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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Welcome to 3-Minute Italian Season 1, Lesson 23 - Asking for the bill. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to ask for the bill and check the change in Italian.
Becky: Here's the way to ask 'Can you bring the bill?' Note that in Italian, the usage of the word meaning "please" is more limited than in English, which is why why we don’t use it here.
Ofelia: [Normal] Può portare il conto?
Becky: First is a word meaning 'you can (polite)'
Ofelia: [Normal] può [Slow] può
Becky: Next is the word meaning 'to bring'
Ofelia: [Normal] portare [Slow] portare
Becky: Next is the word meaning 'the'
Ofelia: [Normal] il [Slow] il
Becky: Last is the word meaning 'bill'
Ofelia: [Normal] conto [Slow] conto
Becky: Note the rising intonation. Listen again to the question meaning 'Can you bring the bill?'
Ofelia: [Slow] Può portare il conto? [Normal] Può portare il conto?
Becky: Now, here's the way to ask, 'Where can one pay?'
Ofelia: [Normal] Dove si paga?
Becky: First is a word meaning 'where'
Ofelia: [Normal] dove [Slow] dove
Becky: Last is the phrase meaning 'one pays,’ or ‘you pay’ in the impersonal form
Ofelia: [Normal] si paga [Slow] si paga
Becky: Note again the rising intonation. Listen again to the question meaning 'Where can one pay?'
Ofelia: [Slow] Dove si paga? [Normal] Dove si paga?
Becky: Here's a polite way to say 'Excuse me, the change is wrong.'
Ofelia: [Normal] Scusi, il resto è sbagliato.
Becky: First is a word meaning 'you excuse (polite)'
Ofelia: [Normal] scusi [Slow] scusi
Becky: Next is the word meaning 'the'
Ofelia: [Normal] il [Slow] il
Becky: Next is the word meaning 'change'
Ofelia: [Normal] resto [Slow] resto
Becky: Next is the word meaning 'is'
Ofelia: [Normal] è [Slow] è
Becky: Last is the word meaning 'wrong'
Ofelia: [Normal] sbagliato [Slow] sbagliato
Becky: Listen again to the way to say, 'Excuse me, the change is wrong.'
Ofelia: [Slow] Scusi, il resto è sbagliato. [Normal] Scusi, il resto è sbagliato.
Becky: Here's a polite way to say, 'Keep the change.'
Ofelia: [Normal] Tenga il resto.
Becky: First is a word meaning 'you keep’ in the polite form
Ofelia: [Normal] tenga [Slow] tenga
Becky: Next is the word meaning 'the'
Ofelia: [Normal] il [Slow] il
Becky: Last is the word meaning 'change'
Ofelia: [Normal] resto [Slow] resto
Becky: Listen again to the way to say, 'Keep the change.'
Ofelia: [Slow] Tenga il resto. [Normal] Tenga il resto.
Cultural Insight
Becky: Now it's time for a quick cultural insight.
Ofelia: As we mentioned at the beginning, the usage of per favore, meaning “please”, in Italian is not as common as in English. This is also because cordiality and friendliness in the Italian culture are considered part of your attitude towards other people, more than how correctly you can speak!


Becky: And that’s all for this lesson. Don’t forget to check out the lesson notes, and we’ll see you in the next lesson!
Ofelia: Ciao!

