
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to ItalianPod101.com. This is Business Italian for Beginners Season 1 Lesson 23 - Accepting an Invitation. I’m Eric.
Ofelia: Ciao, I'm Ofelia.
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn How to Accept an Invitation. The conversation takes place in an office break room.
Ofelia: It's between Carlo and Linda.
Eric: The speakers are co-workers, so they will use informal Italian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Carlo: Domani sera, dopo il lavoro, andiamo con tutti i colleghi a cenare in un nuovo ristorante. Ti andrebbe di unirti?
Linda: Certo, volentieri! Verso che ora?
Carlo: Verso le otto. Sai dov'è il ristorante?
Linda: No, non lo so.
Carlo: Allora ora ti inoltro il messaggio con l'indirizzo e la mappa del ristorante.
Eric: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Carlo: Domani sera, dopo il lavoro, andiamo con tutti i colleghi a cenare in un nuovo ristorante. Ti andrebbe di unirti?
Linda: Certo, volentieri! Verso che ora?
Carlo: Verso le otto. Sai dov'è il ristorante?
Linda: No, non lo so.
Carlo: Allora ora ti inoltro il messaggio con l'indirizzo e la mappa del ristorante.
Eric: Listen to the conversation with the English translation
Carlo: Tomorrow night, after work, we—all the colleagues—will go to dinner at a new restaurant. Would you like to join?
Linda: Sure, with pleasure! Around what time?
Carlo: Around eight. Do you know where the restaurant is?
Linda: No, I don't know.
Carlo: So I'll forward you the message with the address and the map of the restaurant.
Eric: Are after-work gatherings among colleagues common in Italy?
Ofelia: Not as common as in other countries. It also depends on how well coworkers get along, and on their average age and lifestyle.
Eric: What is such a gathering like?
Ofelia: It’s usually called cena tra colleghi, or “dinner with colleagues,” and is often held in a pizzeria, which is affordable for anyone. People gather once or twice a year, before holidays, or on special occasions, like someone’s retirement or promotion.
Eric: Are these gatherings formal?
Ofelia: In general these dinners are very informal and people are not expected to give speeches, unless they want to, but just enjoy the time together.
Eric: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Ofelia: domani sera [natural native speed]
Eric: tomorrow night
Ofelia: domani sera[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Ofelia: domani sera [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Ofelia: collega [natural native speed]
Eric: coworker
Ofelia: collega[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Ofelia: collega [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Ofelia: cenare [natural native speed]
Eric: to have dinner, to dine
Ofelia: cenare[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Ofelia: cenare [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Ofelia: unirsi [natural native speed]
Eric: to join
Ofelia: unirsi[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Ofelia: unirsi [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Ofelia: volentieri [natural native speed]
Eric: willingly, gladly, sure, with pleasure
Ofelia: volentieri[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Ofelia: volentieri [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Ofelia: verso [natural native speed]
Eric: around, toward
Ofelia: verso[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Ofelia: verso [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Ofelia: inoltrare [natural native speed]
Eric: to forward
Ofelia: inoltrare[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Ofelia: inoltrare [natural native speed]
Eric: And last..
Ofelia: mappa [natural native speed]
Eric: map
Ofelia: mappa[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Ofelia: mappa [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's have a closer look at the usage of one of the words from this lesson. The word is..
Ofelia: inoltrare
Eric: meaning "to forward." This is an important verb when talking about email.
Ofelia: Right, for example you can say.. Ho inoltrato la mail a tutti.
Eric: ..which means "I've forwarded the mail to everyone." What are the other useful verbs when talking about email?
Ofelia: Other useful verbs are rispondere,
Eric: “to reply”
Ofelia: eliminare
Eric: "to delete,"
Ofelia: archiviare
Eric: "to archive,"
Ofelia: And allegare,
Eric: Meaning "to attach." All these verbs usually appear in the imperative form in an email programme interface.
Ofelia: Right, because you are giving commands to the computer, so you will see Inoltra, Rispondi, Elimina, Archivia, Allega.
Eric: Is there any other vocab the listeners should know on this topic?
Ofelia: Yes, for example, oggetto,
Eric: "subject,"
Ofelia: destinatario,
Eric: "recipient,"
Ofelia: rubrica,
Eric: "address book"
Ofelia: that can be also called contatti,
Eric: Which means "contacts." Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn about How to Accept an Invitation. Going out with your colleagues or your business partners may be very useful sometimes to improve work relationships.
Ofelia: Let’s see how to invite someone and how to handle the invitation. In the dialogue, Carlo, after saying what kind of event there is going to be, asks Linda, Ti andrebbe di unirti?
Eric: meaning “Would you like to join us?”
Ofelia: In Italian, we often use the expression ti andrebbe di followed by an infinitive form to invite a friend out or to ask him or her to do something together with us.
Eric: You can use the same expression when you are talking with a colleague you know well.
Ofelia: The expression ti andrebbe di is made up of the pronominal particle ti that means "to you" and andrebbe, which is the conditional present of the verb andare, "to go."
Eric: You can translate the whole expression in English as "would you like" + infinitive.
Ofelia: Here is a different example – Ti andrebbe di pranzare insieme?
Eric: "Would you like to have lunch together?" Are there other expressions that can be used in similar circumstances?
Ofelia: A similar expression is cosa ne dici di followed by the infinitive form. You can use this expression similarly to the other one...
Eric: ...so can you say "What about having lunch together?"
Ofelia: Yes, you can say Cosa ne dici di pranzare insieme?
Eric: Can you use the same expressions when you are inviting someone who is not so close and you need to use formal Italian?
Ofelia: In that case, it’s better to avoid cosa ne dici di, because it sounds very friendly and direct, but you can use the other formula that turns it into formal Italian, Ti andrebbe di becomes Le andrebbe di.
Eric: Can you give us an example?
Ofelia: Let’s consider the same sentences we just talked about, for example Le andrebbe di unirsi?
Eric: “Would you like to join?” – polite
Ofelia: Le andrebbe di pranzare insieme?
Eric: "Would you like to have lunch together?" – polite. Ok, let’s talk about how to accept an invitation.
Ofelia: When you accept an invitation, be sure to show enthusiasm and expectation. For example, Linda says Certo, volentieri!
Eric: meaning “Sure, with pleasure!”
Ofelia: Other ways to accept an invitation would be Sì, mi farebbe piacere!
Eric: “Yes, I'd appreciate it!”
Ofelia: or also Assolutamente sì!
Eric: “Absolutely yes!” After accepting the invitation, be sure to get all the details about the invitation.
Ofelia: For example, you can ask about the hour, saying Verso che ora?
Eric: “Around what time?” Ok, let’s wrap up this lesson by giving a couple of sample sentences that are useful when inviting someone.
Ofelia: Cosa ne dici di organizzare una cena tra colleghi?
Eric: "What about organizing a dinner with our colleagues?"
Ofelia: Le andrebbe di unirsi a noi?
Eric: "Would you like to join us? (polite)"


Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time!
Ofelia: A presto!

