
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Marco: Hello, and welcome to the Newbie Series S2 at ItalianPOD101.com, where we study modern Italian in a fun, educational format!
Consuelo: So, brush up on the Italian that you started learning long ago, or start learning today.
Marco: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson. Consuelo, what are we looking at in this lesson.
Marco: In this lesson you will learn how to study Italian simple prepositions, delving into di. This conversation takes place on the phone.
Consuelo: The conversation is between John and Laura. The speakers are friends, and therefore they will be speaking informally.
Marco: Basic and Premium members....
Consuelo: if you have a 3G phone...
Marco: you can see the Lesson Notes in your favorite browser on your phone!
Consuelo: Stop by ItalianPOD101.com to find out more.
Marco: Let's listen to the conversation.
John: Io voglio vedere un film d’azione.
Laura: D’azione? No, io voglio vedere un film d’amore.
John: I film d’amore sono così noiosi!
Laura: Cosa ne dici dell’ultimo film di Clint Eastwood?
John: Vuoi dire il film intitolato “Gran Torino”?
Laura: Sì quello.
John: Okay, va bene.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
John: Io voglio vedere un film d’azione.
Laura: D’azione? No, io voglio vedere un film d’amore.
John: I film d’amore sono così noiosi!
Laura: Cosa ne dici dell’ultimo film di Clint Eastwood?
John: Vuoi dire il film intitolato “Gran Torino”?
Laura: Sì quello.
John: Okay, va bene.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
John: Io voglio vedere un film d’azione.
Marco: I want to see an action movie.
Laura: D’azione? No, io voglio vedere un film d’amore.
Marco: Action? No. I want to see a romance movie.
John: I film d’amore sono così noiosi!
Marco: Romance movies are so boring!
Laura: Cosa ne dici dell’ultimo film di Clint Eastwood?
Marco: What about Clint Eastwood’s latest movie?
John: Vuoi dire il film intitolato “Gran Torino”?
Marco: You mean the movie entitled “Gran Torino?”
Laura: Sì quello.
Marco: Yes, that one.
John: Okay, va bene.
Marco: Okay, it’s fine.
Consuelo: Have you seen the movie “Gran Torino?”
Marco: Yes, I have.
Consuelo: Does it talk about the famous Italian city?
Marco: Not at all. It’s the name of a car Ford produced during the 1970s.
Consuelo: So it has no connections to the city of Torino.
Marco: Actually, it might have a connection.
Consuelo: Really?
Marco: Well. Torino is considered the Detroit of Italy because it has been the center of the Italian automotive industry.
Consuelo: Ah, I see. Do you recommend the movie?
Marco: It was interesting for me as it showed aspects of American life and culture outside of the big cities.
Marco: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Consuelo: di [natural native speed]
Marco: of, some, by, from, about
Consuelo: di [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: di [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: azione [natural native speed]
Marco: action
Consuelo: azione [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: azione [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: amore [natural native speed]
Marco: love
Consuelo: amore [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: amore [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: noioso [natural native speed]
Marco: boring, tiresome, dull
Consuelo: noioso [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: noioso [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: intitolare [natural native speed]
Marco: entitle, title, dedicate
Consuelo: intitolare [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: intitolare [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: quello [natural native speed]
Marco: that
Consuelo: quello [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: quello [natural native speed]
Marco: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Marco: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases we learned in this lesson. The phrase we’ll look at is…
Consuelo: film di…
Marco: In Italian, we use this grammatical form for several movie genres.
Consuelo: Yes, Marco. For example, film d’amore, film d’avventura, film d’orrore, film di guerra.
Marco: ""Romance movie, adventure movie, horror movie, war movie.""
Consuelo: Yes, I hope this will help our listeners to express their taste in cinema!

Lesson focus

Consuelo: Let’s take a look at today’s lesson.
Marco: Today we are going to continue studying something we hope is less scary, the…
Consuelo: preposizioni semplici
Marco: simple prepositions
They are...
Consuelo: di; a; da; in; con; su; per; tra; fra
Marco: Since there are quite a few ways to use the preposition di, we shall divide this topic into two lessons.
Consuelo: For now, let’s see a few of the ways.
Marco: We can use di to express topics of conversations or writings.
For example...
Consuelo: Ad Anna piace sempre parlare di moda.
Marco: ""Anna always likes talking about fashion.""
Consuelo: Questo libro tratta di chimica.
Marco: ""This book deals with Chemistry.""
Consuelo: Abbiamo discusso di politica per alcune ore.
Marco: ""We talked about politics for a couple of hours.""
Marco: We can also express di to express one’s birthplace.
For instance...
Consuelo: Marco è di Venezia.
Marco: ""Marco is from Venice.""
Consuelo: Paola è di Verona.
Marco: ""Paola is from Verona.""
Consuelo: Mario e Lucia sono di Napoli.
Marco: ""Mario and Lucia are from Naples.""
Marco: We can also use di to express possession or ownership of something when using nouns.
For instance…
Consuelo: Questa casa è di mia sorella.
Marco: ""This is my sister’s house.""
Consuelo: La penna è di Federico.
Marco: ""This is Federico’s pen.""
Consuelo: L’orologio è di Dario.
Marco: ""This is Dario’s watch.""
Consuelo: But please note that this rule does not apply to pronouns.
Marco: So we say…
Consuelo: Quella macchina è mia.
Marco: ""That car is mine.""


Marco: That just about does it for today.
Marco: Okay, some of our listeners already know about the most powerful tool on ItalianPOD101.com....
Consuelo: line-by-line audio.
Marco: The perfect tool for rapidly improving listening comprehension...
Consuelo: by listening to lines of the conversation again and again.
Marco: Listen until every word and syllable becomes clear. Basically, we breakdown the dialog into comprehensible, bite-size sentences.
Consuelo: You can try the line-by-line audio in the Premium Learning Center at ItalianPOD101.com.
Marco: [ transition phrase ]
Marco: A presto!
Consuelo: Ciao"

