Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Welcome to Introduction to Italian.
My name is Alisha and I'm joined by...
Hi everyone! I'm Marika.
In *this* lesson, we'll focus on teaching you the most useful Italian words and phrases for absolute beginners!
Make sure you're repeating the words out loud after I say the examples!
Are you ready? Let's get started!
Expressing Thanks and Forgiveness
The best phrase to learn when studying a new language is one that expresses gratitude and appreciation. If you had to learn only a single phrase, this would be it!
We taught you this phrase in the first lesson of this series. Do you remember what it was?
It means "Thank you."
Keep repeating after Marika. Until you get it!
Your turn!
Once more.
Do you remember the trilled R? We talked about it in lesson 2. Even though it looks like the English R, the pronunciation is very different. Listen to how Marika is pronouncing this sound.
Altogether it's…
OK. One last time…
The next phrase we'll teach you is perhaps the second most useful phrase of all. It's use to apologize or to excuse yourself.
Mi scusi.
This means "excuse me" or "I'm sorry"
Mi scusi.
Use *this* phrase when you want to grab a waiter's attention, or when you're hustling through the busy streets of Rome!
Mi scusi.
Your turn!
Mi scusi.
Imagine you're on the street and you want to stop someone to ask them for directions, what do you say...?
Mi scusi.
OK. One last time...
Mi scusi.
Now you can say "thank you very much", "excuse me", and "I'm sorry" in Italian. Let's move on.
Where is...?
Asking where something is, is an incredibly important and useful thing to learn. You're going to need this when asking where the bathroom, the train station, or where the hotel is.
To ask where something is, just say...
Where is…?
and add the name of the place or location.
Dove means "where". è means "is". The apostrophe here has replaced the final E. This can happen when a word ending in a vowel is next to one beginning with a vowel.
If you want to ask "Where is the bathroom?" for example. it'd be...
Dov'è il bagno?
Where is the bathroom/toilet?
For the train station, it'll be...
Dov'è la stazione?
Where is the station?
And so on.
You can ask where anything is, simply by starting with...
And then adding the name of the place or location.
Now listen and repeat after Marika.
Your turn!
One last time.
OK. Now let's teach you some vocabulary so that you can use it in the sentence.
Here are some of the most common words you'll need to learn:
Dov'è il bagno?
“Where is the bathroom/toilet?”
Dov'è la stazione?
“Where is the station?”
If you ask someone this question, they'll direct you to the closest train station.
If you'd like to ask where a *specific* train station is, like Rome Termini station for example, simply place the location after "station"...
stazione Roma Termini - “Rome Termini station”
Dov'è la stazione Roma Termini?
“Where is Rome Termini station?”
hotel - “hotel”
Dov'è l'hotel?
“Where is the hotel?”
For a specific hotel, do the same as before, just place the name after "hotel"...
Hotel Eden - “Eden Hotel”
Dov'è l'Hotel Eden?
“Where is the Eden Hotel?”
supermercato - “supermarket”
Dov'è il supermercato?
You can where anything is in Italian, simply by saying...
and then adding the name of the place or location.
In this final lesson, you learned how to say "thank you", "excuse me", "I'm sorry", and to ask where something is in Italian.
And in this series, we introduced you to the basics of Italian pronunciation, grammar, writing, and more.
Let's conclude with some parting advice from Marika, and listen to some of her tips on how to learn Italian from a native Italian perspective.
Parting Advice - Insider Knowledge
The biggest mistake I see learners make is trying to 'master' Italian grammar before anything. While grammar *is* important, it's only really important at a more intermediate level. If you think about it, children learn how to speak their language well before they can actually read a grammar textbook. Your goal at this moment is to expand your vocabulary by learning words for everyday objects in Italian. You can then *use* those words to string them together to communicate!
The best way to learn Italian, like any language, is to expose yourself to the language as much as possible. In our day and age, technology allows you to immerse yourself in Italian. Watching Italian videos, reading blogs or websites in Italian, listening to podcasts... The possibilities are endless!
Watching Italian movies can help, but keep in mind that most people don't talk like that in everyday conversation.
Watching contemporary videos, such as our videos here at ItalianPod101, will ensure that you're learning real, applicable Italian in the fastest and most effective way.
You've reached the end of this Introduction to Italian course, but it's only the *beginning* of your journey to Italian fluency! Where do you go from here? Try our Innovative Italian series where we teach you beginner vocab and *even more* useful phrases! Or check out any of our other video series. We have many different categories for you to choose from.
Good luck as you continue learning Italian, and I'll see *you* in another video!

