
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Betsey: Hi everyone! Welcome back to ItalianPod101.com. This is Lower beginner, Season 1 Lesson 18 - Don't Be the Third Wheel in Italy! I'm Betsey.
Ofelia: Ciao! I'm Ofelia.
Betsey: In this lesson, you'll learn how to plan an evening. You'll also learn about the irregular verbs uscire and salire. Such as…
Ofelia: Esci con me e Jack?
Betsey: Are you coming out with me and Jack?...
Ofelia: ...and Saliamo con l'ascensore fino a 85 metri di altezza.
Betsey: "We'll be going up 85 meters high in the elevator." This conversation takes place at the university cafeteria.
Ofelia: Laura e Mieke parlano insieme.
Betsey: The conversation is between Laura and Mieke. The speakers are co-workers, so they'll be using informal Italian.
Ofelia: Ascoltiamo.
Mieke: Che fai domani sera? Esci con me e Jack? Andiamo alla Mole Antonelliana a visitare il museo del cinema.
Laura: Mi dispiace, vorrei fare lo straordinario al lavoro. Sono al verde questo mese. E poi mi voglio esercitare con qualche ricetta nuova. E soprattutto non voglio uscire con voi due a reggere la candela!
Mieke: Siamo solo amici! E poi saliamo con l'ascensore fino a 85 metri di altezza- immagina che bella vista!
Betsey: Let's hear the conversation one time slowly.
Mieke: Che fai domani sera? Esci con me e Jack? Andiamo alla Mole Antonelliana a visitare il museo del cinema.
Laura: Mi dispiace, vorrei fare lo straordinario al lavoro. Sono al verde questo mese. E poi mi voglio esercitare con qualche ricetta nuova. E soprattutto non voglio uscire con voi due a reggere la candela!
Mieke: Siamo solo amici! E poi saliamo con l'ascensore fino a 85 metri di altezza- immagina che bella vista!
Betsey: Now let's hear it with the English translation.
Mieke: Che fai domani sera? Esci con me e Jack? Andiamo alla Mole Antonelliana a visitare il museo del cinema.
Mieke: What are you doing tomorrow evening? Are you coming out with me and Jack? We are going to the Mole Antonelliana to visit the cinema museum.
Laura: Mi dispiace, vorrei fare lo straordinario al lavoro. Sono al verde questo mese. E poi mi voglio esercitare con qualche ricetta nuova. E soprattutto non voglio uscire con voi due a reggere la candela!
Laura: I'm sorry, I'd like to work overtime. I'm broke this month. Also, I want to practice some new recipes. And above all, I don't want to go out with you two and be the third wheel.
Mieke: Siamo solo amici! E poi saliamo con l'ascensore fino a 85 metri di altezza- immagina che bella vista!
Mieke: We are only friends! And we will also go eighty-five meters up in the elevator...imagine what a beautiful view there is!
Ofelia: In this lesson, we'll talk about The National Museum of Cinema, in Turin.
Betsey: It's housed in an ancient tower, a major landmark building of the city.
Ofelia: Yes, the Mole Antonelliana was built in 1889, and is 167 meters in height.
Betsey: This is why this Museum is the tallest museum in Europe.
Ofelia: Yes!
Betsey: How big is it?
Ofelia: Well, the exhibition is on five floors, and covers 3200 square meters. It houses everything related to cinema and movie-making.
Betsey: Wow. Does it cover the history of cinema dating back to the first moving pictures, up to the present day?
Ofelia: Yes, and it also has a huge collection of posters and advertising material, costumes and props.
Betsey: I don't know if you could see everything in one trip!
Ofelia: Well, you can try! The museum is also very interactive, with a lot to see and touch, and it is possible to use your iPad to guide your visit.
Betsey: Hmm, all of these reasons are probably why it has been rated as one of the best museums in Europe.
Ofelia: Definitely, and there is even a panoramic elevator with transparent glass walls - the elevator goes up 75 meters in 59 seconds. It goes all the way up in one trip, and arrives at the very top of the Mole Antonelliana. From there, you can admire a 360-degree view of the city.
Betsey: Wow! A place to visit for sure! Okay, let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Betsey: The first word we shall see is...
Ofelia: visitare [natural native speed]
Betsey: to visit
Ofelia: visitare [slowly - broken down by syllable] visitare [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: straordinario [natural native speed]
Betsey: extra work
Ofelia: straordinario [slowly - broken down by syllable] straordinario [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: essere al verde [natural native speed]
Betsey: to be broke
Ofelia: essere al verde [slowly - broken down by syllable] essere al verde [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: esercitare [natural native speed]
Betsey: to practice
Ofelia: esercitare [slowly - broken down by syllable] esercitare [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: ricetta [natural native speed]
Betsey: recipe, prescription
Ofelia: ricetta [slowly - broken down by syllable] ricetta [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: soprattutto [natural native speed]
Betsey: especially, above all
Ofelia: soprattutto [slowly - broken down by syllable] soprattutto [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: reggere la candela [natural native speed]
Betsey: to be the third wheel
Ofelia: reggere la candela [slowly - broken down by syllable] reggere la candela [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: reggere la candela [natural native speed]
Betsey: to get on, to get in, to go up
Ofelia: reggere la candela [slowly - broken down by syllable] reggere la candela [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: ascensore [natural native speed]
Betsey: elevator
Ofelia: ascensore [slowly - broken down by syllable] ascensore [natural native speed]
Betsey: And last...
Ofelia: vista [natural native speed]
Betsey: sight, view, panorama
Ofelia: vista [slowly - broken down by syllable] vista [natural native speed]
Betsey: Let's take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases for this lesson.
Ofelia: The first word is VISITARE
Betsey: TO VISIT
Ofelia: Be aware that this verb is used only for visiting places, and not people.
Betsey: So how would you say 'to visit friends or family'?
Ofelia: You can use the expression andare a trovare.
Betsey: Let's hear some examples of the usage with places.
Ofelia: Oggi andiamo a visitare Milano.
Betsey: Today we are going to visit Milan.
Ofelia: Andiamo a trovare Vittorio.
Betsey: Let's visit Vittorio.
Betsey: What's the next expression we'll look at?
Ofelia: This common expression is used to say that someone has no money. It is also possible to say essere in rosso,
Betsey: Literally, "to be in the red."
Ofelia: Or avere le tasche vuote,
Betsey: "To have empty pockets." Let's hear some examples.
Ofelia: Non posso andare in vacanza, sono in rosso.
Betsey: I can't go on vacation. I'm in the red.
Ofelia: Or also, Non posso andare in vacanza, sono al verde.
Betsey: "I can't go on vacation. I'm broke." The last expression we'll look at is...
Ofelia: This expression is literally 'to hold the candle', but it means 'to be the third wheel'. It probably comes from the common idea that a candle is used during romantic dates.
Betsey: What's an example?
Ofelia: Che faccio qui con voi due? Reggo la candela?
Betsey: "What am I doing here with you two? Am I the third wheel?" Are there any other expressions with the word 'candle'?
Ofelia: Yes, for example - Il gioco non vale la candela.
Betsey: The game is not worth the candle.
Ofelia: This means that something isn't worth the effort.
Betsey: Okay, now onto the grammar.
Betsey: In this lesson, you'll learn how to use the verbs
Ofelia: uscire
Betsey: meaning "to go out"
Ofelia: ...and salire
Betsey: meaning "to go up."
Ofelia: Let's first look at the verb uscire.
Betsey: It means "to go or come out." "to leave" or "to exit."
Ofelia: It is an irregular verb.
Betsey: Here is how it's conjugated.
Ofelia: Io esco
Betsey: [I go out]
Tu esci
Betsey: [You go out]
Lui/ lei esce
Betsey: [he/she goes out]
Noi usciamo
Betsey: [We go out]
Voi uscite
Betsey: [You go out (plural)]
Loro escono
Betsey: [They go out
Betsey: This verb is intransitive, so it doesn't take a direct object. Ofelia:, what are some sample sentences?
Ofelia: Stasera Luisa esce con Maria e Sandra.
Betsey: Tonight Luisa is going out with Maria and Sandra.
Ofelia: Quando esci, chiudi la porta.
Betsey: When you leave, close the door.
Ofelia: Notice that the preposition used after uscire in the meaning of "to leave/exit" is di if the noun is casa, or da for other nouns.
Betsey: For example…
Ofelia: Giorgio esce dall'ufficio alle 17.
Betsey: Giorgio leaves the office at 5pm.
Ofelia: Another irregular verb that has the same conjugation as uscire, is riuscire
Betsey: It means "to manage," "to be able to," Can you give us an example?
Ofelia: Non riesco a concentrarmi con questo rumore.
Betsey: I can't concentrate with this noise.
Ofelia: Now let's look at the verb salire
Betsey: Salire means "to go up, to climb, to rise."
Ofelia: It's an irregular verb.
Betsey: Here is its conjugation.
Ofelia: Io salgo
Betsey: [I go up
Tu sali
Betsey: [You go up]
Lui/ lei sale
Betsey: [He/she go up]
Noi saliamo
Betsey: [We go up
Voi salite
Betsey: [You go up (plural)]
Loro salgono
Betsey: [They go up]
Ofelia: Salire can be both transitive and intransitive.
Betsey: Here is a sample sentence in the transitive form.
Ofelia: Salgo le scale fino al quinto piano.
Betsey: I'm walking up the stairs to the fifth floor.
Ofelia: And one with the verb salire as an intransitive verb.
Salgo fino al quinto piano con l'ascensore.
Betsey: I'm going up to the fifth floor with the elevator. Alright, as always, remember to check the lesson notes, listeners!


Betsey: OK. That's all for this lesson.
Ofelia: Thank you all for listening! A presto!
Betsey: See you next time!

