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Lesson Transcript

Betsey: Hi everyone! Welcome back to ItalianPod101.com. This is Lower Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 4 - Making Plans for the Weekend in Italian. I'm Betsey.
Ofelia: Ciao! Ofelia here. In this lesson you'll learn how to say the days of the week, and parts of the day, in Italian.
Betsey: This conversation takes place at a restaurant, and it's between Jack, Mieke, and Claudio.
Ofelia: The speakers are friends, so they will be using informal language.
Betsey: Okay. Let's listen to the conversation.
Mieke: Domenica ho tutta la giornata libera finalmente!
Jack: Allora facciamo qualcosa insieme!
Mieke: Vorrei fare un pic nic al parco del Valentino per due o tre ore.
Jack: Buona idea. Che tempo fa domenica?
Claudio: La mattina è nuvoloso e il pomeriggio piove.
Mieke: Peccato... allora, perché non andiamo a una cantina? Un mio amico lavora in una cantina vicino a Torino da due mesi.
Claudio: Ok. Partiamo verso mezzogiorno e torniamo la sera.
Betsey: Let's hear the conversation one time slowly.
Mieke: Domenica ho tutta la giornata libera finalmente!
Jack: Allora facciamo qualcosa insieme!
Mieke: Vorrei fare un pic nic al parco del Valentino per due o tre ore.
Jack: Buona idea. Che tempo fa domenica?
Claudio: La mattina è nuvoloso e il pomeriggio piove.
Mieke: Peccato... allora, perché non andiamo a una cantina? Un mio amico lavora in una cantina vicino a Torino da due mesi.
Claudio: Ok. Partiamo verso mezzogiorno e torniamo la sera.
Betsey: Now let's hear it with the English translation.
Mieke: Domenica ho tutta la giornata libera finalmente!
Mieke: Sunday I have the whole day free finally!
Jack: Allora facciamo qualcosa insieme!
Jack: Then let's do something together!
Mieke: Vorrei fare un pic nic al parco del Valentino per due o tre ore.
Mieke: I'd like to have a picnic at Valentino park for two or three hours.
Jack: Buona idea. Che tempo fa domenica?
Jack: Good idea. What will the weather be like on Sunday?
Claudio: La mattina è nuvoloso e il pomeriggio piove.
Claudio: In the morning, it will be cloudy, and in the afternoon it will rain.
Mieke: Peccato... allora, perché non andiamo a una cantina? Un mio amico lavora in una cantina vicino a Torino da due mesi.
Mieke: Too bad... Then, why don't we go to a wine bar? A friend of mine has been working in a wine bar near Turin for two months.
Claudio: Ok. Partiamo verso mezzogiorno e torniamo la sera.
Claudio: OK. We'll leave around midday and come back in the evening.
Ofelia: Oh, they are talking about wines! This is a good topic!
Betsey: (laughs) So let's talk some more about wines in Italy. Italy is one of the main producers of wine in the world, isn't it?
Ofelia: Yes, it produces about 40 million hectoliters of wine a year.
Betsey: Wow! But I've heard that recently, consumption of wine in Italy has been decreasing.
Ofelia: Yes that's true, but Italians still rank fifth in the world on wine consumption.
Betsey: So although it has decreased, they are still drinking a lot.
Ofelia: That's right. On average, one Italian drinks as much as 42 liters of wine every year!
Betsey: That sounds great. And where does most of the wine come from?
Ofelia: It comes mainly from regions like Tuscany, Piedmont, Puglia or Emilia Romagna, where its cultivation is intensive.
Betsey: Sometimes when I buy a bottle of Italian wine, the label says 'DOC.' What does that stand for?
Ofelia: DOC stands for "denominazione di origine controllata," It's the guarantee of its origin. DOC refers to specific zones of cultivation where only permitted grapes are used.
Betsey: That means that these labels are enacted by law. What are some of the most renowned DOC wines?
Ofelia: Here are some names you can look for on your next shopping trip - Brunello, Barbera, Malvasia, and Bonarda.
Betsey: So listeners, be sure to check the labels when you buy wines from Italy. Okay, let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Betsey: The first word we shall see is...
Ofelia: tutto [natural native speed]
Betsey: everything, all
Ofelia: tutto [slowly - broken down by syllable] tutto [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: libero [natural native speed]
Betsey: free
Ofelia: libero [slowly - broken down by syllable] libero [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: finalmente [natural native speed]
Betsey: finally
Ofelia: finalmente [slowly - broken down by syllable] finalmente [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: insieme [natural native speed]
Betsey: together
Ofelia: insieme [slowly - broken down by syllable] insieme [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: tempo [natural native speed]
Betsey: weather
Ofelia: tempo [slowly - broken down by syllable] tempo [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: nuvoloso [natural native speed]
Betsey: cloudy
Ofelia: nuvoloso [slowly - broken down by syllable] nuvoloso [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: piovere [natural native speed]
Betsey: to rain
Ofelia: piovere [slowly - broken down by syllable] piovere [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: vicino [natural native speed]
Betsey: near, close
Ofelia: vicino [slowly - broken down by syllable] vicino [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: partire [natural native speed]
Betsey: to leave, to start, to take off
Ofelia: partire [slowly - broken down by syllable] partire [natural native speed]
Betsey: And last...
Ofelia: tornare [natural native speed]
Betsey: to go back, to come back, to get back
Ofelia: tornare [slowly - broken down by syllable] tornare [natural native speed]
Betsey: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word we'll look at is...
Ofelia: LIBERO
Betsey: meaning "FREE" in English.
Ofelia: The adjective 'libero' also means "free" in the meaning of available or vacant.
Betsey: Could you give us an example?
Ofelia: Sure. "Gina, sei libera questa sera?"
Betsey: Gina, are you free this evening?
Ofelia: Here, the word 'libero' means "free" with the meaning of available.
Betsey: What about free when talking about prices, for example, "This pizza is free"?
Ofelia: In that case, you have to use a different word 'gratis'. So you should say 'Questa pizza è gratis' to mean "This pizza is free" in English.
Betsey: Okay, now what's the second word?
Ofelia: TEMPO
Betsey: "TIME" or "WEATHER," So it means both of them, right?
Ofelia: That's right. Let's take some examples. First, 'Non ho tempo.'
Betsey: I have no time.
Ofelia: Here, the word 'tempo' was used to mean "time." Let's see another example with this word - 'Oggi fa bel tempo.'
Betsey: "Today the weather is fine." Here, it was used to mean 'weather.' Okay Ofelia, what's the last word?
Betsey: "To rain" or "to be raining."
Ofelia: The noun "rain" in Italian is 'pioggia' and the verb 'to rain' is 'piovere'.
Betsey: It looks a little bit different. So how can you use this verb in a sentence?
Ofelia: The verb is always used in the impersonal form. So it's the third person singular, like in English. So when you use it in a sentence, you can change it to 'piove.'
Betsey: It's because it's in the second group, right?
Ofelia: That's right!
Betsey: What are some other useful weather verbs?
Ofelia: I'd like to introduce 'nevicare', which means "to snow." and 'tempestare,' which means "to hail," Here's an example sentence - 'In inverno nevica molto sulle Alpi.'
Betsey: "In winter it snows a lot in the Alps." Okay, everyone. Now onto the grammar.
Betsey: In this lesson, you're going to learn how to say the days of the week, and parts of the day in Italian.
Ofelia: We're going to learn about the days of the week, months, and seasons so that you can use them when you're asking time or plans.
Betsey: So Ofelia, what are the days of the week in Italian?
Ofelia: We already saw them in Lesson 2, now I would like to give you a tip to memorize them.
Betsey: That sounds useful.
Ofelia: Do you know the names of the planets?
Betsey: Of course!
Ofelia: Just like in English, in Italian, the week days are related to the solar system. I will tell you the week's days in Italian, please say which planet's name it reminds you of. First, 'Martedì.'
Betsey: Mars! that's "Tuesday."
Ofelia: Right! And next, 'Mercoledì.'
Betsey: Mercury. That's "Wednesday.
Ofelia: And.. 'Giovedì.'
Betsey: It sounds like Jupiter and that's "Thursday."
Ofelia: And next.. 'Venerdì'.
Betsey: Venus. That's Friday. Then there's Saturday, from Saturn... and that would be..
Ofelia: 'Sabato' in Italian. Actually, 'sabato' comes from the Hebrew noun, 'sabbat'.
Betsey: What about "Monday"?
Ofelia: As in English, Monday is related to the Moon. Here's the hint. 'Luna' is the word meaning 'moon' in Italian, so, the word for Monday is 'Lunedì'.
Betsey: Okay. And lastly, do you have a tip for Sunday?
Ofelia: I do! Sunday is Domenica, which originally meant Lord's Day, a name associated with Christianity.
Betsey: By the way, most of the days of the week end in '–dì'. Does that have a meaning?
Ofelia: Yes, 'Dì' means "day," For example, you can see the same suffix in the word ‘Buondì!' which means ‘Good day.'
Betsey: Okay, let's take a look at some examples now. How do you say.. "I go to the cinema on Mondays." in Italian?
Ofelia: That's ‘IL lunedì vado al cinema'. Here, you need to put the word ‘IL' before ‘lunedì' because that means Mondays in general, not just one specific Monday. For the same purpose, the preposition ‘di' can be added before the day of the week.
Betsey: Could you give an example?
Ofelia: Le scuole sono chiuse di domenica
Betsey: Schools are closed on Sundays
Ofelia: Here, you can see the word ‘di' before ‘domenica' meaning "on Sundays"
Betsey: Okay, now let's move to the parts of a day. Ofelia, how do you say ‘in the morning?'
Ofelia: It is ‘la mattina'. ‘Mattina' is the word meaning "morning."
Betsey: What about "in the afternoon." then?
Ofelia: Il pomeriggio
Betsey: And "in the evening" would be..
Ofelia: "La sera," Using this word, you can say the sentence.. "La sera vado a dormire verso mezzanotte."
Betsey: "In the evening I go to bed around midnight." Ok listeners, make sure to check the lesson notes to reinforce what you've learned in this lesson.


Betsey: OK. That's all for this lesson.Thanks for listening everyone. See you next time!
Ofelia: A presto!

