
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Cinzia: Buon giorno a tutti! Mi chiamo Cinzia.
Marco: Marco here. Newbie Series season 1, lesson #16 - One Missing Ingredient Can Ruin the Whole Italian Dish! Hi, my name is Marco and I'm joined here by Cinzia. Come stai Cinzia?
Cinzia: Sto molto bene, grazie, Marco. Hello everyone and welcome to the sixteenth lesson of the Newbie Series!
Marco: Here we take a broad approach to the language, emphasizing listening comprehension
Cinzia: speech, grammar
Marco: vocabulary and usage.
Cinzia: So join us for this lesson of Italianpod101.com.
Marco: In this lesson we will revise all the demonstrative adjectives previously seen.
Cinzia: This conversation takes place in a shop.
Marco: The conversation is between Laura and John.
Cinzia: And they are friends, so they will be speaking informal Italian.
Laura: Io compro queste tazze e questi bicchieri. E tu?
John: Vorrei comprare quella tovaglia e quei piatti ma...
Laura: Ma cosa?
John: Ma...Questo negozio è troppo caro!
Laura: Ah! E non compri nulla?!
John: No, questa volta no...
Marco: Let’s hear it slowly now.
Laura: Io compro queste tazze e questi bicchieri. E tu?
John: Vorrei comprare quella tovaglia e quei piatti ma...
Laura: Ma cosa?
John: Ma...Questo negozio è troppo caro!
Laura: Ah! E non compri nulla?!
John: No, questa volta no...
Marco: And now, with the translation.
Laura: Io compro queste tazze e questi bicchieri. E tu?
Marco: I'll buy these mugs and these glasses. And you?
John: Vorrei comprare quella tovaglia e quei piatti ma...
Marco: I'd like to buy that tablecloth and those dishes but...
Laura: Ma cosa?
Marco: But what?
John: Ma...Questo negozio è troppo caro!
Marco: But...this store is too expensive!
Laura: Ah! E non compri nulla?!
Marco: Ah! So you are not buying anything?!
John: No, questa volta no...
Marco: Nope, not this time...
Cinzia: So Marco, I'm pretty sure you are like John.
Marco: In what sense?
Cinzia: You never buy anything.
Marco: Well, no... I buy things, I just take my time to choose.
Cinzia: Yes, because you want to consider all the places is possible to go and then... and then choose the best price.
Marco: Yes, like I love internet shopping, I just love it
Cinzia: Yes, I know...
Marco: What about you Cinzia? Do you sometimes shop on line?
Cinzia: Ahh... yes. Sometimes I buy some clothes or some staff for my camera!
Marco: Excellent, electronics. I love shopping for electronics online.
Cinzia: Yes, but now let's go on.
Marco: Ok.
Marco: Let us take a look at today’s vocabulary. First...
Cinzia: comprare [natural native speed]
Marco: to buy, to purchase
Cinzia: comprare [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: comprare [natural native speed]
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: tazze [natural native speed]
Marco: mugs
Cinzia: tazze [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: tazze [natural native speed]
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: bicchieri [natural native speed]
Marco: glasses
Cinzia: bicchieri [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: bicchieri [natural native speed]
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: tovaglia [natural native speed]
Marco: tablecloth
Cinzia: tovaglia [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: tovaglia [natural native speed]
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: piatti [natural native speed]
Marco: dishes, plates
Cinzia: piatti [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: piatti [natural native speed]
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: negozio [natural native speed]
Marco: shop, store
Cinzia: negozio [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: negozio [natural native speed]
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: troppo [natural native speed]
Marco: too much
Cinzia: troppo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: troppo [natural native speed]
Marco: And last word
Cinzia: caro [natural native speed]
Marco: expensive (masculine singular)
Cinzia: caro [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: caro [natural native speed]
Cinzia: So now let’s have a look at the usage for some of the words and expressions. The first word we will look at is tazze.
Marco: Cinzia, can you give us an example sentence please?
Cinzia: le tazze nuove
Marco: the new mugs
Cinzia: OK. The next word is bicchieri
Marco: Let’s have an example
Cinzia: I bicchieri di plastica
Marco: Plastic glasses
Cinzia: Next word is tovaglia
Marco: One example please.
Cinzia: La tovaglia è sporca!
Marco: The table cloth is dirty!
Cinzia: The next word we will look at is piatti
Marco: And the example is?
Cinzia: I piatti sono puliti.
Marco: The plate is clean.
Cinzia: The next word we will see is negozio
Marco: And the example is?
Cinzia: Un negozio di vestiti.
Marco: A clothes shop.
Cinzia: The next word we will see is troppo
Marco: And the example is?
Cinzia: Fa troppo caldo!
Marco: It's too hot!
Cinzia: The last word for today is caro
Marco: One last example.
Cinzia: Il vestito è caro.
Marco: The dress is expensive
Cinzia: Aww, wait a second Marco, caro in Italian has another meaning, hasn't it?
Marco: Yes, caro can mean dear or expensive. But there's another way to say expensive right?
Cinzia: Costoso!
Marco: Exactly! So let's hear them one more time. So caro can mean...
Cinzia: Expensive..
Marco: or...
Cinzia: dear...
Marco: While...
Cinzia: Costoso...
Marco: can only mean...
Cinzia: expensive...
Marco: Perfect! So caro, “dear” or “expensive” and...
Cinzia: Costoso, only “expensive”.
Marco: Perfect!
Cinzia: Ok then, this wraps it up for the vocabulary usage.

Lesson focus

Cinzia: In today’s lesson we shall revisit all the demonstrative adjectives previously covered.
Marco: Demonstrative adjectives can be roughly split into two main groups relative to the proximity of the speaker.
Cinzia: Marco, where do come up with this stuff? Why not just say one group is for things close to the speaker, and one group is for things farther from the speaker.
Marco: Okay, the first group, things close to the speaker, is made of all the variations in gender and quantity of the demonstrative adjective questo, “this”, which, Cinzia, refers to something or someone close both to the speaker and to the listener or close to the speaker but far from the listener.
Cinzia: Better Marco. To the second group, things farther from the speaker, belong all the variations in gender and quantity of the demonstrative adjective quello “that”, which refers instead to something or someone far both from the speaker than from the listener or close to the listener but far from the speaker.
Marco: Let's practice together. We'll give the item, in this case close to the speaker, and you'll give us the proper form of the demonstrative adjective.
Cinzia: Let's give the listener's an example shall we?
Marco: Great idea. Okay, piatto
Cinzia: piatto is masculine singular, so questo piatto.
Marco: “This plate”. Next word we will use is ragazza
Cinzia: Ragazza is feminine singular so questa ragazza.
Marco: “This girl”. Next word is isola.
Cinzia: Isola is feminine singular starting with a vowel, so we have quest'isola.
Marco: “This island”. Ok, next word is alunno.
Cinzia: Alunno is masculine singular so we have quest'alunno.
Marco: “This pupil”. Next example word is bicchieri.
Cinzia: Bicchieri is masculine plural so we have questi bicchieri.
Marco: “These glasses”. Next example is tazze.
Cinzia: Tazze is feminine plural so we have queste tazze.
Marco: Ok and now let's have a review of the demonstrative adjectives that refer to things far from the speaker. The first example is negozio.
Cinzia: Negozio is masculine singular so we have quel negozio.
Marco: “That shop”. Next example we have zaino.
Cinzia: Zaino is masculine singular so we have quello zaino.
Marco: “That backpack”. Next example is italiano.
Cinzia: Italiano is another masculine noun singular so we have quell'italiano.
Marco: “That Italian”. Next example is porta.
Cinzia: Porta is feminine singular so we have quella porta.
Marco: “That door”. Next example is libri.
Cinzia: Libri is masculine plural and we have quei libri.
Marco: “Those books”. Next example is anelli.
Cinzia: Anelli is masculine plural so we have quegli anelli.
Marco: “Those rings”. And last example we have mani.
Cinzia: Mani is feminine plural and we have quelle mani.
Marco: “Those hands”. Now this review is not a comprehensive review of all the possibilities.
Cinzia: Yes Marco, you're right, because we have many various cases so please be sure to check out the pdf.
Marco: You mean I have to check out the pdf?
Cinzia: No, of course not you! Our listeners.
Marco: Ok then, listeners please check out the pdf. In any case in this lesson we provide the review of the demonstrative adjectives we have seen in the last four lessons. This is just to give you a quick review!


Cinzia: That's it for today's lesson.
Marco: Don't forget to check out the lesson transcripts in the PDF at Italianpod101.com.
Cinzia: And also, feel free to use our forum for your questions.
Marco: and if you'd like to leave a comment, we'll be happy to respond.
Cinzia: Drop by! Vieni a trovarci!.
Marco: Ciao!

