
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Marco: Hello, and welcome to ItalianPOD101.com, the fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Italian!
Consuelo: I'm Consuelo, and thanks again for being here with us for this Absolute Beginner S2 lesson.
Marco: In today's class, we will focus on the present progressive, gerundio, of -are verbs.
Consuelo: This conversation takes place on the hills of Firenze.
Marco: It's between Melissa, Ilaria, Alessio, and Alberto.
Consuelo: In this conversation, they will be speaking informal Italian.
Alessio: Avete fatto bene a chiamare, al bar non c'è nessuno oggi, sono tutti allo stadio.
Ilaria: Ovvio, ma è anche una giornata fantastica!
Alberto: Cosa state mangiando?
Melissa: Panini e fragole.
Alessio: Bene, noi abbiamo portato del vino, patatine e Carlo dal bar ci ha dato le pizzette.
Ilaria: Ben fatto. Siete venuti in motorino, noi siamo più sportive. Abbiamo usato la bici.
Alberto: Anche io sono sportivo, infatti sto ascoltando la partita alla radio.
Ilaria: O mio Dio! Spegnila subito!
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Alessio: Avete fatto bene a chiamare, al bar non c'è nessuno oggi, sono tutti allo stadio.
Ilaria: Ovvio, ma è anche una giornata fantastica!
Alberto: Cosa state mangiando?
Melissa: Panini e fragole.
Alessio: Bene, noi abbiamo portato del vino, patatine e Carlo dal bar ci ha dato le pizzette.
Ilaria: Ben fatto. Siete venuti in motorino, noi siamo più sportive. Abbiamo usato la bici.
Alberto: Anche io sono sportivo, infatti sto ascoltando la partita alla radio.
Ilaria: O mio Dio! Spegnila subito!
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Alessio: Avete fatto bene a chiamare, al bar non c'è nessuno oggi, sono tutti allo stadio.
Marco: You were right to call. There's nobody at the bar today; they're all at the stadium.
Ilaria: Ovvio, ma è anche una giornata fantastica!
Marco: It's obvious, but it's also a beautiful day!
Alberto: Cosa state mangiando?
Marco: What are you eating?
Melissa: Panini e fragole.
Marco: Sandwiches and strawberries.
Alessio: Bene, noi abbiamo portato del vino, patatine e Carlo dal bar ci ha dato le pizzette.
Marco: Good, we brought some wine and potato chips, and Carlo from the bar gave us some "pizzette."
Ilaria: Ben fatto. Siete venuti in motorino, noi siamo più sportive. Abbiamo usato la bici.
Marco: Well done. You came by scooter; we are sportier. We used the bicycle.
Alberto: Anche io sono sportivo, infatti sto ascoltando la partita alla radio.
Marco: I am sporty too; indeed, I'm listening to the match on the radio.
Ilaria: O mio Dio! Spegnila subito!
Marco: Oh my God! Turn it off, immediately!
Consuelo: The guys joined the girls for the picnic. How nice!
Marco: Yes, and they also brought wine, chips…and "pizzette." They are the "small pizzas" in Italy, right? I love them!
Consuelo: A "pizzetta" is a "pizza piccola piccola," usually sold in bars.
Marco: Italians often eat it as a snack!
Consuelo: Yep. So in this conversation, it sounds like they're having fun, but toward the end Ilaria is a bit angry.
Marco: I know why—because Alberto is listening to the match on the radio.
Consuelo: And when you say match in Italy, it's always soccer.
Marco: They also said that people were all at the stadium. This means it should be an important match.
Consuelo: Sure, but it's very annoying to listen to the voice of the reporter while you're talking to your friends. And this often happens in Italy.
Marco: Yes, Consuelo, I know what you mean.
Marco: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Consuelo: stadio [natural native speed]
Marco: stadium
Consuelo: stadio [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: stadio [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: ovvio [natural native speed]
Marco: obvious
Consuelo: ovvio [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: ovvio [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: giornata [natural native speed]
Marco: day
Consuelo: giornata [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: giornata [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: vino [natural native speed]
Marco: wine
Consuelo: vino [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: vino [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: patatine [natural native speed]
Marco: potato chips
Consuelo: patatine [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: patatine [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: pizzetta [natural native speed]
Marco: pizzetta
Consuelo: pizzetta [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: pizzetta [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: sportivo [natural native speed]
Marco: sporty
Consuelo: sportivo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: sportivo [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: Dio [natural native speed]
Marco: God
Consuelo: Dio [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: Dio [natural native speed]
Marco: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Marco: Consuelo, what word are we studying today?
Consuelo: Today we're studying the word "Dio."
Marco: "God." Are we talking about religion?
Consuelo: Ehm, no, but in Italian we have some expressions using this word that are frequently used.
Marco: True. For example?
Consuelo: "Oh mio Dio!"
Marco: "Oh my God."
Consuelo: "Per l'amor di Dio!"
Marco: "For God's sake!"
Consuelo: "Grazie a Dio."
Marco: "Thank God."
Consuelo: "Dio solo lo sa!"
Marco: "Only God knows!"
Consuelo: Lastly, when talking about a place, we have "dimenticato da Dio."
Marco: Ah, "godforsaken." Thank you, Consuelo, this was very interesting!
Consuelo: You'll hear these sentences a lot in Italy!

Lesson focus

Consuelo: Let's take a look at today's grammar point.
Marco: In today's lesson, we're focusing on the present progressive.
Consuelo: In Italian, it is the "gerundio."
Marco: In English, it is the "-ing" form, as in "I am walking" or "the cat is sleeping." It expresses an action that is occurring at that moment.
Consuelo: The present progressive in Italian is composed of the verb "stare"…
Marco: "To stay" or "to be."
Consuelo: Plus the gerund of the main verb.
Marco: How can we form the gerund in Italian?
Consuelo: In order to make the gerund of "-are" verbs, we drop this stem and add "-ando."
Marco: For example?
Consuelo: Like for "parlare," it becomes "parlANDO."
Marco: "To talk" or "to speak"; it becomes "speaking."
Consuelo: When forming "gerundio," basically all "-are" verbs are regular, but "fare," meaning "to do," is irregular.
Marco: How is it at "gerundio?"
Consuelo: It becomes "facendo." "Io sto facendo."
Marco: Let's make some examples of sentences at the "gerundio."
Consuelo: Okay, sure. The verb "suonare," meaning "to play," is "suonando." "Marco sta suonando la chitarra."
Marco: "Marco is playing guitar." I can't play guitar, but...
Consuelo: It doesn't matter, let's go on.
Marco: Next we have "fare," which means "to do," which becomes, as we've just said, "facendo."
Consuelo: "Sto facendo i compiti."
Marco: "I'm doing homework." I'm a good guy.
Consuelo: Please remember that the "gerundio" of reflexive verbs requires the reflexive pronoun that always precedes "stare."
Marco: For instance?
Consuelo: Take the reflexive verb "svegliarsi," meaning "to wake up." "Luisa si sta svegliando."
Marco: "Luisa is waking up."
Consuelo: In our conversation, we had two phrases at "gerundio." One was "cosa state mangiando?"
Marco: "What are you eating?" With the verb "mangiare," meaning "to eat."
Consuelo: The other was "Sto ascoltando la partita alla radio."
Marco: "I'm listening to the match on the radio." Here we had the verb "to listen."
Consuelo: "Ascoltare."
Marco: Consuelo, let's listen to the conjugation for this verb at "gerundio."
Consuelo: Okay, let's start. "Io sto ascoltando."
Marco: "I am listening."
Consuelo: "Tu stai ascoltando."
Marco: "You are listening."
Consuelo: "Lui/Lei sta ascoltando."
Marco: "He/She/It is listening."
Consuelo: "Noi stiamo ascoltando."
Marco: "We are listening."
Consuelo: "Voi state ascoltando."
Marco: "You are listening."
Consuelo: "Loro stanno ascoltando."
Marco: "They are listening."
Consuelo: "Bene, Marco, cosa stai facendo?" "What are you doing?"
Marco: "Sto parlando con te!" "I'm talking to you."


Marco: That just about does it for today.
Marco: Listeners, do you know the reason flashcards are so popular?
Consuelo: It's because they work!
Marco: We've taken this time-tested studying tool and modernized with My Wordbank Flashcards!
Consuelo: Learn vocabulary using your eyes and ears!
Marco: It's simple and powerful. Save difficult and interesting words to your personal vocabulary list called My Wordbank.
Consuelo: Master words in your My Wordbank by practicing with Flashcards.
Marco: Words in My Wordbank come with audio, so you learn proper pronunciation.
Consuelo: While you learn to recognize words by sight!
Marco: Go to ItalianPod101.com now, and try My Wordbank and Flashcards today!

