
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Consuelo: Hello everyone! I'm Consuelo, and welcome to ItalianPOD101.
Marco: With us, you'll learn to speak Italian with fun and effective lessons.
Consuelo: We also provide you with cultural insights
Marco: and tips you won't find in a textbook...
Marco: In this lesson, we will continue our study of Italian simple prepositions, delving into su. This conversation takes place in John's car.
Consuelo: The conversation is between John and Laura. The speakers are friends; therefore, the speakers will be speaking informally
Marco: Now, before we listen to the conversation...
Consuelo: We want to ask...
Marco: Do you read the lesson notes, while you listen?
Consuelo: We received an e-mail about this study tip.
Marco: So we were wondering if you've tried it, and if so,
Consuelo: what do you think of it.
Marco: You can leave us feedback in the comment section of this lesson. Okay...
Marco: Let's listen to the conversation.
John: Laura, ti ricordi il numero di Martina?
Laura: Sì, dovrei averlo sulla rubrica del telefonino. A proposito, hai visto il mio cellulare?
John: Sì, è lì sul cruscotto della macchina.
Laura: Ah già, grazie.
John: Con questo traffico ci metteremo molto tempo per arrivare da Martina.
Laura: Su col morale dai, andremo al cinema insieme un'altra volta!
John: Va bene, va bene.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
John: Laura, ti ricordi il numero di Martina?
Laura: Sì, dovrei averlo sulla rubrica del telefonino. A proposito, hai visto il mio cellulare?
John: Sì, è lì sul cruscotto della macchina.
Laura: Ah già, grazie.
John: Con questo traffico ci metteremo molto tempo per arrivare da Martina.
Laura: Su col morale dai, andremo al cinema insieme un'altra volta!
John: Va bene, va bene.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
John: Laura, ti ricordi il numero di Martina?
Marco: Laura, do you remember Martina's number?
Laura: Sì, dovrei averlo sulla rubrica del telefonino. A proposito, hai visto il mio cellulare?
Marco: Yes, I should have it in my mobile's address book. By the way, did you see my cell phone?
John: Sì, è lì sul cruscotto della macchina.
Marco: Yeah, it's on the car's dashboard.
Laura: Ah già, grazie.
Marco: Oh, right! Thank you.
John: Con questo traffico ci metteremo molto tempo per arrivare da Martina.
Marco: With this traffic, it'll take us a lot of time to go to Martina's place.
Laura: Su col morale dai, andremo al cinema insieme un'altra volta!
Marco: Come on, keep your spirits up, we'll go to movies together soon!
John: Va bene, va bene.
Marco: All right, all right.
Cristiano: Marco, have you ever missed a date because of a traffic jam?
Marco: No, I was lucky!
Cris: That's something you don't want to wish even to our worst enemy.
Marco: But probably in cities where moving by car is essential, like Rome or Milan, one day it could happen.
Cris: Yes, you're right, Marco. Sometimes I wish I were born in Venice!
Marco: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Consuelo: ricordare [natural native speed]
Marco: to remember, to not forget, to recall
Consuelo: ricordare [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: ricordare [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: numero [natural native speed]
Marco: number
Consuelo: numero [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: numero [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: rubrica [natural native speed]
Marco: address book
Consuelo: rubrica [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: rubrica [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: telefono [natural native speed]
Marco: telephone
Consuelo: telefono [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: telefono [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: cruscotto [natural native speed]
Marco: dashboard, instrument panel
Consuelo: cruscotto [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: cruscotto [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: morale [natural native speed]
Marco: moral, spirits, mood
Consuelo: morale [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: morale [natural native speed]
Marco: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Marco: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases we learned in this lesson. The word we'll look at is...
Cris: ""telefono.""
Marco: In Italian, we have several ways to call our mobile phone.
Cris: Yes Marco, for example ""telefono cellulare.""
Marco: ""Cell phone.""
Cris: Usually as the word is pretty long, we use the informal ""cellulare.""
Marco: I see, like the English ""cell.""
Cris: Or sometimes we refer to it as ""telefonino,"" which sounds more like ""a small phone,"" but it's used to mean the words ""mobile phone.""
Marco: Great, thank you!

Lesson focus

Cris: Let's take a look at today's lesson.
Marco: Today we are going to continue with the study of the
Cris: ""preposizioni semplici""
Marco: ""simple prepositions.""
Cristiano: The focus of this lesson is on the Italian preposition su.
Marco: The preposition ""su"" is used as follows…
Marco: To indicate the topic of a sentence. Note that in this case, the preposition almost always combines with the definite article preceding the noun. For example...
Cris: ""Ho scritto diversi articoli sulla (i.e., ""su"" + ""la"") politica internazionale.""
Marco: ""I wrote a good deal of articles about international politics.""
Cris: ""Hanno letto un libro sulla (i.e., ""su"" + ""la"") vita di JFK.""
Marco: ""They read a book on JFK's life.""
Cris: ""La riunione verterà sui (i.e., ""su"" + ""i"") nuovi progetti.""
Marco: ""The meeting will be focused on the new projects.""
Marco: To express the position of objects placed on something. Similarly, to the first case, ""su"" attaches to the definite article preceding the following nouns. For instance...
Cris: ""La penna è sul (i.e., ""su"" + ""il"") tavolo.""
Marco: ""The pen is on the table.""
Cris: ""La maglia è sulla (i.e., ""su"" + ""la"") lavatrice.""
Marco: ""The sweater is on the washing machine.""
Cris: ""Il cellulare è sul (i.e., ""su"" + ""il"") libro.""
Marco: ""The cellular phone is on the book.""
Marco: Please note that in this situation, the ""preposizione semplice su"" may be substituted by the equivalent preposition ""sopra"" + definite article (preceding the noun). For example…
Cris: ""I piatti sono sopra il tavolo.""
Marco: ""The dishes are on the table.""
Cris: ""Il (""computer"") portatile era sopra alla scrivania.""
Marco: ""The laptop was on the desk.""
Cris: ""La sveglia è sopra al comodino.""
Marco: ""The alarm clock is on the bedside table.""
Marco: In informal Italian, ""su"" is used to express indefinite or rough quantities. The same meaning may be conveyed in formal Italian by the synonym
Cristiano: ""circa""
Marco: ""about,"" ""nearly,"" ""approximately.""
For example...
Cris: ""La giacca costa sui (i.e., ""su"" + ""i"") cento euro.""
Marco: ""The jacket costs around a hundred euros.""
Cris: ""Federico è un uomo sui (i.e., ""su"" + ""i"") quarant'anni.""
Marco: ""Federico is a man in his forties.""
Cris: ""Ci vorranno sui cinque giorni per finire il lavoro.""
Marco: ""It'll take approximately five days to complete the job.""


Marco: That just about does it for today.
Marco: Consuelo, I'd like to share a study tip a listener shared with us.
Consuelo: Ahh, you're talking about the student who uses just the conversation tracks to review the lessons.
Marco: Consuelo, you read my mind.
Consuelo: (laughter)
Marco: Yep a listener of ours listens to each lesson several times,
Consuelo: Then afterward, get the conversation only track from our site.
Marco: She then listens to them on shuffle again and again. She created her own immersion program using ItalianPod101.com.
Consuelo: This is a great idea. Please give it a try and let us know what you think?
Marco: okay...
Marco: Ciao!
Consuelo: Arrivederci!

