
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Marco: Hello, and welcome to the Newbie Series S2 at ItalianPOD101.com, where we study modern Italian in a fun, educational format!
Cristiano: So, brush up on the Italian that you started learning long ago, or start learning today.
Marco: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson. Cristiano, what are we looking at in this lesson.
Marco: In this lesson, we will continue our study of Italian simple prepositions, delving into per. This conversation takes place at Martina's place.
Cristiano: The conversation is between Paolo and John. The speakers are friends; therefore, they will be speaking informally.
John: Ciao Paolo! Come va?
Paolo: Bene, grazie.
John: Martina ci ha detto che ci stavi aspettando.
Paolo: Sì, vi ho aspettato per mezz'ora circa, volevo chiederti un consiglio su una cosa.
John: Dimmi pure!
Paolo: Stasera parto per Roma, per lavoro, e volevo dirlo a Martina.
John: Cosa, per lavoro? E quando tornerai?
Paolo: Starò a Roma per circa un mese. Ma volevo chiederti. Tu ti intendi di dichiarazioni d'amore?
John: Eh? Per Martina??
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
John: Ciao Paolo! Come va?
Paolo: Bene, grazie.
John: Martina ci ha detto che ci stavi aspettando.
Paolo: Sì, vi ho aspettato per mezz'ora circa, volevo chiederti un consiglio su una cosa.
John: Dimmi pure!
Paolo: Stasera parto per Roma, per lavoro, e volevo dirlo a Martina.
John: Cosa, per lavoro? E quando tornerai?
Paolo: Starò a Roma per circa un mese. Ma volevo chiederti. Tu ti intendi di dichiarazioni d'amore?
John: Eh? Per Martina??
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
John: Ciao Paolo! Come va?
Marco: Hi Paolo! How is it going?
Paolo: Bene, grazie.
Marco: Fine, thank you.
John: Martina ci ha detto che ci stavi aspettando.
Marco: Martina told us you were waiting for us.
Paolo: Sì, vi ho aspettato per mezz'ora circa, volevo chiederti un consiglio su una cosa.
Marco: Yes, I've been waiting for you for about half an hour, I wanted to ask you a piece of advice about something.
John: Dimmi pure!
Marco: Tell me, what's the matter?
Paolo: Stasera parto per Roma, per lavoro, e volevo dirlo a Martina.
Marco: I will leave tonight for Rome, for work, and I wanted to tell it to Martina.
John: Cosa, per lavoro? E quando tornerai?
Marco: What, for work? And when will you be back?
Paolo: Starò a Roma per circa un mese. Ma volevo chiederti. Tu ti intendi di dichiarazioni d'amore?
Marco: I will be in Rome for about a month. But I wanted to ask you—are you familiar with declarations of love?
John: Eh? Per Martina??
Marco: Eh? For Martina??
Consuelo: A declaration of love, how romantic!
Cristiano: Oh yes, a friend's party, some good background music, shining eyes willing only to grab that only moment that could change both the partners' lives forever.
Consuelo: Oh, yes, that's...
Cristiano (breaking in): Consuelo, may I tell you something?
Consuelo: Yes, tell me Cristiano, what happened, is it something I said?
Cristiano: No, it's just that, ehm…well, okay, never mind!
Marco: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Cristiano: chiedere [natural native speed]
Marco: to ask
Cristiano: chiedere [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cristiano: chiedere [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cristiano: consiglio [natural native speed]
Marco: advice
Cristiano: consiglio [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cristiano: consiglio [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cristiano: partire [natural native speed]
Marco: to leave, to start, to take off
Cristiano: partire [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cristiano: partire [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cristiano: tornare [natural native speed]
Marco: to go back, to come back, to get back
Cristiano: tornare [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cristiano: tornare [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cristiano: dichiarazione [natural native speed]
Marco: statement, declaration, allegation
Cristiano: dichiarazione [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cristiano: dichiarazione [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cristiano: cosa [natural native speed]
Marco: thing, matter
Cristiano: cosa [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cristiano: cosa [natural native speed]
Marco: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Marco: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases we learned in this lesson. The word we'll look at is...
Cris: ""intendersi""
Marco: ""to be familiar with.""
Cris: Yes Marco, but in Italian, it has way more meaning than just that!
Marco: For example?
Cris: Well, it basically means ""to understand each other,"" but it could mean ""have a good knowledge of.""
Marco: I've heard that this verb could have another, more sketchy meaning!
Cris: Oh, yes, it could mean ""to have a relationship with somebody.""
Marco: So the phrase ""te la intendi con Giulia?"" could be translated as ""do you have a relationship with Giulia?""
Cris: Exactly, Marco!

Lesson focus

The Focus of This Lesson Is on the Italian Preposition ""con.""
Cris: Let's take a look at today's grammar point.
Marco: Today we are going to continue with the study of the
Cris: ""preposizioni semplici""
Marco: ""simple prepositions.""
Cristiano: The focus of this lesson is on the Italian preposition ""per.""
Marco: The preposition ""per"" is used as follows…
to express movement, both real and figurative, that occurs through something. For example...
Cris: ""Siamo passati per la via più corta.""
Marco: ""We took the shortest route.""
Cris: ""Camminiamo per la piazza.""
Marco: ""We walk through the square.""
Cris: ""La sua mente vagò per molte vie.""
Marco: ""His mind wandered through many paths.""
Marco: The preposition ""per"" is also used to express the passing of time.
For example...
Cris: ""Ti ho pensato per molte settimane.""
Marco: ""I have been thinking about you for several weeks.""
Cris: ""Bisognerà lavorare per molti giorni.""
Marco: ""We'll have to work for several days.""
Cris: ""Vi hanno aspettato per pochi minuti.""
Marco: ""They waited for you a few minutes.""
Marco: The preposition ""per"" is also used to express the destination the subject is leaving for; it is particularly used with the verb ""partire"" (""to leave""). For instance...
Cris: ""Parto per Napoli.""
Marco: ""I'm leaving for Naples.""
Cris: ""Hai comprato il biglietto per Venezia?""
Marco: ""Have you bought the ticket to Venice?""
Cris: ""L'aereo è partito per la Francia.""
Marco: ""The airplane left for France.""
Marco: The preposition ""per"" could be also used to express the end, aim, or purpose on which something is done. For example...
Cris: ""Mi sono sposato per amore.""
Marco: ""I got married for love.""
Cris: ""L'ha detto per scherzare.""
Marco: ""He was joking.""
Cris: ""Non l'hai fatto per me.""
Marco: ""You didn't do it for me.""
Marco: Or when we want to say the cause, reason for which something happened. For example...
Cris: ""Il frullatore si è rotto per sfortuna.""
Marco: ""The blender broke down due to bad luck.""
Cris: ""Per mancanza di sensibilità, hai detto qualcosa di maleducato.""
Marco: ""You have been rude due to a lack of sensitivity.""
Cris: ""Apro la finestra per fare entrare aria fresca.""
Marco: ""I open the window to let fresh air come inside.""


Marco: That just about does it for today.
Marco: Before we go, we want to tell you about a way to drastically improve your pronunciation.
Cristiano: The voice recording tool...
Marco: Yes, the voice recording tool in the premium learning center...
Cristiano: Record your voice with a click of a button,
Marco: and then play it back just as easily.
Cristiano: So you record your voice, and then listen to it.
Marco: Compare it to the native speakers...
Cristiano: And adjust your pronunciation!
Marco: This will help you improve your pronunciation fast!
Marco: Arrivederci!
Cristiano: Ciao!

