
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Cinzia: Ciao. Hello and welcome to Learn Italian With Proverbs, brought to you by ItalianPod101.com. With us you are going to learn Italian and about Italian culture in a fun and interesting new way. Now, before we jump in remember to stop by ItalianPod101.com and there you will find the accompanying PDF and additional info in the post. If you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment. Buongiorno a tutti and welcome to the fifth lesson of Impara l’Italiano con i Proverbi - Learn Italian With Proverbs. Ciao a tutti, sono Cinzia.
Marco: Hello everyone. My name is Marco.
Cinzia: Ciao Marco. Come stai?
Marco: Bene, e tu?
Cinzia: Bene, grazie. Marco, would you like to tell me and our listeners today's first proverb please?
Marco: Yes, of course. Today’s first proverb is “a buon intenditor poche parole” – “a word to the wise”.
Cinzia: Oh, what a nice proverb! It reminds me how much tuning can exist between some people.
Marco: Hmm, yeah. Are we talking about us - I mean, me and you?
Cinzia: Yea, me and you and everyone we know; and all of our listeners as well. I mean, this proverb teaches us that sometimes with someone else you don't even need to speak. A wink or a look can be enough to understand each other, because intelligent people can take hints. They don't need to have everything explain to them at great length.
Marco: Oh yes, it can happen very often between good friends who are on the same wave length and are in tune with each other.
Cinzia: Yes. That's it Marco. And yea, I’d say we have a special way to be tuned, especially when we work.
Marco: Even if sometimes you do “orecchie da mercante” – “you turn a deaf ear.”
Cinzia: Ah, so you are introducing today's second proverb. Or are you really meaning what I think?
Marco: Well, I am introducing another proverb. But come on, Cinzia, be honest. Sometimes you do “orecchie da mercante” - which literally means "to do merchant ears"
Cinzia: Oh no Marco. Come on. It's not true! You are saying I sometimes pretend to not hear when you’re talking to me?
Marco: You said it.
Cinzia: No, no, no, no, no. Marco you know I have my head in the clouds. It's not because I don't want to listen what you say, but just because sometimes I get distracted.
Marco: Well, okay, okay. This time I trust you.
Cinzia: Okay, to close out today's lesson. We'd like you to practice the proverbs you have just learnt. We'll provide you with the English equivalent of the proverb and you're responsible for shouting it aloud. You’ll have a few second before we give you the answer.
Marco: A word to the wise.
Cinzia: “A buon intenditor poche parole. A buon intenditor poche parole. A buon intenditor poche parole”.
Marco: To turn a deaf ear.
Cinzia: “Fare orecchie da mercante. Fare orecchie da mercante. Fare orecchie da mercante”.
Marco: And I think that's all for today's lesson, right?
Cinzia: Not yet.
Marco: What's missing?
Cinzia: We have to tell our listeners that they have so many ways of practicing Italian on our website.
Marco: True. We have Flashcards, Line by Line audio, questions about the lesson and so much more.
Cinzia: Excellent Marco.
Marco: Have we finished now?
Cinzia: Yes, and thank you very much Marco and thank you very much everyone.
Marco: Stay tuned.
Cinzia: Or better, stay in tune. Ciao.
Marco: A presto.

Review Track

