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Vegetarian In Italy

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Vegetarian In Italy

Postby Krista » February 22nd, 2008 4:37 am

As a vegetarian in Italy, it was easy to find lots of wonderful things to eat, but sometimes I was served meat even when I'd explain that I didn't eat meat or seafood. :( One waitress who brought me some prosciutto looked at me like I was crazy and actually told me it wasn't meat! :shock: I'm moving back to Italy -- Napoli, this time :D -- and I need to learn the correct phrases and words to explain that I don't eat meat or seafood of any type, so I won't be a frustration to restaurant staff or my new Italian friends. :D

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Postby roma55 » April 13th, 2008 1:09 pm

Ciao Krista!

I sympathise, as the concept of vegetarianism is not diffuse in Italy although there are notable exceptions in Tuscany.

I hope a lesson on how to get what you want will soon be scheduled but for the moment may I give you a suggestion?

Rather than say, 'sono vegetariana' you may have better luck explaining: 'mangio solo verdure, senza prodotti animali'

Auguri per il tuo viaggio


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Postby Krista » April 14th, 2008 12:20 am

Oh yeah, that should work! Thanks, Roma55! :)

Here in Japan it's recommended to go down the list explaining all the things you won't/can't eat.

So "senza prodotti animali" will definitely cover seafood, too?

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Postby roma55 » April 14th, 2008 12:33 pm


Yes, it will cover seafood.

I realise however, that, unless you are a vegan, the above phrase also covers the exclusion of eggs and cheese, so you can add to it:

'..eccetto formaggio e uova.' [=except for eggs and cheese].

You live in Japan? ii naa!



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Postby Krista » April 15th, 2008 12:36 am

Thanks again! :)

Yes, we've been in Japan for three years and it's been great. We're even part of an American taiko team called Dragon-Eagle Taiko (led by a wonderful Japanese woman), and we will really miss that and the friends we've made here. Japan has been a wonderful tour, but I can't deny I'm thrilled about getting back to Italy. 8) In fact, our taiko teacher (who is also our friend now) wants us to find a place/position in Italy teaching Japanese culture. Interestingly enough, it seems that will be easy. I've found at least three associations/organizations in Italy who do just that. Japanese culture seems to be popular in Italy, so she may be following us to Italy. Yey! :D

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Re: Vegetarian In Italy

Postby woolmerb63_81134 » March 24th, 2015 6:17 am

Hi, I've been studying italian and I still get a bit confused by reflexive verbs. After all, they are one of the hardest things for native english speakers to understand. It would be great
if you did a grammer lesson or something that helped people with reflexive verbs. :)

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Re: Vegetarian In Italy

Postby ofeliadgrd » March 25th, 2015 6:51 am

Hi woolmerb63,

We have already many lessons about the reflexive verbs.
One of those is this one: ... an-lesson/

Please enjoy!
Thank you,

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