
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Betsey: Hi everyone! Welcome back to ItalianPod101.com. This is Lower beginner, Season 1 Lesson 15 - I'm Betsey. - You will learn how to talk about jobs.
Betsey: In this lesson you'll also learn how to change masculine nouns into feminine nouns when talking about jobs. Such as..
Ofelia: Tu fai il pasticcere. Anch'io vorrei fare la pasticcera.
Betsey: "You are a patissier. I would like to be a patissier too." This conversation takes place at a café.
Ofelia: Claudio e Mieke parlano insieme.
Betsey: The conversation is between Claudio and Mieke.The speakers are friends, so they'll be using informal language.
Ofelia: Ascoltiamo.
Claudio: Non ci sono annunci interessanti questa settimana.
Mieke: Tu hai già un lavoro. Perchè cerchi un altro impiego?
Claudio: Il mio lavoro come impiegato in banca è stressante e non è più stimolante. Vorrei un lavoro più fantasioso...
Mieke: Il pasticcere o il cuoco? O magari il pittore!
Claudio: Ah!... tu fai la pasticcera. Immagina di cambiare lavoro- cosa vorresti fare?
Mieke: La ballerina o la cantante di opera lirica!
Betsey: Let's hear the conversation one time slowly.
Claudio: Non ci sono annunci interessanti questa settimana.
Mieke: Tu hai già un lavoro. Perchè cerchi un altro impiego?
Claudio: Il mio lavoro come impiegato in banca è stressante e non è più stimolante. Vorrei un lavoro più fantasioso...
Mieke: Il pasticcere o il cuoco? O magari il pittore!
Claudio: Ah!... tu fai la pasticcera. Immagina di cambiare lavoro- cosa vorresti fare?
Mieke: La ballerina o la cantante di opera lirica!
Betsey: Now let's hear it with the English translation.
Claudio: Non ci sono annunci interessanti questa settimana.
Claudio: There are no interesting advertisements this week.
Mieke: Tu hai già un lavoro. Perchè cerchi un altro impiego?
Mieke: You already have a job. Why are you looking for another one?
Claudio: Il mio lavoro come impiegato in banca è stressante e non è più stimolante. Vorrei un lavoro più fantasioso...
Claudio: My job as an employee at the bank is stressful and not exciting any more. I would like a more creative job…
Mieke: Il pasticcere o il cuoco? O magari il pittore!
Mieke: A pastry chef or a chef? Or maybe a painter?
Claudio: Ah!... tu fai la pasticcera. Immagina di cambiare lavoro- cosa vorresti fare?
Claudio: Ah ah. You are a pâtissier. Imagine changing jobs…what would you like to do?
Mieke: La ballerina o la cantante di opera lirica!
Mieke: I'd like to be a ballerina or an opera singer!
Ofelia: Let's talk about a special job, that of the housewife.
Betsey: How do you say "housewife" in Italian?
Ofelia: casalinga.
Betsey: I see… It has the word casa in it.
Ofelia: Yes, because a casalinga is a person who works in the house.
Betsey: The word ends in "-a." so I guess it's normally a female job...
Ofelia: Right, but actually in this lesson we'll talk about il casalingo, not la casalinga.
Betsey: You mean … the househusband?
Ofelia: Yes! The word casalinga used to be only feminine, but these days it is used for men too as casalingo.
Betsey: Are there many men doing it?
Ofelia: Yes, maybe more than you think!
Betsey: How many?
Ofelia: According to a survey, there are about 22,000 men who are working as casalinghi in Italy at the moment.
Betsey: Wow, that's quite a lot!
Ofelia: And there's also an association of uomini casalinghi. It's called AsUC or Association of Househusbands and has about 6,000 members.
Betsey: Does this association have a website? I'm quite curious now.
Ofelia: Yes, and for example on their website, there is information and advice about how to do the grocery shopping well, and how to save on electricity bills.
Betsey: Interesting!
Ofelia: And there is also a manual, 'Casalingo e contento' , literally "househusband and happy." which can help a new casalingo to do the housework!
Betsey: It's definitely a tough job! Okay, now let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Betsey: The first word we shall see is...
Ofelia: annuncio [natural native speed]
Betsey: advertisement
Ofelia: annuncio [slowly - broken down by syllable] annuncio [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: cercare [natural native speed]
Betsey: to look for, seek, search
Ofelia: cercare [slowly - broken down by syllable] cercare [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: impiego [natural native speed]
Betsey: job
Ofelia: impiego [slowly - broken down by syllable] impiego [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: stressante [natural native speed]
Betsey: stressful
Ofelia: stressante [slowly - broken down by syllable] stressante [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: stimolante [natural native speed]
Betsey: interesting
Ofelia: stimolante [slowly - broken down by syllable] stimolante [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: fantasioso [natural native speed]
Betsey: creative
Ofelia: fantasioso [slowly - broken down by syllable] fantasioso [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: pasticcere [natural native speed]
Betsey: pastry chef
Ofelia: pasticcere [slowly - broken down by syllable] pasticcere [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: pasticcere [natural native speed]
Betsey: painter
Ofelia: pasticcere [slowly - broken down by syllable] pasticcere [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: immaginare [natural native speed]
Betsey: to imagine, suppose, think
Ofelia: immaginare [slowly - broken down by syllable] immaginare [natural native speed]
Betsey: And last...
Ofelia: ballerina [natural native speed]
Betsey: ballerina
Ofelia: ballerina [slowly - broken down by syllable] ballerina [natural native speed]
Betsey: Let's take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases for this lesson.
Ofelia: The first word is... ANNUNCIO
Ofelia: This noun, which both means advertisement and announcement, comes from the verb annunciare, meaning "to announce." It is a masculine noun.
Betsey: Are there some synonyms?
Ofelia: Avviso.
Betsey: Can you give us an example?
Ofelia: In bacheca c'è un avviso per tutti gli studenti.
Betsey: "On the notice board, there is an announcement for all students."
Betsey: What's the next one we'll look at?
Ofelia: This adjective means 'stressful'. It is comes from the word stress, directly from the English word, and that's why it is a masculine noun, lo stress. The verb is stressare, which means "to give stress to somebody."
Betsey: What's the opposite?
Ofelia: Rilassante
Betsey: This means "relaxing," What's an example?
Ofelia: E' molto rilassante vivere in campagna.
Betsey: Living in the country is very relaxing.
Betsey: The last word we'll look at is...
Ofelia: In Italian, the words ballerina or ballerino do not only refer to the classical dancers, but to any type of dancers. So this term is better translated as "dancer,"
Betsey: Please give us a sample sentence.
Ofelia: Il teatro della Scala di Milano è in cerca di una ballerina.
Betsey: "The Scala theatre in Milan is looking for a dancer." Okay, everyone, now onto the grammar.
Betsey: In this lesson, you'll learn how to change masculine nouns into feminine, when talking about jobs.
Ofelia: Nouns that describe jobs can be grouped together according to their ending suffix.
Betsey: For example?
Ofelia: The group of nouns that end in '–aio' [make the sound and spell it out in English here] turn into feminine nouns that end in '–aia'.
Betsey: For example...
Ofelia: Operaio
Betsey: worker
Ofelia: 'operaio' in feminine is 'operaia'. Another example is 'gelataio'
Betsey: Which means "ice cream vendor"
Ofelia: the feminine form of 'gelataio' is gelataia
Betsey: The meaning of most of these words is quite clear.
Ofelia: Yes, for instance the 'gelataio' (ice cream vendor) sells 'gelato' (ice cream). Another group to take into consideration is the group of nouns that end in '–iere'.
Betsey: These nouns in the feminine turn into '–iera'
Ofelia: For example, the job cameriere
Betsey: Meaning "waiter"
Ofelia: In the feminine is 'cameriera'.
Betsey: Or the job infermiere, which in English is "nurse"
Ofelia: ...In the feminine is infermiera
Betsey: Let's now look at another group of nouns.
Ofelia: Ok. The nouns that end in '–ista' never change. They are both feminine and masculine nouns.
Betsey: So in order to understand whether the job refers to a man or a woman, it is necessary to check the article before the noun.
Ofelia: Right, for example il giornalista is a male journalist while la giornalista is a female journalist.
Betsey: Let's listen to a sample sentence.
Ofelia: Sara è una dentista mentre Marco è un musicista.
Betsey: Sara is a dentist while Marco is a musician.
Ofelia: Let's now focus on nouns that end in –tore, whose feminine form ends in –trice.
Ofelia: Like attore
Betsey: actor
Ofelia: attrice
Betsey: actress.
Ofelia: Keep in mind that some nouns like muratore (construction worker) don't have a feminine counterpart.
Betsey: Ok, can you give a sample sentence of the -tore and -trice endings?
Ofelia: Mi piace l'attore di questo film, ma non mi piace l'attrice bionda.
Betsey: "I like the actor in this movie, but I don't like the blonde actress."
Ofelia: We'll now consider another group of nouns, those that end in –o.
Betsey: In the feminine, they end in –a
Ofelia: Like cuoco and cuoca
Betsey: Which mean "Chef"
Ofelia: Or fotografo and fotografa
Betsey: Which mean "Photographer."
Ofelia: Some occupation names become feminine by adding the suffix '–essa' [make the sound and spell out in English]
Betsey: For example?
Ofelia: Studente becomes studentessa
Betsey: This means "Student,"
Ofelia: Professore is a male teacher or professor, and professoressa is a female teacher or professor.
Betsey: Can you give us an example sentence here please?
Ofelia: La nuova professoressa è molto simpatica.
Betsey: The new teacher is very friendly.
Ofelia: Lastly, let's keep in mind that for some jobs there is no feminine version, so it is possible to add the word donna meaning "woman" to the job.
Betsey: For example…
Ofelia: Il medico or il medico donna
Betsey: Doctor.
Betsey: Let's hear that example again.
Ofelia: Il medico or il medico donna.
Betsey: Here another example.
Ofelia: Il soldato or il soldato donna
Betsey: Soldier
Ofelia: One more time. Il soldato or il soldato donna.
Betsey: Now listeners, make sure to check the lesson notes to reinforce what you've learned in this lesson.


Betsey: OK. That's all for this lesson.
Ofelia: Thank you all for listening! A presto!
Betsey: See you next time!

