Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Desiree: Hi guys, I am Desiree and today we are going to do the top 25 Italian nouns. Let’s start with the first one.
• Cosa “Thing”
Cosa means thing. So you can use it to ask about something you don’t really know the name of like Che cosa è quello? what’s that thing but in Italian, it is really useful because you can use it when you don’t understand what someone said like Cosa? what, can you repeat it? That’s the meaning of cosa. Also you can use it to say in different situation like what are you going to do tonight Cosa farai stasera? or Cosa ti piace mangiare? what do you like to eat?
• Anno “Year”
Anno means year and you can use it to ask how old are you so Quanti anni hai?
• Uomo “Man”
who is that man? Chi è quell'uomo? That man is my father. Quell'uomo è mio padre.
• Giorno “Day”
Giorno means day and you can use it to know which day of the week are you in like Che giorno è oggi? which day is it today Lunedi or you can say Buongiorno that means good day or good morning.
• Volta “Time”
Volta means time like let me pay this time Fai pagare me questa volta. or once upon a time C’era una volta... . Also we have a way of using that but it’s a bit scary like I remember my teacher saying to me Questa volta passi, ma la prossima... and this is not a good sign anyway. So it means this time it is okay but the next one... and they don’t finish the phrase that it’s the most scary thing. But be careful not to use volta asking for what time is it because that’s a different word and it will be Che ore sono?
• Casa “Home”
Casa can be big or small but the best thing is when people tell you that your casa is accogliente that means that they feel that they are home even if it’s not. So you can say do you want to come to my home tonight Vuoi venire a casa mia stasera?
• Parte “Part”
Parte means part. So it can be the first part of a movie La prima parte di un film. or when you take part in something, so some kind of events prendi parte a degli eventi.
• Vita “Life”
Vita means life. Life is beautiful La vita e bella. or if you say Vita mia! it would be like you are my life.
• Tempo “Weather”
Tempo means weather but be careful because tempo also means time but in this case, it means weather. So Il tempo è bello oggi. means the weather is nice today. Yes.
• Donna “Woman”
Donna means woman and what kind of woman would you like to be Che tipo di donna vorresti essere? talking about me, I am the kind of woman who likes shoes. Sono il tipo di donna a cui piacciono le scarpe.
• Mano “Hand”
Mano means hand and La mia mano è grossa. my hand is big or my hand is small. La mia mano è piccola. In Italian, you can ask for a girl’s hand. That means if she wants to marry you. So Posso avere la tua mano? can I have your hand Posso avere la tua mano?
• Occhio “Eye”
Occhio means eye. My eyes are blue I miei occhi sono blu. but we use it also to say watch out. So if you are in the street and a car is coming and people will say Occhio! that means watch out!
• Ora “Time”
Ora means time and you use that to ask what time is it. Che ora è? or you can also hear people saying Che ore sono?. So in the plural way but the meaning is the same. Ora also means now. Something that is happening right now. So are we going? Yes Stiamo andando? Si. When? Quando? Ora. it’s strong. A strong way to say right now, now we are going.
• Signore “Mister”
Signore means mister. So you use that with people that you don’t really know, maybe you can say Mi scusi signore! Excuse me Mr. and then add your info that you need to know. Even if it’s not the same in English, in Italian, if you see Signore written with a big S, it can refer to God.
• Paese “Country”
Paese means country and when people ask you Da che paese vieni? where are you from, even if they don’t mention the word paese it still means where are you from, which country are you from. Also we have a way of saying that Paese che vai, usanza che trovi. it means country you go, tradition that you find. So basically it means that every country has its own culture.
• Momento “Moment”
Momento means moment. So can you wait a moment please Puoi aspettare un momento per favore?
• Modo “Way”
Like what’s the best way to get the promotion Qual è il modo migliore per avere una promozione? that’s good question. My tip is just be yourself so you don’t stress too much. If it goes well, it’s okay, otherwise you didn’t lost anything.
• Parola “Word”
Parola means word. So how do you say this word Come dici questa parola? Also in Italian, if someone is not talking anymore, you can ask them, did you lose your words, Hai perso la parola?
• Padre “Father”
Padre means father. For example, my father is a judo teacher Mio padre è un insegnante di judo it’s fun to do sports with my father E' divertente fare sport con mio padre. If you are talking with your dad, you would say papa. Padre is a bit formal.
• Punto “Point”
Punto means point but for us, it’s more like dot, because we are refer it to what you put at the end of the phrase, but if you are discussing something, you can say, the point is Il punto è... when you would say we are done in English. In Italian, it can be Punto. that’s it Basta, non voglio più parlarne. Punto. stop it, I don’t’ want to talk anymore, that’s it.
• Lavoro “Job”
Lavoro means job. So what’s your job Qual è il tuo lavoro? I work at the airport. So Il mio lavoro è all'aeroporto.
• Stato “State”
Stato it means state has two meanings. The first one can be Sono in uno stato pietoso. that means like I am in a really bad state, don’t look at me. I just finished my daily jogging and just the state I’m in. The second one is where do you come from, so which state are you from. Il mio stato è l'Italia. So my state is Italy.
• Caso “Case”
Caso means case and here too, we have different meanings. The first one can be by accident, so by chance. We met by chance L'ho incontrato per caso. or case like it depends case by case Dipende caso per caso. and the last one it can be I didn’t pay attention Non c'ho fatto caso. I am not sure about that, I don’t know.
• città “Town”
Città means town. Da che città vieni? which town do you come from or also La mia città e al nord dell'Italia. My city is in the north of Italy.
• Animale “Animal”
Animale means animal, what’s your favorite animal? My favorite one is a Panda. Qual è il tuo animale preferito? Il mio animale preferito è il panda.
That’s it for today guys with the top 25 Italian nouns and remember to subscribe Ciao!

