressed personal pronouns, along with the corresponding indirect object and their English translation.
Marco: We shall first see the Italian, followed by the English subject Personal pronoun. Then the Italian indirect object pronouns, followed by the English indirect object pronouns.
Cinzia: Io
Marco: I
Cinzia: mi
Marco: (to) me
Cinzia: Tu
Marco: You
Cinzia: ti
Marco: (to) you
Cinzia: Lui
Marco: He
Cinzia: gli
Marco: (to) him
Cinzia: Lei
Marco: She
Cinzia: le
Marco: (to) her
Cinzia: Lui/Lei
Marco: It
Cinzia: gli/le
Marco: (to) it
Cinzia: Noi
Marco: We
Cinzia: ci**
Marco: (to) us
Cinzia: Voi
Marco: You
Cinzia: vi
Marco: (to) you
Cinzia: Loro
Marco: They
Cinzia: loro (gli)
Marco: (to) them
Cinzia: As a final note do not mistake ci as direct object pronoun for ci as the adverb ""there""
Marco: And let's not forget that the third plural indirect object pronoun is realized with loro in formal Italian and gli in informal Italian. As regards written language, we should always use loro.


Marco: That just about does it for today.
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Marco: Everything with just a click of a button, and get it through iTunes.
Cinzia: Not a premium member and want to test it out?
Marco: Get the Sample Feed at ItalianPod101.com!
Marco: Ciao a tutti!
Cinzia: A presto!"

