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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Must-know Italian Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 12 - Getting Married.
Becky: Hi, everyone, I'm Becky.
Ofelia: And I'm Ofelia.
Becky: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Italian about getting married. Giulia is getting married today, so she posts an image, and leaves this comment.
Ofelia: Oggi è il gran giorno, mi sposo!
Becky: Meaning - "Today's the big day, I'm getting married!" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
Giulia: Oggi è il gran giorno, mi sposo!
(clicking sound)
Sara: Congratulazioni!
Alice: Evviva gli sposi!
Roberto: Tantissimi auguri per il vostro matrimonio!
Laura: Sarai una sposa bellissima.
Becky: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
Giulia: Oggi è il gran giorno, mi sposo!
Becky: "Today's the big day, I'm getting married!"
(clicking sound)
Sara: Congratulazioni!
Becky: "Congratulations!"
Alice: Evviva gli sposi!
Becky: "Long live the newlyweds!"
Roberto: Tantissimi auguri per il vostro matrimonio!
Becky: "Best wishes on your wedding!"
Laura: Sarai una sposa bellissima.
Becky: "You're going to be a beautiful bride."
Becky: Listen again to Giulia's post.
Ofelia: Oggi è il gran giorno, mi sposo!
Becky: "Today's the big day, I'm getting married!"
Ofelia: (SLOW) Oggi è il gran giorno, mi sposo! (Regular) Oggi è il gran giorno, mi sposo!
Becky: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "Today is the big day."
Ofelia: Oggi è il gran giorno
Becky: This is what you say when it's an important occasion, such as your wedding day. Listen again- "Today is the big day" is...
Ofelia: (SLOW) Oggi è il gran giorno (REGULAR) Oggi è il gran giorno
Becky: Then comes the phrase - "I'm getting married!"
Ofelia: mi sposo!
Becky: The verb "to get married" in Italian is reflexive, meaning that the subject carries out the action on itself. The short word in front of the verb is called a reflexive pronoun, and it changes based on the subject. Listen again- "I'm getting married!" is...
Ofelia: (SLOW) mi sposo! (REGULAR) mi sposo!
Becky: All together, "Today's the big day, I'm getting married!"
Ofelia: Oggi è il gran giorno, mi sposo!
Becky: In response, Giulia's friends leave some comments.
Becky: Her high school friend, Sara, uses an expression meaning - "Congratulations!"
Ofelia: (SLOW) Congratulazioni! (REGULAR) Congratulazioni!
Ofelia: Congratulazioni!
Becky: Use this expression to show you are feeling optimistic.
Becky: Her friend, Alice, uses an expression meaning - "Long live the newlyweds!"
Ofelia: (SLOW) Evviva gli sposi! (REGULAR) Evviva gli sposi!
Ofelia: Evviva gli sposi!
Becky: Use this expression to be encouraging.
Becky: Her supervisor, Roberto, uses an expression meaning - "Best wishes on your wedding!"
Ofelia: (SLOW) Tantissimi auguri per il vostro matrimonio! (REGULAR) Tantissimi auguri per il vostro matrimonio!
Ofelia: Tantissimi auguri per il vostro matrimonio!
Becky: Use this expression to be old fashioned.
Becky: Her neighbor, Laura, uses an expression meaning - "You're going to be a beautiful bride."
Ofelia: (SLOW) Sarai una sposa bellissima. (REGULAR) Sarai una sposa bellissima.
Ofelia: Sarai una sposa bellissima.
Becky: Use this expression to show you are feeling warmhearted.


Becky: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about getting married, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know, and we'll see you next time!
Ofelia: A presto!

