
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Betsey: Hi everyone! Welcome back to ItalianPod101.com. This is Lower beginner, Season 1 Lesson 22 - Where Can I Find an ATM in Italy? I'm Betsey.
Ofelia: Ciao! Ofelia here.
Betsey: In this lesson, you'll learn how to ask for information.
Ofelia: You'll also learn how to use the demonstrative adjective questo. Such as, C'è una banca alla fine di questa via.
Betsey: "There is a bank at the end of this street."
Ofelia: This conversation takes place on the street.
Betsey: It's between Mieke and a passer-by. The speakers don't know each other, so they'll be using formal language.
Ofelia: Ascoltiamo.
Mieke: Scusi, c'è un bancomat qui vicino?
Passante: C'è una banca alla fine di questa via. Oppure vede quest'edificio rosso? Dentro, al primo piano forse c'è un bancomat. Non ricordo bene.
Mieke: Provo ad andare in quest'edificio . Grazie per le informazioni.
Passante: Non c'è di che.
Betsey: Let's hear the conversation one time slowly.
Mieke: Scusi, c'è un bancomat qui vicino?
Passante: C'è una banca alla fine di questa via. Oppure vede quest'edificio rosso? Dentro, al primo piano forse c'è un bancomat. Non ricordo bene.
Mieke: Provo ad andare in quest'edificio . Grazie per le informazioni.
Passante: Non c'è di che.
Betsey: Now let's hear it with the English translation.
Mieke: Scusi, c'è un bancomat qui vicino?
Mieke: Excuse me, is there an ATM nearby?
Passante: C'è una banca alla fine di questa via. Oppure vede quest'edificio rosso? Dentro, al primo piano forse c'è un bancomat. Non ricordo bene.
Passer-by: There is a bank at the end of this street. Or, do you see that red building? Inside, on the first floor there might be an ATM. I don't remember well.
Mieke: Provo ad andare in quest'edificio . Grazie per le informazioni.
Mieke: I'll try to go to this building. Thank you for the information.
Passante: Non c'è di che.
Passer-by: You're welcome.
Ofelia: Okay, let's talk about ATMs in Italy.
Betsey: Great! This seems like a useful topic. How do you say ATM in Italian?
Ofelia: The ATM is called Bancomat in Italian.
Betsey: Where are ATMs usually located?
Ofelia: There are ATMs outside banks, and in airports and train stations.
Betsey: Good to know.
Ofelia: The Italian banking association has an efficient ATM locator on its website. It's in Italian only, but it's fairly easy to use.
Betsey: I see. And what's the sign for an ATM?
Ofelia: The sign for a Bancomat is usually blue and has the word bancomat, spelled b-a-n-c-o-m-a-t, and a big blue B on it.
Betsey: That seems easy to spot! I guess the process for withdrawing money is very similar to any other country.
Ofelia: Yes. Once you insert your card, you will be prompted to choose your language. English will be one of the choices. Then you have to enter the PIN, and at the end you'll be presented with a number of choices for withdrawal.
Betsey: What's the maximum amount I can withdraw with a foreign card?
Ofelia: It depends. Usually it is 250 euros.
Betsey: What if I have trouble with my card?
Ofelia: You should visit the nearest bank, but please keep in mind that bank opening hours are mornings, and only a few hours in the afternoon.
Betsey: Oh really?
Ofelia: And be aware that banks exchange money only for their customers.
Betsey: That's something to keep in mind, listeners! Okay, now let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Betsey: The first word we shall see is...
Ofelia: bancomat [natural native speed]
Betsey: you're welcome
Ofelia: bancomat [slowly - broken down by syllable] bancomat [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: banca [natural native speed]
Betsey: bank
Ofelia: banca [slowly - broken down by syllable] banca [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: fine [natural native speed]
Betsey: end
Ofelia: fine [slowly - broken down by syllable] fine [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: via [natural native speed]
Betsey: street, road
Ofelia: via [slowly - broken down by syllable] via [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: edificio [natural native speed]
Betsey: building
Ofelia: edificio [slowly - broken down by syllable] edificio [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: dentro [natural native speed]
Betsey: in, inside, within, by
Ofelia: dentro [slowly - broken down by syllable] dentro [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: piano [natural native speed]
Betsey: floor
Ofelia: piano [slowly - broken down by syllable] piano [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: piano [natural native speed]
Betsey: to remember, to not forget, to recall
Ofelia: piano [slowly - broken down by syllable] piano [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: informazione [natural native speed]
Betsey: information
Ofelia: informazione [slowly - broken down by syllable] informazione [natural native speed]
Betsey: And last...
Ofelia: non c'è di che [natural native speed]
Betsey: you're welcome
Ofelia: non c'è di che [slowly - broken down by syllable] non c'è di che [natural native speed]
Betsey: Let's take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases for this lesson.
Ofelia: The first word is... PIANO
Betsey: Which means "FLOOR"
Ofelia: Be aware that in Italian, ordinal numbers are used with the word piano.
Betsey: What's the preposition you need here?
Ofelia: It is A, for example, Al secondo piano.
Betsey: On the second floor.
Ofelia: Also remember that what is known as the first floor in US English is piano terra which literally means "ground floor." like in British English. The "second floor" from US English is primo piano.
Betsey: Let's hear a sample sentence.
Ofelia: Dove abiti? Al primo o al secondo piano?
Betsey: Where do you live? On the first or second floor?
Betsey: What's the next one we'll look at?
Ofelia: It means both 'to remember' and 'to remind'.
Betsey: What's an example?
Ofelia: Non ricordo il tuo nome.
Betsey: I don't remember your name.
Ofelia: Questa casa mi ricorda la mia infanzia.
Betsey: This house reminds me of my childhood.
Betsey: The last word we'll look at is...
Ofelia: In Italian, the word informazione can be both singular and plural.
Betsey: Let's hear an example of how to use it as a plural noun.
Ofelia: Mi può dare alcune informazioni sulla stagione concertistica?
Betsey: Can you give me some information about the concert season?
Betsey: OK, and what's another example?
Ofelia: Vorremmo informazioni su questi prodotti locali.
Betsey: "We would like some information about these local products." Okay, everyone now onto the grammar.
Ofelia: In this lesson, you'll learn how to use the demonstrative adjective questo.
Betsey: Which translates to 'this'.
Ofelia: It refers to something or someone close to the speaker.
Betsey: It's always placed before the noun and, like most adjectives in Italian, it agrees in gender and number with the noun to which it refers.
Ofelia: If it refers to a masculine singular noun, the demonstrative adjective is questo.
Betsey: Here's a sample sentence.
Ofelia: Questo giardino è molto bello.
Betsey: This garden is very beautiful.
Ofelia: If it refers to a feminine singular noun, the demonstrative adjective becomes questa.
Betsey: For example…
Ofelia: Questa casa è troppo piccola.
Betsey: This house is too small.
Ofelia: If it refers to a masculine plural noun, the demonstrative adjective declines as questi
Betsey: Ok, here is a sample sentence.
Ofelia: Non mi piacciono questi pantaloni.
Betsey: "I don't like these trousers." And if it refers to a feminine plural noun?
Ofelia: It would be queste.
Betsey: For example…
Ofelia: Hai cucinato queste tre torte?
Betsey: Did you cook these three cakes?
Ofelia: When questo/questa is followed by a noun that starts with a vowel, elision occurs.
Betsey: That means questo/questa drops the last –o/-a, and its place is taken by an apostrophe.
Ofelia: Quest'uomo si chiama Giovanni Rossi.
Betsey: This man's name is Giovanni Rossi.
Ofelia: If Questi and queste are in front of a noun that starts with a vowel, there are no phonetic changes.
Betsey: Can you give us a sample sentence?
Ofelia: Questi orecchini sono un regalo di Luca.
Betsey: These earrings are a present from Luca.
Ofelia: But be aware that questo and questa are sometimes shortened to ‘sto and ‘sta. Like in the word stamattina
Betsey: this morning
Ofelia: stasera
Betsey: this evening
Ofelia: stanotte
Betsey: tonight.
Ofelia: An example is Che cosa fai stamattina?
Betsey: Which means "What are you doing this morning?"


Betsey: OK. That's all for this lesson.
Ofelia: Thank you all for listening! A presto!
Betsey: Make sure you check the lesson notes, and we'll see you next time!

