
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Cinzia: Buongiorno a tutti and welcome to the sixth lesson of Impara l’Italiano con i Proverbi.
Marco: Learn Italian With Proverbs.
Cinzia: Buongiorno buongiorno. My name is Cinzia and I am joined today by our legendary Marco. Hi, Marco, how are you today?
Marco: I am legend - just joking. Hello Cinzia and welcome back everyone. I hope our listeners feel better than me today. I am so sad today.
Cinzia: Marco, why? What’s the matter? Don't make me worry, tell me.
Marco: Nah, just nothing too bad, Cinzia. Don’t worry, don't worry.
Cinzia: But no, tell me. What's happened to you? You look washed out. It looks as if you haven't been sleeping properly or something.
Marco: Ah, my God, that's the problem. I just don't sleep. I had such a hard time last month.
Cinzia: Why? What’s wrong?
Marco: What's wrong? You really want to know what's wrong? Okay, listen. My neighbor’s dog keeping barking all night and keeps me awake. Then in the morning, I always have to wake up so early for work. And then today, you won't believe what happened this morning…
Cinzia: Oh wow! Marc calm down please. Slow down. Do you want me to get you some chamomile?
Marco: There is nothing to laugh at my dear. You'd feel the same if you were in my shoes. Because “piove sempre sul bagnato” – “it always rains on the wet one.”
Cinzia: Oh, poor Marco, don’t be sad. And look we've even have our first proverb. You are so clever, Marco. Come one, would you like to give our listeners a little hint about the meaning? Although I am sure everyone caught the sense of your little tragedies.
Marco: Yes, exactly - tragedies. That's what is happening to me. And that's why “piove sempre sul bagnato” - you're under heavy rain, you are completely wet, dripping with water and it keeps raining cats, and literally dogs. And it never stops. When you think it cannot get any worst, it does get worst. It really does.
Cinzia: Oh, my poor Marco. Okay I see what you mean. I understand you. I completely know that feeling. It happens when you have too many things on your plate and they all seem froth with unsolvable problems. Then, just when you think you are about to overcome these obstacles, a new one, even bigger obstacle appears.
Marco: Oh yes, yes. It's the story of my life lately. You won’t believe me but it is not finished. This morning I woke up and found myself literally diving in my kitchen. Would you believe that?
Cinzia: What? Oh no! Please, oh my God. I can't believe it.
Marco: Yes, it's true. My kitchen was actually flooded.
Cinzia: Oh, Marco, it's the right moment to say it: “le disgrazie non vengono mai sole”.
Marco: Yes, true. “Woes never come alone.”
Cinzia: So we have another proverb now. Thank you Marco! It is so matched with the other one. And I am sure you would definitely agree with both today's proverb, don't you?
Marco: Of course I do. I am living proof of that.
Cinzia: Of course you are. And I know, my dear, so many troubles you have been through and such difficult moments you must be thinking "will it ever end?" But I also agree with our proverbs. And I also know that sometimes, it can also be difficult to go on. But you know what? Maybe I am a bit too positive. I think that even bad things happen for a reason.
Marco: Oh well, thanks Cinzia. Go on then, give me one single reason why my kitchen was a swimming pool. Why I can't sleep at night and why I’m always “sotto la pioggia della cattiva sorte” – “under the rain of bad luck.”
Cinzia: Oh my God. You sound so sad. Come on, maybe it is just a bad timing. Try to smile, first of all, my dear long face. And, I don't know, maybe you could try socializing with your neighbor’s dog.
Marco: Yeah, that would be the day. Thank you, Cinzia for your proverbial intervention.
Cinzia: Okay, okay.
Marco: And now let's take a look at today's vocabulary. First…
Cinzia: Piove.
Marco: It rains.
Cinzia: Piove. Piove.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: Sempre.
Marco: Always.
Cinzia: Sempre. Sempre.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: sul.
Marco: On, on the.
Cinzia: Sul. Sul.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: Bagnato.
Marco: Wet.
Cinzia: Bagnato. Bagnato.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: Le.
Marco: “The”, plural definite article.
Cinzia: Le. Le.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: Disgrazie.
Marco: Woes.
Cinzia: Disgrazie. Disgrazie.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: Non.
Marco: Not.
Cinzia: Non. Non.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: Vengono.
Marco: They come.
Cinzia: Vengono. Vengono.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: Mai.
Marco: Never.
Cinzia: Mai. Mai
Marco: And last word.
Cinzia: Sole.
Marco: “Alone”, feminine plural.
Cinzia: Sole. Sole. I think that's all for today's lesson. And thank you very much for joining us. Wish good luck to Marco and see you next time.
Marco: Grazie Cinzia. And thank you, dear listeners. Grazie a tutti and I am off to bed.
Cinzia: Ciao ciao.

Review Track

