
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Ciao a tutti! Sono Consuelo. Hi everybody! I’m Consuelo.
Welcome back to ItalianPod101.com’s Italiano in tre minuti, the fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Italian.
In the last lesson, we covered how to ask whether a bus is going to the right destination. Today, we are learning how to ask which stop is the next stop.
Are you ready? Cominciamo! Let's start!
Now, recently Italian buses have started using displays and making some announcements in Italian that inform the passengers where the bus will stop next.
Unfortunately, buses like that are in the minority. In case you don’t see any display or you don’t hear any announcement, you must be ready to ask someone.
You can ask the bus driver or a passenger, "What is the next stop?"
So in Italian, the word we use for "what" or "which" is quale; the third singular person of the verb "to be," essere, is è. “Stop” is fermata, which is a feminine noun, and the article and adjective "the next" switch into the feminine: la prossima.
Let’s recap. The whole sentence is Qual’è la prossima fermata?
(One more time, slowly: qual’è la prossima fermata?)
Since quale ends with a vowel and the verb è is a vowel, quale takes the apostrophe and drops the e.
Another way of inquiring could be asking whether your desired destination is the next stop.
In order to say that in Italian, you should ask La prossima fermata è…..? And here add the bus stop's name or the place.
(One more time, slowly: La prossima fermata è ..........?)
Let’s imagine we want to know whether the next stop is the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan because we want to see Da Vinci’s painting, The Last Supper.
La prossima fermata è Santa Maria delle Grazie?
Please remember that in both cases, you should first say scusi to draw someone’s attention.
So: Scusi, qual’è la prossima fermata? Scusi, la prossima fermata è Santa Maria delle Grazie?
Let’s now see a practical example. We are in Naples on a bus and we want to go to the famous square Piazza del Plebiscito, but the stop we should ask for is the close by Piazza Trento.
Here the background changes into the bus’s interior.
Consuelo: Scusi, qual’è la prossima fermata?
Passenger: Piazza Trento.
Consuelo: Ah bene, grazie.
Consuelo: Scusi, la prossima fermata è Piazza Trento?
Passenger: No, Piazza Trento è fra due fermate.
Consuelo: Ah, grazie mille.
Now it’s time for Consuelo’s tips.
Don’t shy away from asking people these questions. In Italy, it is very common for people to ask for and to give this kind of information on a bus, even among Italian citizens.
Please remember that "to get on a bus" in Italian is salire sull’autobus, and "to get off a bus" is scendere dall’autobus.
What does può scattarci una foto mean? Do you already know it? We’re going to learn this and much more in the next lesson.
See you in our next Italiano in tre minuti lesson!
Ciao alla prossima lezione!

