Lesson Transcript

Okay, now it's your turn.
Do you remember how to say "I'd like to speak with [person]."
Vorrei parlare con [person].
Imagine you want to talk to a sales representative. Do you remember how to say “a sales representative?”
un rappresentante delle vendite, un rappresentante delle vendite
Say “I'd like to speak with a sales representative.”
Vorrei parlare con un rappresentante delle vendite.
Now say you want to talk to a sales representative and answer it.
Vorrei parlare con un rappresentante delle vendite.
Sì, solo un momento.
Now imagine you want to talk to the manager. Do you remember how to say “the manager?”
il dirigente, il dirigente
Say “I'd like to speak with the manager.”
Vorrei parlare con il dirigente.
Now say you want to talk to the manager and answer it.
Vorrei parlare con il dirigente.
Sì, solo un momento.
Now imagine you want to talk to customer service. Do you remember how to say “customer service?”
il servizio clienti, il servizio clienti
Say “I'd like to speak with customer service.”
Vorrei parlare con il servizio clienti.
Now say you want to talk to customer service and answer it.
Vorrei parlare con il servizio clienti.
Sì, solo un momento.
In this lesson, you learned new vocabulary and phrases you can use in your everyday life to talk on the phone.
You’re now able to answer the phone like a native speaker!
See you in the next lesson!

