Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Ciao a tutti, sono Felice Angelini, welcome to another Italian Whiteboard lesson.
In this lesson you'll learn how to say the days of the week in Italian, let's get started!
Ok, let's look at the vocabulary.
First we have lunedì, Monday, lunedì,
martedì, Tuesday, martedì,
mercoledì, Wednesday, mercoledì,
giovedì, Thursday, giovedì,
venerdì, Friday, venerdì,
sabato, Saturday, sabato,
domenica, Sunday, domenica, domenica.
Let's look at the dialogue.
When I read, I want you to pay attention to the day of the week, find it and see how it's used in the dialogue.
Che giorno è oggi? What day is it today?
Oggi è mercoledì. Today is Wednesday.
Now let's look at some examples.
Oggi è martedì. Today is Tuesday.
Oggi è sabato. Today is Saturday.
Now let's look at the sentence pattern. This pattern will be the structure that our dialogue
and our examples will follow.
Oggi è [day of the week].
Today is [day of the week].
Oggi è mercoledì.
Oggi è martedì. Oggi è sabato.
The days of the week in Italian are named after celestial bodies and ancient deities.
For example, martedì, Tuesday, means day of Mars, the Roman god of war.

