
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Betsey: Hi everyone! Welcome back to ItalianPod101.com. This is Lower Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 3 - Let's Hang Out This Weekend in Italy! I'm Betsey.
Ofelia: Ciao! Ofelia here! In this lesson you'll also learn how to use the irregular verbs fare, andare and venire.
Betsey: This conversation takes place in Jack and Claudio's apartment, and it's between Jack and Claudio.
Ofelia: The speakers are roommates, so they'll be using informal language.
Betsey: Okay! Let's listen to the conversation.
Jack: Claudio, cosa fai questo fine settimana?
Claudio: Sabato mattina vado a vedere una gara di nuoto. Il pomeriggio gioco a calcio con la mia squadra. La sera invece non ho programmi.
Jack: Io vado in pizzeria con Mieke. Perché non vieni con noi?
Claudio: Va bene. E domenica cosa fai?
Jack: Di solito vado in palestra e faccio karate, ma questa domenica la palestra è chiusa. Vorrei andare alle Terme di Acqui, ma non so...
Betsey: Let's hear the conversation one time slowly.
Jack: Claudio, cosa fai questo fine settimana?
Claudio: Sabato mattina vado a vedere una gara di nuoto. Il pomeriggio gioco a calcio con la mia squadra. La sera invece non ho programmi.
Jack: Io vado in pizzeria con Mieke. Perché non vieni con noi?
Claudio: Va bene. E domenica cosa fai?
Jack: Di solito vado in palestra e faccio karate, ma questa domenica la palestra è chiusa. Vorrei andare alle Terme di Acqui, ma non so...
Betsey: Now let's hear it with the English translation.
Jack: Claudio, cosa fai questo fine settimana?
Jack: Claudio, what are you doing this weekend?
Claudio: Sabato mattina vado a vedere una gara di nuoto. Il pomeriggio gioco a calcio con la mia squadra. La sera invece non ho programmi.
Claudio: On Saturday morning, I'll go watch a swimming competition. In the afternoon, I'll play soccer with my team. In the evening, though, I have no plans.
Jack: Io vado in pizzeria con Mieke. Perché non vieni con noi?
Jack: I'm going to a pizzeria with Mieke. Why don't you come with us?
Claudio: Va bene. E domenica cosa fai?
Claudio: Sure. And what are you doing on Sunday?
Jack: Di solito vado in palestra e faccio karate, ma questa domenica la palestra è chiusa. Vorrei andare alle Terme di Acqui, ma non so...
Jack: I usually go to the gym and have a karate lesson, but this Sunday, the gym is closed. I'd like to go to Terme di Acqui, but I'm not sure...
Ofelia: Okay, now let's talk about a small city of Piedmont in northern Italy - Acqui Terme.
Betsey: Where is it exactly in Piedmont?
Ofelia: It is near the city of Alessandria. Acqui Terme is known for some specialities. For example it has a large number of wineries. It is one of the main winemaking towns of Northern Italy.
Betsey: What's a famous wine from there?
Ofelia: Well, there's Brachetto d'Acqui, which is one of the finest sweet sparkling Italian wines in the world, and it goes perfectly with desserts!
Betsey: That sounds great. And what about the name of the city? Does it have a special meaning?
Ofelia: Yes. Acqui Terme is made of two words, "Acqui" which is from the Latin "Aquae" meaning "waters." and the second word Terme meaning ‘hot springs' in Italian.
Betsey: It seems like the city has been famous for its spring waters for a long time!
Ofelia: That's right! You can find a little pavilion called 'La Bollente' in the center of the city, and it means "the boiling" in English. It's been there since the 19th century, and it's called that because it's the place at the center of the town where the waters spring from and bubble up at a very high temperature.
Betsey: That's amazing! I hope our listeners get a chance to visit the city and the pavilion. It'd be great to relax in the hot spring, then drink some wine! Now, let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Betsey: The first word we shall see is...
Ofelia: fine settimana [natural native speed]
Betsey: weekend
Ofelia: fine settimana [slowly - broken down by syllable] fine settimana [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: mattina [natural native speed]
Betsey: morning
Ofelia: mattina [slowly - broken down by syllable] mattina [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: vedere [natural native speed]
Betsey: to look, to watch, to see
Ofelia: vedere [slowly - broken down by syllable] vedere [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: nuoto [natural native speed]
Betsey: swimming
Ofelia: nuoto [slowly - broken down by syllable] nuoto [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: pomeriggio [natural native speed]
Betsey: afternoon
Ofelia: pomeriggio [slowly - broken down by syllable] pomeriggio [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: calcio [natural native speed]
Betsey: soccer, football
Ofelia: calcio [slowly - broken down by syllable] calcio [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: squadra [natural native speed]
Betsey: team
Ofelia: squadra [slowly - broken down by syllable] squadra [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: sera [natural native speed]
Betsey: evening
Ofelia: sera [slowly - broken down by syllable] sera [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: palestra [natural native speed]
Betsey: gym
Ofelia: palestra [slowly - broken down by syllable] palestra [natural native speed]
Betsey: And last...
Ofelia: programma [natural native speed]
Betsey: plan
Ofelia: programma [slowly - broken down by syllable] programma [natural native speed]
Betsey: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is..?
Ofelia: NUOTO
Betsey: it means "SWIMMING" in English.
Ofelia: This noun comes from the verb nuotare.
Betsey: That means "to swim," So it's the same as in English. Are there any other related words?
Ofelia: You can find the expression - lezioni di nuoto,
Betsey: "Swimming lessons."
Ofelia: Here, 'lezioni' means "lessons." 'di' means "of" and 'nuoto' means "Swimming." Literally, it means "lessons of swimming."
Betsey: Then what's "Swimming instructor?"
Ofelia: Istruttore di nuoto
Betsey: And "swimming race" is...
Ofelia: gara di nuoto.
Betsey: And lastly, what's "swimming pool"?
Ofelia: That's a good question. You might expect a word that includes 'nuoto', but it's actually piscina.
Betsey: Hmm, why is it so different?
Ofelia: It's different because it comes from the Latin word 'piscis'. It was the word meaning 'fish' in English or "pesce" in modern Italian. In the ancient Roman world, the 'piscina' was the place where people bred fish!
Betsey: And now, it means 'swimming pool' instead. That's interesting. Okay, so what's the next word?
Betsey: Which means "PLAN." Since it ends with the suffix 'A', I think it should be feminine, right?
Ofelia: That's a good guess. But unfortunately it isn't! It's masculine. You have to say. 'IL PROGRAMMA.'
Betsey: Are there any others words like this which ends with 'a' but actually that are masculine?
Ofelia: Yes. And let me give you a tip. Any words ending with '-gramma' are masculine. For example, 'telegramma'
Betsey: meaning "telegram"
Ofelia: diagramma
Betsey: meaning "diagram," Okay, everyone. Now onto the grammar.
Betsey: In this lesson, you're going to learn about three important irregular verbs. Ofelia, could you read them one by one?
Ofelia: Sure. First andare.
Betsey: meaning "to go,"
Ofelia: Second, venire
Betsey: "to come"
Ofelia: And lastly, fare.
Betsey: Which means "to do," They are all irregular verbs, and also the three most commonly used verbs in Italian. Once you master them correctly, you'll understand Italian well.
Ofelia: That's right! Let's start with andare, meaning "to go,"
Betsey: Could you give us the conjugations of this verb one by one?
Ofelia: Sure. I'll read the Italian, and Betsey will give you the English translation.
Betsey: Listeners, please pay attention to the verb changes.
Ofelia: Okay, let's start with the verb 'andare', meaning "to go" in English. First,
'Io vado' (LITTLE PAUSE) 'Io vado'
Betsey: I go
Ofelia: Tu vai (LITTLE PAUSE) Tu vai
Betsey: You go, informal.
Ofelia: Lui va, lei va. (LITTLE PAUSE) Lui va, lei va.
Betsey: He goes, she goes.
Ofelia: Noi andiamo (LITTLE PAUSE) Noi andiamo
Betsey: We go.
Ofelia Voi andate (LITTLE PAUSE) Voi andate
Betsey: You go. (formal) And last,
Ofelia: Loro vanno (LITTLE PAUSE), Loro vanno.
Betsey: "They go." That was a long list. Listeners, please make sure to check the lesson notes. You can find the list there too. Okay Ofelia, can you give us a couple of sentences with the verb 'andare'?
Ofelia: Sabato vado al cinema.
Betsey: On Saturday I go to the cinema.
Ofelia: Here, it literally means "Saturday, go to cinema," You can't find the pronoun 'I' here, just the verb vado
Betsey: And from that, you can figure out the subject of the sentence, even without looking at the pronoun. Ofelia, could you give us one more example?
Ofelia: Sure. 'Sabato andiamo al cinema.'
Betsey: The verb has changed here.
Ofelia: Right. The verb andiamo, which you can use with the pronoun 'Noi' or "We" in English, appears here.
Betsey: So, it means "On Saturday we are going to the cinema." It literally means 'Saturday, go to cinema.'
Ofelia: And one more tip about Italian. In English, you can say.. 'I go to watch something.' It can be the same in Italian. After the verb 'Andare', you can use the word 'A' to show why you're going to somewhere. For example, you can say.. 'Andare a vedere una gara.'
Betsey: "Go watching a competition."
Ofelia: Here, I've used the word 'vedere' meaning "to see." Therefore, 'andare a vedere' means..
Betsey: "to go see..." or literally "to go to see something," Okay, now let's move to the next verb.
Ofelia: Next up is venire meaning "to come."
Betsey: Could you give us the list of conjugations?
Ofelia: Sure. I'll give you the Italian sentences only this time.
Lui/lei viene (LITTLE PAUSE)
Noi veniamo (LITTLE PAUSE)
Voi venite (LITTLE PAUSE)
Loro vengono (LITTLE PAUSE)
Betsey: Okay, let's look at some examples.
Ofelia: Anche Sara viene alla festa.
Betsey: "Also Sara is coming to the party." Here, you can find the word 'viene', which is the conjugated form of the third person singular.
Ofelia: You can also put the preposition 'A' with another verb after 'viene'. For example, 'vengo a lavorare.'
Betsey: "I come to work." Okay and lastly, let's check the verb fare, meaning "to do" or "to make."
Ofelia: Okay, I'll give you the Italian sentences one by one.
Io faccio (LITTLE PAUSE)
Lui/lei fa (LITTLE PAUSE)
Noi facciamo (LITTLE PAUSE)
Loro fanno (LITTLE PAUSE)
Betsey: Can I use this verb in a sentence like 'And on Sunday, what do you do?'
Ofelia: Yes. It would be 'E domenica cosa fai?' 'Fare' is a very useful verb, and you can express many things with it! You can also use this verb to mean 'to make', not just 'to do.' For example, ‘Faccio la pasta'.
Betsey: I make pasta.
Ofelia: You can use 'fare' also with sports, for example 'Fare yoga'.
Betsey: to do yoga
Ofelia: fare karate
Betsey: to do karate.
Ofelia: Yes, in general, when you don't remember the right verb, you can use 'fare' instead...
Betsey: Listeners, that's a great tip, so keep it in mind!


Betsey: OK. That's all for this lesson. Make sure you check the lesson notes to reinforce what you've learned in this lesson. Thanks for listening everyone. See you next time!
Ofelia: A presto!

