
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Cinzia: Buongiorno.
Marco: Marco here. Lower intermediate series, season 2, Lesson 3. Comparing Nouns: As Many Italian Girls as Boys? Hello and welcome to the lower intermediate series, season 2 at italianpod101.com where we study modern Italian in a fun, educational format.
Cinzia: So brush up on the Italian that you started learning long ago or start learning today.
Marco: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson. Cinzia, what are we looking at in this lesson.
Cinzia: In today’s class, we will study the Comparativo di uguaglianza, comparative of equality when the objects of comparison are nouns.
Marco: This conversation takes place in a supermarket.
Cinzia: And it’s between Giulia and Manuel.
Marco: They are friends and so they will be speaking informal Italian. Now before we listen to the conversation
Cinzia: We want to ask
Marco: Do you read the lesson notes while you listen.
Cinzia: We received an email about the study tip.
Marco: So we were wondering if you tried it and if so
Cinzia: What do you think of it?
Marco: You can leave us feedback in the comments section of this lesson. Okay let’s listen to the conversation.
Manuel: Quale verdura consigli?
Giulia: Prendi un po’ di lattuga, rucola e qualche carota.
Manuel: OK.
Giulia: In argentina ci sono molti anziani come in Italia?
Manuel: No. Ci sono tanti giovani quanti anziani.
Giulia: Qual è l’età media?
Manuel: Circa 29 anni.
Giulia: Allora è un paese giovane.
Manuel: Sì, ci sono molti bambini.
Giulia: Che bello!
Marco: Let’s here it slowly now.
Manuel: Quale verdura consigli?
Giulia: Prendi un po’ di lattuga, rucola e qualche carota.
Manuel: OK.
Giulia: In argentina ci sono molti anziani come in Italia?
Manuel: No. Ci sono tanti giovani quanti anziani.
Giulia: Qual è l’età media?
Manuel: Circa 29 anni.
Giulia: Allora è un paese giovane.
Manuel: Sì, ci sono molti bambini.
Giulia: Che bello!
Marco: And now, with the translation.
Manuel: Quale verdura consigli?
Manuel: What vegetables do you suggest?
Giulia: Prendi un po’ di lattuga, rucola e qualche carota.
Giulia: Get some lettuce, arugula, and some carrots.
Manuel: OK.
Manuel: Okay.
Giulia: In argentina ci sono molti anziani come in Italia?
Giulia: Are there many elderly people in Argentina, as in Italy?
Manuel: No. Ci sono tanti giovani quanti anziani.
Manuel: No, there are as many young as elderly people.
Giulia: Qual è l’età media?
Giulia: What is the average age?
Manuel: Circa 29 anni.
Manuel: About twenty-nine years.
Giulia: Allora è un paese giovane.
Giulia: Then it’s a young country.
Manuel: Sì, ci sono molti bambini.
Manuel: Yes, there are many children.
Giulia: Che bello!
Giulia: How nice!
Cinzia: Oh Italy is getting very old very fast.
Marco: Yes especially if you consider that the average age is 42 years.
Cinzia: That is not old but certainly not even young.
Marco: Especially in the North where there are fewer new births compared to the south.
Cinzia: Yes the south is so rich in young people.
Marco: And families are usually larger.
Cinzia: We love a big family.
Marco: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Marco: The first word we shall take a look at is
Cinzia: Lattuga.
Marco: Lettuce.
Cinzia: Lattuga. Lattuga.
Marco: And the next word is
Cinzia: Rucola.
Marco: Rocket. Arugula plant.
Cinzia: Rucola. Rucola
Marco: The next word is
Cinzia: Carota.
Marco: Carrot.
Cinzia: Carota. Carota.
Marco: And the next word is
Cinzia: Anziano.
Marco: Elderly person.
Cinzia: Anziano. Anziano.
Marco: The next word we should see is
Cinzia: Età.
Marco: Age, period, epoch.
Cinzia: Età. Età.
Marco: And today’s last word is
Cinzia: Bambino.
Marco: Child, baby, kid.
Cinzia: Bambino. Bambino
Marco: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Cinzia: The first word we will look at is lattuga.
Marco: And the sample sentence is
Cinzia: Vorrei una lattuga e due carote.
Marco: I’d like one lettuce and two carrots.
Cinzia: The next word we will look at is rucola.
Marco: And the sample is
Cinzia: Mi piace l’insalata di rucola.
Marco: I like Rocket Salad.
Cinzia: The next word is carota.
Marco: And the sample sentence is
Cinzia: I cavalli adorano le carote.
Marco: Horses adore carrots.
Cinzia: Next we have anziano.
Marco: And the sample is
Cinzia: Il centro per gli anziani è aperto ogni giorno.
Marco: The center for the elderly is open every day.
Cinzia: The next word we will look at is età.
Marco: And the sample sentence is
Cinzia: Non dimostri la tua età.
Marco: You don’t look your age.
Cinzia: And today’s last word is bambino.
Marco: So the last sample sentence is
Cinzia: Che bel bambino!
Marco: What a nice baby!

Lesson focus

Marco: Let’s take a look at today’s grammar point. When the objects of comparison are nouns, tanto and quanto become standard adjectives.
Cinzia: Therefore they need to be conjugated according to the nouns they are attached to.
Marco: Not the terms of comparison. For instance
Cinzia: Gli studenti hanno tante penne quanti quaderni degli esercizi.
Marco: The students have as many pens as exercise books.
Cinzia: Claudia conosce tante ragazze quanti ragazzi.
Marco: Claudia knows as many girls as guys.
Cinzia: Ho tante camicie quante giacche di pelle.
Marco: I have as many shirts as leather jackets. Note that in this case, tanto is always stated.


Marco: That just about does it for today. Before we go, we want to tell you about the way to drastically improve your pronunciation.
Cinzia: The voice recording tool.
Marco: Yes the voice recording tool in the premium learning center.
Cinzia: Record your voice with a click of a button.
Marco: And then play it back just as easily.
Cinzia: So you record your voice and then listen to it.
Marco: Compare it to the native speakers.
Cinzia: And adjust your pronunciation.
Marco: This will help you improve your pronunciation fast. Arrivederci.
Cinzia: Ciao.

