
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Gina:Hi everyone, I’m Gina. Chiara:And I’m Chiara! Gina:And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Italian Vocabulary, Lesson 25! In this lesson you'll learn 5 essential words related to Fine arts. These are five well-known Italian Writers. Hand picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at ItalianPod101.com
Gina:Chiara, what’s our first word? Chiara:Dante Alighieri Gina:Dante Alighieri, a poet Chiara:(slow) Dante Alighieri (regular) Dante Alighieri Gina:Listeners, please repeat: Chiara:Dante Alighieri [pause - 5 sec.]
Dante Alighieri was the most important Italian poet of the Middle Ages and, maybe, of all time. His masterpiece is The Divine Comedy. -
Gina:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word. Chiara:(normal) Dante Alighieri è considerato il padre della lingua Italiana. Gina:Dante Alighieri is considered the "Father of the Italian language". Chiara:(slow) Dante Alighieri è considerato il padre della lingua Italiana.
Gina:Okay, what’s the next word? Chiara:Alessandro Manzoni Gina:Alessandro Manzoni, an Italian novelist and poet Chiara:(slow) Alessandro Manzoni (regular) Alessandro Manzoni Gina:Listeners, please repeat: Chiara:Alessandro Manzoni [pause - 5 sec.]
Alessandro Manzoni’s masterpiece, The Betrothed, is one of the greatest works in Italian literature. -
Gina:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word. Chiara:(normal) Gli studenti italiani di scuola superiore studiano I Promessi Sposi di Alessandro Manzoni a scuola. Gina:Italian high school students study Alessandro Manzoni's The Betrothed. Chiara:(slow) Gli studenti italiani di scuola superiore studiano I Promessi Sposi di Alessandro Manzoni a scuola.
Gina:Okay, what’s the next word? Chiara:Giovanni Boccaccio Gina:Giovanni Boccaccio, an important Renaissance poet Chiara:(slow) Giovanni Boccaccio (regular) Giovanni Boccaccio Gina:Listeners, please repeat: Chiara:Giovanni Boccaccio [pause - 5 sec.]
Giovanni Boccaccio is famous for The Decameron, a collection of 100 stories. -
Gina:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word. Chiara:(normal) Molti film basati su Il Decameron di Giovanni Boccaccio sono stati realizzati. Gina:Many movies have been released that are based on Giovanni Boccaccio's The Decameron. Chiara:(slow) Molti film basati su Il Decameron di Giovanni Boccaccio sono stati realizzati.
Gina:Okay, what’s the next word? Chiara:Umberto Eco Gina:Umberto Eco, a 20th century writer Chiara:(slow) Umberto Eco (regular) Umberto Eco Gina:Listeners, please repeat: Chiara:Umberto Eco [pause - 5 sec.]
Umberto Eco is one of the most important writers of the twentieth century. He's an author of novels, essays, academic texts and children books. -
Gina:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word. Chiara:(normal) Il romanzo più famoso di Umberto Eco è Il nome della rosa. Gina:Umberto Eco’s most famous novel is The Name of The Rose. Chiara:(slow) Il romanzo più famoso di Umberto Eco è Il nome della rosa.
Gina:Okay, what’s the last word? Chiara:Italo Calvino Gina:Italo Calvino, a post-war writer Chiara:(slow) Italo Calvino (regular) Italo Calvino Gina:Listeners, please repeat: Chiara:Italo Calvino [pause - 5 sec.]
Italo Calvino was a brilliant post-war writer, and author of novels and short stories. His style is very unique and several of his works are like fairy tales. His novel, If on a Winter's Night a Traveler, is considered his masterpiece.
Gina:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word. Chiara:(normal) Italo Calvino fu nominato per il premio Nobel per la letteratura. Gina:Italo Calvino was nominated for the Nobel Prize for literature. Chiara:(slow) Italo Calvino fu nominato per il premio Nobel per la letteratura.
Gina:Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Chiara will give you the Italian - please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready?
Chiara:Dante Alighieri [pause]Gina:Dante Alighieri, a poet
Chiara:Alessandro Manzoni [pause]Gina:Alessandro Manzoni, an Italian novelist and poet
Chiara:Giovanni Boccaccio [pause]Gina:Giovanni Boccaccio, an important Renaissance poet
Chiara:Umberto Eco [pause]Gina:Umberto Eco, a 20th century writer
Chiara:Italo Calvino [pause]Gina:Italo Calvino, a post-war writer


Gina:There you have it - five Writers in Italy! We have more vocab lists available at ItalianPod101.com, so be sure to check them out. Thanks for joining us for this series everyone, bye!

