
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Gina:Hi everyone, I’m Gina. Chiara:And I’m Chiara! Gina:And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Italian Vocabulary, Lesson 7! In this lesson you'll learn 5 essential words related to Food &Drink. These are five common Italian Vegetables. Hand picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at ItalianPod101.com
Gina:Chiara, what’s our first word? Chiara:pomodoro Gina:tomato Chiara:(slow) pomodoro (regular) pomodoro Gina:Listeners, please repeat: Chiara:pomodoro [pause - 5 sec.]
Tomatoes are the base of Italian cuisine. They are used raw in salads, and cooked in several types of sauces. -
Gina:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word. Chiara:(normal) Il pomodoro è un simbolo della cucina Italiana. Gina:Tomato is a symbol of Italian cuisine. Chiara:(slow) Il pomodoro è un simbolo della cucina Italiana.
Gina:Okay, what’s the next word? Chiara:melanzana Gina:eggplant Chiara:(slow) melanzana (regular) melanzana Gina:Listeners, please repeat: Chiara:melanzana [pause - 5 sec.]
Eggplants are used to prepare the famous "pasta alla norma", which is pasta with tomato and eggplant sauce. -
Gina:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word. Chiara:(normal) Le melanzane italiane sono rotonde e grosse. Gina:Italian eggplants are round and big. Chiara:(slow) Le melanzane italiane sono rotonde e grosse.
Gina:Okay, what’s the next word? Chiara:rucola Gina:arugula Chiara:(slow) rucola (regular) rucola Gina:Listeners, please repeat: Chiara:rucola [pause - 5 sec.]
Arugula is a plant native to the Mediterranean region. It is used as a leaf vegetable in salads or as a topping for pizza. -
Gina:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word. Chiara:(normal) La rucola ha un sapore amaro. Gina:Arugula has a bitter taste. Chiara:(slow) La rucola ha un sapore amaro.
Gina:Okay, what’s the next word? Chiara:cipolla Gina:onion Chiara:(slow) cipolla (regular) cipolla Gina:Listeners, please repeat: Chiara:cipolla [pause - 5 sec.]
Italian people use onions every day, raw in salads or browned as a base for almost any dish. -
Gina:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word. Chiara:(normal) La cipolla dà sapore a ogni piatto. Gina:Onion gives flavor to any dish. Chiara:(slow) La cipolla dà sapore a ogni piatto.
Gina:Okay, what’s the last word? Chiara:carciofo Gina:artichoke Chiara:(slow) carciofo (regular) carciofo Gina:Listeners, please repeat: Chiara:carciofo [pause - 5 sec.]
Artichokes are usually eaten marinated, stuffed, boiled, or as a topping for pizza. -
Gina:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word. Chiara:(normal) In Italia c'è un famoso liquore a base di carciofo. Gina:In Italy there is a famous liqueur made from artichoke. Chiara:(slow) In Italia c'è un famoso liquore a base di carciofo.
Gina:Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Chiara will give you the Italian - please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready?
Chiara:pomodoro [pause]Gina:tomato
Chiara:melanzana [pause]Gina:eggplant
Chiara:rucola [pause]Gina:arugula
Chiara:cipolla [pause]Gina:onion
Chiara:carciofo [pause]Gina:artichoke


Gina:There you have it - five Vegetables in Italy! We have more vocab lists available at ItalianPod101.com, so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, see you next time!

